Need Help Deciding Lumpectomy w/ Rads or Mastectomy
Hello, I am 41. My tumor is 1.4 cm and my docs told me I am a good candidate for lumpectomy followed by radiation therapy. They also say that most likely I will not need radiation if I choose a mastectomy based on the nature of my cancer and appearance and feel of my lymph nodes. So I'm currently struggling with the…
Do the Kindreds have any idea AT ALL as to how much I love you?????
I have been having the hardest time getting on the boards~ it seems that months go by without me being able to post! If this indeed posts, it is because the love of all of the Kindreds, coupled with Komputer-Karma is with me today!!! I have had a bit of not so good news lately, but I will try and be brief with the recap!…
BC Treatment in India
My wife (age under 40) was diagnosed with BC (to be precise TNBC - out of the 3 - one of the harmones is focal positive, the other 2 are negative) in March 2012. She has a lump on her right breast the size of an apple that grew quite fast (started from the size of a cherry to apple in less than 45 days). The tumor was…
Lost Disability - any suggestions for my appeal?
Im looking for ANY help...diagnosed stage IIIa jul2010, lumpectomy jul 2010, 16 weeks of chemo (completed dec 2010) 30 rads (completed May 2011). BRCA 2+ had total hysterectomy. On tamoxifen and suffer horrible side affects, bone & joint pain...have had MASSIVE lover back problems since my first chemo txt...I decided to…
Any News on HootieGirl/Kat?
I am sure she is taking care of business but I wanted to know if anyone has heard from her. **Hugs** Mary
Gentle hugs and Prayers for " MaggieCat " -- having her biopsy today !!
Positive thoughts -- for you! Hoping all goes well :-) Vicki Sam
HELP!!! Fingernails - I know it sounds silly, but....
I just finished my year of chemo - (only the Herceptin was a year). My hair is coming in fine - I've even had to have it cut a couple of times (YAY!!!!) - my fingernails colorwise look fine. The problem I am having is they are so weak and brittle that they keep splitting down into the nail bed, at least my thumbs do. I…
Feedback Needed: Study Shows Radiation Treatments Negatively Affect Cognitive Functioning
Hi Everyone, I'm in the midst of deciding between a mastectomy with reconstruction or lumpectomy followed by radiation. I was told that it's likely I won't need radiation treatments if I get the mastectomy. In researching these options, I came across a medical research study that found radiation negatively affected breast…
Chicago Band-Concert local-proceeds to Breast Cancer
I went to one of my favorite concerts! It was not advertised that i am aware of..but all proceeds went to BC! I was so happy to hear! Also WE each bought T shirts & mine was very cool design with PINK...and then on bottom PINK RIBBON...I can't wait to wear it.. Denise
Time for Intros again - our family is ever growing
Hi Ladies and gents, I was diagnosed back in 2009 stage 2 invasive breast cancer. surgeries, chemo, yadi yadi yadda.... and here I am to tell the tale. This board has been my saving grace, especially since I was pretty much going through it on my own - that is, till I found this amazing board. And all of a sudden I was…
I would love to chat with someone who has had a lumpectomy and then did the Mammosite 5 radiation. I had surgery on March 2,2012. Finished radiation on the 15th. Just wondering how the healing process has gone for others. I don't know anyone else that has had this kind of radiation to discuss how things were for them.
Pictures posted!
Having a great time in Florida! Convention was over yesterday....now some fun time. Got to meet MyTurnNow and Natly15 this past week. Posted pictures on my expressions page.
need help with food
Sorry if I am in the wrong category, but we need some help. My mother inlaw is having a terrible time finding things to eat. She had that terrible chemo taste in her mouth. most of the things I am finding on the websites are not working. Any ideas of things to try or any good websites to read would be a blessing. My…
Pink Bus Needed For Katie17 On Thursday
Katie is having a skin and nipple sparing mastectomy surgery on Thursday of this week so let's all get the pink bus gassed up and ready to go to support her. Wishing you good luck Thursday Katie! Hugs, Kylez
Here we go again
For anyone paying attention (and I don't mean that in a mean spirited or whiny way--we all have our own issues) the biopsy for the 2nd was done on the 30th and I got the results: DCIS, again. D**n it! In Jan 2009 I was diagnosed with DCIS had a lumpectomy and 33 rads treatments. Started tamoxifen until I had a pumonary…
A lot going on.........
