Benefits of RadX lotion for radiation
This is my first time on this site or any other site like it - I hesitate to offer advice but this has helped me so much. I have 3 treatments to go out of 33 as of today. I started using RadX radiation lotion after my 20th treatment and saw an immediate improvement. It has lidocaine so it instantly soothes! My skin has…
hair growth
Yay!! I'm so glad to finally be at the stage of writing about hair growth. It seems, as you all know, that we wait forever for our hair to start growing back. Well that's what I've done. Could not wait for the 4-6 weeks after chemo for the growth to begin. I guess that was a healthy way to view it, one step at a time. But,…
hair growth
Yay!! I'm so glad to finally be at the stage of writing about hair growth. It seems, as you all know, that we wait forever for our hair to start growing back. Well that's what I've done. Could not wait for the 4-6 weeks after chemo for the growth to begin. I guess that was a healthy way to view it, one step at a time. But,…
April 15th is my Cancerversary
I am 3 years Cancer free ! April 15 is my 4 year old Grandsons birthday. I have alot to be grateful for. Sometimes I forget that and need to be reminded. To be honest, I need to be reminded more than I should. So tomorrow I am going to a Birthday party with a big Angry Bird pillow and Angry Bird PJ's and I am going to…
Am I crazy to feel this way?
I cried off and on Thursday when the county scraped up the chipseal they had put down 4 or 5 years ago and left us once again with a gravel road to drive on. I think, in my mind, this personifies a cancer that I thought was gone and has now returned. Never thought I would compare myself to a road, but the road didn't…
Very close friend-hopefully her last chemo today
It's been a very long haul-long (5-6 hr ) treatments seems like forever-today I supposed to be her last one then a short break and radiation! KEEP her in your thoughts! Denise
4 1/2 years out
4 i/2 years out and my onc. told me i dont have to see him anymore.IN o7 i was dx with I. B.C.
Helpful Hints and Tips - Bald is Better with Earrings
Hi everyone. I'm a two year survivor and I started a blog filled with hints, advice and tips I learned through my experiences with mastectomy, chemotherapy and radiation. I went bald, grew hair, got sick, got better, lost a breast, gained and lost weight. Had side effects, had high moments and low moments. Raised kids,…
Two types of cancer in a week!!!!
On the 12 march 2012 I was told I have a rare cancer of the sinus olfactory neuroblastoma ... On the 15 march 2012 I found out I also have stage multifocal breast cancer.. Fair I think not but that's what I've been dealt.. They are thinking of a combined op for my sinus from my nose and above and remove my breast in The…
Today is Mariam_11_09's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR MARIAM HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! I'm so sorry this is so late! Wishing you all the best on your special day & throughout the year! ♥ Cat
Anyone on FEC chemotherapy managed to lose any weight gain post treatment as I have gained 14lbs and hardly eating?
Anyone on FEC chemotherapy managed to use any weight gain post treatment as I have gained 14lbs and hardly eating?
Just Friened Everyone From "I'm a Grandfater."
Just thought I'd let everyone who commented on my post know that I have friended you all! Sorry if I missed anybody, but if you friend me, I'll friend ya right back. Robert
Cruciferous Vegatables improving BC results--new Chinese Study
http://news.yahoo.com/veggies-improve-breast-cancer-survival-study-180537250.html Check it out and see what you think-- Angie
DIEP Flap troubles
HI! I have recently joined csn site and love all the love and care everyone shares. I posted my story on Expressions Gallery,but will add it here to give a history. I had a bilateral mastectomy with immediate DIEP Flap reconstruction March 6th at Ann Arundel Medical Ctr, Annapolis Maryland. I had DCIS in one breast where I…
Anyone find a way to beat aches and pains form Arimidex?
