
i am so nervous for my fnab today. i am hoping the fact that i am very sleepy will help take the edge off, i do not do needles very well :( Anyone know how long it takes for the pathology to come back on these things?


  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    Thinking of you..

    Thinking of you..

  • jessiesmom1
    jessiesmom1 Member Posts: 915 Member
    Biopsy TODAY
    I cannot blame you for being nervous. Whenever you are undergoing a scan, test, procedure, etc. whose point is looking to see if cancer exists (or not)it is nerve-wracking. On the other hand while all labs are different, I think most will have the results to your doctor in about 3 days. You will have to get the results from your doctor. The lab does not usually send the pathology report directly to the patient. Of course, I am sure that some labs somewhere may do just that. Since you are having the biopsy done on a Thursday, I would give your doctor a call after noon on Monday to see if they have received the report. Good luck, take a deep breath and keep us posted.

  • stacy_harp
    stacy_harp Member Posts: 44

    Biopsy TODAY
    I cannot blame you for being nervous. Whenever you are undergoing a scan, test, procedure, etc. whose point is looking to see if cancer exists (or not)it is nerve-wracking. On the other hand while all labs are different, I think most will have the results to your doctor in about 3 days. You will have to get the results from your doctor. The lab does not usually send the pathology report directly to the patient. Of course, I am sure that some labs somewhere may do just that. Since you are having the biopsy done on a Thursday, I would give your doctor a call after noon on Monday to see if they have received the report. Good luck, take a deep breath and keep us posted.


    Dr tried to aspirate and nothing came out to which he said he was moving on to a solid mass biopsy. He took 7 core samples. i am bandaged and iced but in considerable pain.
  • jessiesmom1
    jessiesmom1 Member Posts: 915 Member

    Dr tried to aspirate and nothing came out to which he said he was moving on to a solid mass biopsy. He took 7 core samples. i am bandaged and iced but in considerable pain.

    Biopsy recovery
    I remember sitting propped up in bed with ice packs on my chest on more than one occasion. I was told 20 minutes on and then 20 minutes off as I recall. They don't want you to get frostbite on top of everything else. Hopefully you were given a prescription for some kind of pain medication. I have a substantial pharmacy due to various biopsies and surgeries. I had a fine needle aspiration, excision biopsy, and a complete axillary dissection amongst other things. I am hoping that is now all behind me. Hopefully you will get good results in the upcoming pathology report. I know that waiting is difficult.

  • stacy_harp
    stacy_harp Member Posts: 44

    Biopsy recovery
    I remember sitting propped up in bed with ice packs on my chest on more than one occasion. I was told 20 minutes on and then 20 minutes off as I recall. They don't want you to get frostbite on top of everything else. Hopefully you were given a prescription for some kind of pain medication. I have a substantial pharmacy due to various biopsies and surgeries. I had a fine needle aspiration, excision biopsy, and a complete axillary dissection amongst other things. I am hoping that is now all behind me. Hopefully you will get good results in the upcoming pathology report. I know that waiting is difficult.


    the waiting is making me NUTS! I keep telling myself it could still be B9 and just because they took samples and it wouldnt aspirate doesnt mean anything.... but my mind is RACING!
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    the waiting is making me NUTS! I keep telling myself it could still be B9 and just because they took samples and it wouldnt aspirate doesnt mean anything.... but my mind is RACING!

    sending vibes for good
    sending vibes for good news.those biopies can be painful. I think it took 3-5 days for my results to come back. gosh I hate that feeling. Hugs!
  • stacy_harp
    stacy_harp Member Posts: 44
    carkris said:

    sending vibes for good
    sending vibes for good news.those biopies can be painful. I think it took 3-5 days for my results to come back. gosh I hate that feeling. Hugs!

    Someone (not a Dr) told me that if it is cancer they will call me within 24-48 hrs. Is this right? Dr told me 3-5 days. Should I be concerned that no fluid came out? If they don't call me in 3 days should I breathe a little easier?
    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member

    Someone (not a Dr) told me that if it is cancer they will call me within 24-48 hrs. Is this right? Dr told me 3-5 days. Should I be concerned that no fluid came out? If they don't call me in 3 days should I breathe a little easier?

    Call Monday!
    Hi Stacy,

    I agree with Irene. If you don't hear by Monday, I would call the doctor's office inquiring if the results of your core biopsies came in.

    In the early years, I waited for the doctor's call. Now I go to medical records for a copy of the results of tests, scans or even doctor's notes. All you have to do is sign a paper that you want them.

    FNB aren't very reliable from my own experience. Mine always came back inconclusive. Sometimes FNB is sort of hitting a target in the dark. I wouldn't worry about your doctor not being able to aspirate anything. I have had a core biopsy done with better results.

    Hoping it will be B9 for you.