I'm sorry if I've missed any birthdays or words of encouragement. My brother and mom were in a bad car accident. My brother was med flighted to Boston and is touch and go. My 81 year old mom has broken all her ribs and already has a lung disease, so she's also in ICU. My brother passed out and went head on into a tractor…
Today is CCinCin's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR CC HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Wishing you all the best on your special day & throughout the year! ♥ Cat
Tough few weeks
Wednesday 9th may I am going in fo a skin sparring mastectomy with reconstruction only 2 weeks after have an olfactory neuroblastoma removed.. It has been a tough few weeks. Fingers crossed this goes well as this all hasnt hit me yet and not looking forward to that happening
All happening so fast
After several mammograms, MRIs and biopsies, I am told that I no longer have a choice of a lumpectomy. I need a mastectomy on my right breast. I am opting for a bilateral due to my family history. I was diagnosed on March 28, 2012 with DCIS high grade solid comedo and now I am scheduled for surgery on May 1st. Although…
Just diagnosed
Hi~ I'm newly diagnosed - not quite a month ago. I've been in the whirlwind of appointments, procedures, test and more information than one (well, two since my husband and I are in this together)brain should ever have to hold. I'd like to talk with people who are "new" like me but also others who are farther in their…
Chemo and Taste Buds
I've been through 4 A/C treatments and 3 Taxol with one more to go. It's probably the least important side effect I've had to deal with, but I haven't been able to taste anything since shortly after my first treatment. Eating has gotten so boring that I don't really care if I do. The good news is I've lost some weight! I'm…
never seen this topic-need to ask
I had lumpectomy , radiation and ON tamoxifen for almost 4 yrs now. I am very small breasted! Seems like since on Tamoxifen I have gained some size. Anyone else! So small prior I thought a lumpectomy to me is mastectomy to most! just curious Denise
First Chemo
Hi~ I'm starting chemo next Friday. The doctor said he is going to hit it hard with the hope of some fast shrinkage. He said he wants to "knock the sh*t out of it". I was worried that the side effects might be worse but he said it won't be any different with three drugs than with two. How soon should I expect my hair to…
More "Positive News" - Monthly onc visit & Zometa Infusetion
I saw my oncologist at 3pm today for my monthly check up and blood tests. Blood work came back good and physical exam showed nothing new, other than minor aches & pains cotributed to older age. My Zometa infusion went well also. No Problems Here,Y'all! After we left the doctors office at 4:30pm, we had to go to our Craven…
Post double mastectomy surgery advice
Hii-I am having a double mastectomy next thursday for a DCIS diagnosis. Although it is considered stage 0, the cells ate high grade and the area is large relative to the size of me. Does anyone have advice for post surgery care? Is sleeping difficult! Should I get special pillows? Did you have a nurse come to help you at…
I've been approved as a kidney donor for my son!
Many of you may recall that my breast cancer was diagnosed 3 years ago when I was being screened as a donor for my son. Because of a member on this board posting that she was approved as a blood donor, I recontacted the Yale Transplant Center in Jan and asked to be reevaluated. This was charting new territory for them but…
OT for Trader Joe’s fans: Cookbook & yummy recipe recommendation!
I know we have a lot of Trader Joe’s fans on this site –- did you know there are cookbooks out there devoted to recipes using Trader Joe’s products? I had no idea –- where have I been? So, after some Barnes & Noble retail therapy (you can buy them at Amazon, too), I spent this weekend cooking from what seems to be the…
RX for estrogen supressors
This is my first post. I've been in treatment for almost a year. I've had so many set backs that I'm just now getting to the meds that block estrogen. My biggest concern is the side effects of joint problems(to name one). The med I've been given is Aromasin. I'm hoping some of the people here can share about their…
Calcium vs Fasomax
Has anyone been told to continue taking calcium rather than be prescribed Fasomax? I am already osteopena but my MO said to continue with calcium. He did prescribe Fasomax or any other bone building med. Just asking Thanks for all your support ... Love you and pray for you every day :)
Checking In - Two Year Cancerversary
Donna's two year cancerversary today!!! Dancing with NED!!! It's been a heck of a two years. I haven't logged on here in such a long time that I almost forgot my log in info. I'm just going to take a deep breath and breathe.