My hat is off to you all.
One of the things I really like about this discussion board is that we are all in different places at different times in our struggle with this nasty beast. Some days we have chemo brain and others we are functioning fairly well. The beauty of it is that on any given day there is bound to be enough people here with enough…
Anybody else having problems getting here?
For the last 2 days it's been hard to get in here for me - maybe 1 out of 6 or 7 tries does it go through. Anybody else having problems?
I am so scared
I am a 49 years old woman with history of cystic breast. Last week I went for my annual Mammogram and Sonogram and the Radiologist told me that she saw one area on my right breast that required a needed aspiration to determine what it is. When I asked if that are can be cancer she said yet. I am going out of my mined with…
Texasgirl 10 Update!
The cancer is NOT spreading!! Dr is changing chemo to FEC. Dawne said she would have cardiac test weekly. I am sure some of you know more about this than I do. She was really tired and still not feeling well. She was going home to rest some before chemo at 1. I will let you know more when I do. Thank you, thank you, for…
Just diagnosed with DCIS and scared
Was diagnosed in March via a mammography. Looked very small and contained, receptor positive, o stage. Had lumpectomy April 5th and pathology report was discussed on the 11th. Tissue came back with 3separate quadrants showing low grade DCIS in 2 and intermediate in 1 area. Doctor tells me I can't have another lumpectomy…
Triple Negative Breast Cancer
Is there anyone who has been diagnosed and treated for Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC)? I am about to finish up 10 months of treatment and I have not yet one woman in my community with this type of cancer. Just curious to speak with another TNBC survivor. Thanks!
Please,please tell me where my 2 posters are
Hi everyone, I mailed out a 3 piece poster back in september, this was my VERY special birthday present to myself. So far I only got one piece back. I really would like to frame it and marvel at the beautiful souls that have signed it for me. This board has been my lifeline during my treatment. Can you please let me know…
Arimidex and thinning hair.
I have been on Arimidex for more than 3 years. Since May I have lost 30 pounds and are finally a healthy weight. Over the past few months, my hair is much thinner on top. Anyone else experience this? It wasn't a problem when I was overweight. Roseann
Stage 4 breast cancer
My wife has stage 4 breast cancer(metastases to bone/lungs). We are considering going to Burzynski Institute in Houston, Texas for an alternative to her current chemo/RT. Has anyone had any experience at Burzynski personally...or know of anyone who has?...thank you...Dana
You girls are too wonderful
A BEAUTIFUL bouquet of flowers arrived on my door step Wednesday along with a wonderful note from the kindreds. Seriously, y'all are too sweet! It is displayed on my dining room table and continues to bring a smile to my face. I had a long day of appointments/procedures yesterday, but I got some good news as well! I had a…
Aunt Diagnosed- but doctors still have not told us what stage
Hello, My husband's Aunt Eileen recently found out she has breast cancer. The doctor called her and told her OVER THE PHONE!!! So this is not off to a good start by any means. She was informed over two weeks ago now. She has been back to the doctors twice to receive NO additional information. My Mother is a 15 year…
Cousins Ultrasound results.....
So the Ultrasound was done on Friday and the Dr. says the lump she/they felt was her Rib. Huh? Anyone here that can explain this to me? I don't understand (I have only heard from her via text)
How's our Chen?
Chen- I see you post very rarely any more. How are you doing? Please let us know. I'm thinking of you and hope treatments are going well. Hugs, Suzanne
Have you ever noticed....
I don't mean to mock Seinfeld...it just works out that way. I have grown to think of my experience with chemotherapy as a system reboot. There are no doubt lots of lessons for me to glean through this whole @#$%! cancer journey that with the benefit of hindsight and a decent single malt scotch I may get around to pondering…
Burzynski Institute
Has anyone had any experience with Burzynski Institute in Houston, TX for treatment of breast cancer...or know anyone we may communicate with that has been treated there...my wife has Stage IV breast cancer(mets to sternum/lungs)...reading different sources give conflicting reports...have not actually communicated with…
Triple Negative Pinks: more good information from Teleconference
I had posted information on a Triple Negative BC: Medical Update Teleconference that was last Tuesday. A number of you were interested, but couldn't make the time. There is a lot more info on it that you can now access (pod cast and ??s and answers. Login to: LBBC.org Scroll down to: From Our Experts (toward left bottom)…
Miss You Susie09 - How Are You Doing?
Susie, I haven't seen you on in a long time. I hope that everything is alright. We miss your posts on here a lot. ( especially all of your questions that you never answer LOL ) Hugs, Angie
Hi, I have been on anastrozole for two months and am feeling awful. At first I thought it might be the after effects of coming off of prednisone. I was put on that for my lungs from one of the many side effects I had from taxotere....which is a whole other conversation! :( but when I actually looked up the drug and it's…
BCS - Bra Inserts
Ladies, I need some help here please. My wife died two years ago from cancer and now I've found the second most wonderful woman in the world. Curiously, she had brest cancer and a double (radical) mastectomy and I (really) don't care if she has recornstruction or not, that has nothing to do with being in love with someone…
Maybe Lymphedema???
I noticed a swelling in my hand yesterday as I was driving into work. Also as I was in exercise class I noticed when I reached up or out with the effected side's arm I felt sort of a pinch type pain. I asked a co worker to judge my arms to see if one looked larger than the other. She noted that the hands, wrists, and…
Today is LoveBabyJesus's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR LBJ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Wishing you a Blessed Day & a year filled with Health, Happiness, & Love. ♥ Cat
Today is Karen0423's Birthday!
General Surgeon today felt around on my breast (only right), he felt the lump after I told him where it was. He admitted that he hadnt even looked at the ultrasound images because the referral said "possible intramammary lymph node but lacked a hilum or vascular pedicle" not like I know what that means but he said he would…
Today is Shaggy420's Birthday!
A funny thing happen on the baseball field tonight:
Have to share a funny with you. Tonight we attended our 5 year old grandson's baseball game. Landon played when he was 3 took a year off and is back at the game, he is a sweet comedic little lad. Tonight he was sent to play in the out field, we watched him run out there take his spot then look to the left and hastily run…
TRAM Flap or DIEP Flap
I am going to see a plastic surgeon on Thursday to discuss the flap surgeries and find out all the details about what to expect. I don't even know yet whether they have specialists who can do the DIEP but I am sure they do the TRAM. I had right mastectomy 1/19 and my right side still hurts after a day of work or cleaning,…
Relay for Life musings
It's been a long time since I've posted... I'm 2+ years cancer free and have been having a ball getting on with my life. I just wanted to let everybody know that I'm our team captain for the 2012 Relay for Life in our little rural Arizona town. At the meeting last night, when we were sharing about ourselves, I was asked…
Today's my day!
First chemo today! 3 drug combo! I'm armed with all my anti-nausea meds and tips from the nurse! Think lots of kick cancer's *ss thoughts for me today! I think about all of you a lot - and the support you've already given me! I hope to be that same support to all of you as I start my journey. I'll be back later today!…
About after surgery sneezing
Hi! Every one who knows about after breast cancer, I have sneezing every day many times. Some time when sneezing I feel my expanding breast will break. Before surgery I never had sneezing like this.Of course I'm feeling very tired and the breast is very painful. Hope who knows can tell me some information. Thank you so…
Fluid retention
I had a bilateral mastectomy on April 3rd. Pathology was all clear and my incision is healing nicely. They removed the 4 drains on Thursday April 19. I have a lot of fluid buildup under my arm pits and in the little "dog ears" or skin flaps that were left. They hurt at the end of the day and are uncomfortable the rest of…