Her2 positive
Hi everyone...I was wondering if anyone here is Her2 positive and how that has effected your treatment? I am actually tripple positive. I have my first oncologist consultation on the 14th to discuss the chemo etc.My surgeon said I will have 4 chemo treatments and she thinks they will be 3 weeks apart. I have read about…
Recent vacation
Just posted a few pics of our recent vaca if you are interested. Wishing each of you all the best! ♥ RE ♥
Have anyone heard of "Maca Root" and if so what about it and estrogen + breast cancer?
Just needed more information on it,I got it in a health food store for low libido,it's gluten free, soy free.I thought maybe someone had some info from a naturalist or homeopathic dr.~~MollyZ~~
Thursday, 4/19 -- Pink Bus for 'Evenstar2'
Hoping all goes well with your examination of ' incision scar ', and tissue. I also hope you receive favorable results, quickly. Prayers and positive thoughts going out to you --- fingers crossed as well. Strength, Courage and Hope. Vicki Sam
Rhyming game
OK - Here's the idea. - If I starting it with 'Batter' The next person gives a word that rhymes it like 'flatter'. Then gives a new non-rhyming word to be rhymed with 'stick' or whatever. I'm starting with - 'Pond' Susan Added - remember that different accents can make different words sound different.
Kindreds Spirits names on Hat for my relay !
I walk for us all.It's not something new to do. Chenheart did this on a T Shirt once.I am sure others have done this as well. I am going to write all of our names on a " Pink " hat and wear it at the relay. I walk for us all. Relay is June 15 & 16 Love you all Kathy
VickiSam... Have a Blast on your vacation!
So happy to hear you are getting out of dodge for a spell with your sister! I know you are going to have a grand time on your vacation. Get back with us with details of your trip and... take plenty of pictures! Hugs, Ines
Thank you, Kindreds!!
My husband and I were just completely overwhelmed when the wonderful care package arrived today! How thoughtful of you! And the beautiful bags each represent and help support research for our own cancers! I've just been smiling all day. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Angie
Pink Bus for Bella Luna -- tomorrow
Get your tickets now, pack your good cheer, let's support our sister Ines. She's having her D and C tomorrow and could use our support. VickiSam said the bus is gassed and ready to go so please join us. We're with you, Ines. xoxo Victoria
Joint Pain AFTER Tamoxifen
I was on Tamoxifen for 3-1/2 years. I stopped taking it June 2011 due to extremely painful periods. The past few months I've been having joint pains in my hip/legs. I'll be sitting for 30 minutes, get up and be in pain. Although I am only 41 years old, I'm going for a bone density test (and blood work) next week. I was…
Very Painful cysts
I need a little input, if I could. I am a 46 yr old, 1 year survivor of BC. Modified radical mastectomy with lymph node involvement. I am currently taking Tamoxofin. My Left breast has several cysts in them 2 being quite large and painful. I have had mommos ultrasounds and biopsies, they located some calicifations that…
Rough week
I have been having horrible, horrible "rib" pain on the side where I had the bone mets in my ribs. I have been freaked out and scared all week. Pain has been crippling. Last night, a rash broke out and I realized that this was not a recurrence but shingles. I never, ever thought I would be thrilled to welcome shingles.…
Herbal Treatments for Menopause Symtoms
Please let me know if you are taking herbs for your menopause symtoms. I can't take effixor and there is so much information to go through to figure out what herbs work. My cancer was estrogen positive so I know I have to be careful and I know I need to clear it with my doctor first. But he really isn't any help in…
Sexuality issues
I just can't seem to get over having lost all breast sexuality. I wasn't supposed to lose two breasts... just one. But reconstruction left me with one post-mastectomy reconstructed 'breast' (I still don't consider it a breast) and an implanted natural breast that now has absolutely zero sensation in the nipple. It has been…
zach is home
I have explained everything on the post that was restarted by marge (mwallace) again thank you to everyone for the unbelievable support and prayers. I am so thankful to all of you and feel very blessed to be on this board. laura
Pink Bus
Please send the beautiful bus with all the Pink Ladies in it. We are going for a ride. If y'all can wait for me to finish my tests, then we can have a picnic before heading back to our homes. I'll bring the fried chicken. HUGS Mary
Not to be outdone by those SoCal women . . . .