  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    carkris said:

    sending vibes for good
    sending vibes for good news.those biopies can be painful. I think it took 3-5 days for my results to come back. gosh I hate that feeling. Hugs!

    Hoping that you will hear
    Hoping that you will hear good news! Post as soon as you can to let us know!

    Hugs, Lex
  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
    Alexis F said:

    Hoping that you will hear
    Hoping that you will hear good news! Post as soon as you can to let us know!

    Hugs, Lex

    I've had needle biopsies
    I've had needle biopsies and no problems.In fact I didn't feel the needle but when they did the samples they warned me I would hear something.Didn't feel anyting but the doctor did tell me when he was taking a sample.Just so I wouldn't be alarmed.

    With the needle biopsies I drove home and my friend was with me.Very little t later that day.The only thing I had to take it easy for the first 24 hours.

    Lynn Smith
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member

    Dr tried to aspirate and nothing came out to which he said he was moving on to a solid mass biopsy. He took 7 core samples. i am bandaged and iced but in considerable pain.

    We are all so different!
    The only pain I had with my needle biopsies were when he injected the lidocaine (or whatever numbing stuff he used). I did feel pressure but not pain. It all happened quite rapidly - saw my PA at. 11, was at Radiology for a new Mammo at 1 that afternoon, told to wait in the Waiting Room, called back in for a Sono, Dr D. came in and said we're doing biopsies which he did and I left about 3. No pain or discomfort - had bandaides over the insertion sites - that was it. He told me he'd have the path. the next morning - called me at 8 with the results - IBC which basically all already knew anyway.

    We are each so unique and there is no way to know how we or our bodies will react to anything. So far for me, my Colonoscopy was by for more painful than my mod. rad. mast., took longer to do the part that they accomplished doing than mast. and it was the only time I've had any issues with anethesia but they admitted that used more than they should have. Oh well - it's done and over and we move on.

  • stacy_harp
    stacy_harp Member Posts: 44
    Rague said:

    We are all so different!
    The only pain I had with my needle biopsies were when he injected the lidocaine (or whatever numbing stuff he used). I did feel pressure but not pain. It all happened quite rapidly - saw my PA at. 11, was at Radiology for a new Mammo at 1 that afternoon, told to wait in the Waiting Room, called back in for a Sono, Dr D. came in and said we're doing biopsies which he did and I left about 3. No pain or discomfort - had bandaides over the insertion sites - that was it. He told me he'd have the path. the next morning - called me at 8 with the results - IBC which basically all already knew anyway.

    We are each so unique and there is no way to know how we or our bodies will react to anything. So far for me, my Colonoscopy was by for more painful than my mod. rad. mast., took longer to do the part that they accomplished doing than mast. and it was the only time I've had any issues with anethesia but they admitted that used more than they should have. Oh well - it's done and over and we move on.


    I only had the pinch and burn with the lidocaine but I had a lot of pressure with the samples taken. All in all it wasn't bad, worked myself up over nothing :) will be calling this morning to see if the results are back.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    I only had the pinch and burn with the lidocaine but I had a lot of pressure with the samples taken. All in all it wasn't bad, worked myself up over nothing :) will be calling this morning to see if the results are back.

    Glad to know that your experience
    was not as bad as you'd imagined. Not a pleasant experience, I know - but, doable.

    Please let us know when you hear something.

    Good luck with obtaining information today.

    Strength, Courage and Hope.

    Vicki Sam
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member

    I only had the pinch and burn with the lidocaine but I had a lot of pressure with the samples taken. All in all it wasn't bad, worked myself up over nothing :) will be calling this morning to see if the results are back.

    Hoping that you will call
    Hoping that you will call today and that you will get the best results!
  • stacy_harp
    stacy_harp Member Posts: 44
    Noel said:

    Hoping that you will call
    Hoping that you will call today and that you will get the best results!

    Results weren't ready today. She told me to call back after 430 tomorrow ?!?!?
  • deewill50
    deewill50 Member Posts: 4
    My prayers are with you, i
    My prayers are with you, i know the feelings, had the nerves a couple of weeks ago for my first chemo, but GOD is great! Many many blessing to you.
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member

    Results weren't ready today. She told me to call back after 430 tomorrow ?!?!?

    I am praying that you will
    I am praying that you will get good news!

    Sue :)
  • stacy_harp
    stacy_harp Member Posts: 44
    Pathology results
    Results came back as Atypical High Risk Cells. I meet with surgeon Monday to schedule lumpectomy with clear margins to determine exactly what were dealing with.
  • stacy_harp
    stacy_harp Member Posts: 44

    Pathology results
    Results came back as Atypical High Risk Cells. I meet with surgeon Monday to schedule lumpectomy with clear margins to determine exactly what were dealing with.

    Pathology Report says :
    Pathology Report says : Phyllodes Tumor?? Any ideas? I can't bring myself to google.