Wonder if anyone has had any luck with Glucosimine/Condrouiton? I can't take nsaids like motrin and tylenol makes me sick. thanks
Surreal Experience Getting a Blood Draw in the Chemo Room
I needed blood drawn and decided to get it done at the little satellite clinic rather than drive 20 miles to the regular clinic. Since I was a foot draw (which she didn't read the instructions on the label and I had to remind her), she took me back to the clinic's chemo room because it had a recliner to put my feet up. I…
Water Fire in Rhode Island
Last night I attended the most uplifting event that I've been to since being dx. 150 breast cancer survivors carried torches from the State House to the water canal and then lit torches all along the edges. What a beautiful sight to see as everyone clapped for them. Beautiful music was playing loud, Bocelli and the like.…
They won't give my cousin a Mammogram
My cousin felt a lump last month, as did her Dr. who then told her to come back later in the month after her period. She called to make an appt. and he said she was too young for a Mammogram! She will be 30 in June. They will however give her an Ultrasound and her appt. is next Friday. Is an Ultrasound alone good enough?…
Ladies Can You Help
I just got a dx of IBC they changed it from IDC . This was after all their tests have come back. Imnot going to let this stop me from living. Plus now im left to deal with a se of the rads that i went though no fun.
Today is Grams2jc's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR JENNIFER HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! May your special day be filled with love, laughter, & all the things you ♥ most! ♥ Cat
I'm a NEW Grandfather !!!!
I have a new Grandson! His name is, Lucas Maxwell Villanueva (pronounced: Villa-new-eva), born yesterday at 8:52pm CST, 7lbs.14oz. and 19 1/2 inch. My daughter,Jennifer, has been in a slow labor for a week or two waiting for "peanut" to come. She had been having sporadic contractions on and off for awhile, mostly at night.…
Breathing problems after chemo....
I am currently on chemo every 2 weeks....Avastin, Zemcar (sp) and Carboplatin....I've had two treatments and after both we were half way home when I experienced extreme breathing problems...unable to breathe....so scary....they even tweaked all the pre meds before the second infusion...didn't make much of a difference…
Hello darkness my old friend
I am holding my breath .... not really able to speak ... as soon as I have more info I will post ... in the meantime ... Here is a song that we all can relate to THE SOUND OF SILENCE by Simon & Garfunkel Hello darkness, my old friend I've come to talk with you again (The disease itself) Because a vision softly creeping…
A Song
A friend of mine shared a song that she heard all the time when she was going through treatment for her cancer. I don't know about all of you, but this is the song that comes into my head every time I face a life crisis. It's called ... Here I Go Again by Whitesnake. It holds such meaning for me. Here I Go Again lyrics by…
I don't know what to do..
Hi wonderful pink sisters! Today has been such an incredibly difficult day. Hands down the hardest day of my entire journey. It is 3 in the morning and I can't sleep. My mind wont take a break and my eyes won't stop crying. I went home to spend the day with my family in the city and had such an amazing time, but right…
Den will be home on Friday
My header really says it all. Barring any set backs, Den will be coming home Friday. On Saturday, home health will take over the PT, OT, and ST here at home. I feel like the Easter bunny came early. Stef
Casting For Recovery Retreat - This weekend or next?
One of our Sisters ('feeble' brain won't remember now who) was accepted for a Casting For Recovery Retreat in I think it was GA. Either this coming weekend or the next. Just wanted to say to have a great learning and growing time and looking forward to hearing how great it was. For those not familiar with the Casting For…
My turn to ask for encouragement and information.
I have been dealing with my 2nd recurrence since June 2011. I am being treated at Mayo Clinic and was put on Abraxane in August 2011. I have been on treatment every 3 weeks since August. I have had very good results with this chemo. My only child (daughter) is getting married in July and I was talking with my oncologist…
Fellow Triple Negatives----
There is a Free Triple Negative Teleconference on Tues April 17 at 12-1pm Eastern time. You can participate by phone or computer. Details: http://www.tnbcfoundation.org/teleconferences_0412.htm I'll be having chemo then, but signed up and plan on taking my laptop. Angie