Gabe N Abby Mom, Chicadee, Re, and I were unable to get together this weekend. Since there are some South Bay and Bay Area pink sisters around, we thought it would be a good idea to set a date, time and place (somewhere in the middle) that would work for all of us to get together. We were thinking Concord area. I need some…
Get Together - Midwest - Chicago (Park Ridge, IL)
If you can get to downtown Chicago, then you can get to my house in Park Ridge, near O'Hare Airport. Park Ridge is a northwest suburb directly next door to Chicago. Park Ridge is easily accessible via expressways and tollways. The get together will be at my house. I want to cook. I am an expensive, from scratch cook and…
Shout out to Missrenee
I sent you a private message...and how are you doing? Let us know.. Hugs and love, Nancy
Armidex - Side Effects, issues, different from Tamoxifen?
Hello all. I was wondering if anyone else has been switched from Tamoxifen to Arimidex. My onc just switched me because I'm in Menopause now. I've been reading about the Arimidex side effects of bone pain and achiness, which I already had with the Tamoxifen. Wondering if anyone is interested in sharing their experiences.…
Which Surgical Choice will have Least Impact on my Exercises
Hi, I am 41 years old with a healthy lifestyle and body, except that I was diagnosed with breast cancer 10 days ago. I have infiltrative ductal carcinoma and a 1.2 cm tumor in my left breast. I do tai chi and yoga regularly and frequently bicycle to work and other destinations around town, so therefore I'm fairly active…
Kevin and I are leaving tomorrow a.m. for beautiful Kauai. I'm sure you all understand how much we need this trip right now. With me being rediagnosed with bone mets a couple of months ago and now on a new treatment, the stress level has been a 10 on many days. The ocean is my absolute favorite place, and the ocean on…
Update: Tamoxifen and D&C
About a month ago, I found out I had thickening of the uterine lining that was caused by Tamoxifen. I have been on the drug for a little over two years. That being said, my gynecologist suggested scheduling for a D&C. I saw her today for an EKG, labwork, and to answer any questions I might have about the procedure. My…
Requesting pink bus
Haven't been around much but the readers digest history is: DCIS in January 2009, lumpectomy and 33 rads treatments. Mammo every 6 months since. I didn't get the one done in November due to moving, insurance, etc. so I went last Monday. They called and want to exam the incision line more carefully (I had *all* my old…
Anybody had a lumpectomy and developed a huge hematoma which then had to be removed? I had two tumors removed w/ lots of tissue last month. Horrible bruising and now the entire thing is hard as a rock. Dr says we need to have another surgery to remove it. My question is, if they cut me open again, how is that going to be…
i am a 11 and half year breast cancer merts to thr bomes i have infllanntory brest cancer haas been on herceptin all thisexcept the 3 months i weent off itamd i got a hot spot in my back b. i went onyo yhe herceptin every 3 weeks and now i am doing zometta twuce a year , anyone else have this happen to them
Thank you all for the Birthday Wishes!! - Silly story
Until the last couple of Friday birthdays it has been "Good Friday" so I always thought that would counteract any bad luck, wrong. It was a Good Friday, my birthday, about 12 years ago when my husband planned a fishing trip and wasn't home for my birthday, my dryer broke leaving me hanging clothes through my house to dry…
Today is MrsGadget's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR MRS G HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Hope your special day is just the beginning of a year filled with happiness! ♥ Cat
Any word, Lolad?
Starting a new thread, hoping you've gotten good news and that Zach is back home where he belongs. Prayers and hugs for all of you. marge