sunburn and a way to keep it cool
Hi guys, I took my daughter and her friend swimming. I had my daughter spray my head with sunscreen, but she missed a large spot just above my forehead. So of course I have a sunburn there. Anyway, I found a really cool (forgive the pun) way to keep my scalp cool. My daughter's dance teacher gave all the backstage mom's a…
A question for CypressCynthia...
Hi Cynthia! I hope you're doing well. I had a question for you. I know you were dx at 33. I was dx at 32, last year. Did you do annual check-ups, always? If so, what kind of tests did you do after you finsished treatments? Was your tumor estrogen+ (by a lot)? I pray I do as well as you have been. I know you've also been…
any other Alaskans out there.? How to send private messages.?
How do you send private messages on here? I was wondering if there are others from Alaska on here .... being in such a large state with great distances apart, it is hard to find a nearby support group ...... glad to have this site Sue D
Okay, not sure if I can blame this on Chemo brain or perhaps Menopausal brain fog but I feel like I get my words mixed up and they come out sounding like I'm tongue-tied. I can carry on a conversation but it just seems like I've noticed it getting to be a little more often that I "mix" words. I feel okay, and I know what…
Hi Pink Sisters It's been a while since I've been on here and I hope this finds all of you doing well. I have a question for any of you that had/have TRIPLE NEG BREAST CANCER. I had it back in MARCH 2009 and had both breast removed and no cancer in lymph nodes. In 2010 I had a CT scan and all was clear of my ADRENAL GLAND.…
From arimidex to fareston
Hi all! Hope your fourth of July celebrations were all fun! I have written before complaining about arimidex. I was on it for 4 months and I couldn't take it anymore. I tried everything in my power to make it work. I honestly hurt as bad as I did when I was going through chemo. So my oncologist gave me a month off of any…
Today is MMontero38's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR LILI HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! May your day be filled with extra special blessings and all things that make you smile! ♥ Cat
watery eyes?
Anyone on taxotere and cytoxan have problems with watery eyes? Ever since my last chemo ( Tue.11/10) my eyes water all the time to the point the vision becomes blury. Another of those fun side effects.
This is spot on!
This is a great article in the huffington post, I wish I would have read this at the time of my diagnosis.It is spot on Article: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jeff-tomczek/cancer-advice_b_1628266.html Enjoy, Ayse
It has been rather difficult to read some of the post on this board, in particular some of the people over the 6 -12 months who have gotten mets and some who have passed away. I have been trying for a few months to stick my head in the sand and believe all is well and hunky with myself, in some way that is true however I…
Oncologist visit
I saw my onc this am and he pronounced me stable. My markers are virtually unchanged and he is satisfied, so I am too. Best news is that I don't have to see him for 3 months. :-) That makes me a total of 3 years since metastasis and 25 years since original diagnosis.
Today is GrandmaJ's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR JUDY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Wishing you a day filled with love, laughter, and all the things you love most! ♥ Cat
Back from NJ--PET results in
On Tuesday night, we had a message on our phone from my rad. onc. when we returned from our trip to visit my husband's family in NJ. PET SCAN IS NEGATIVE!!!! There is NO EVIDENCE OF DISEASE!!! This was a million times better than winning the lottery. Kevin and I whooped and hollered and did the happy dance. I had an…
Ned is on my dance floor now
I suspected that I probably was NED status already. But just to be sure when I went into see the surgeon after my baseline bilateral mamogram for discussion of the film I asked him if I was of NED status. So he gave me a quizzical look and asked me what NED meant. I replied "No Evidence of Disease". And he said "Yes" Music…
I am new pt triple negative...Initial 2chemos did not work.....
I am a new BC stage 2 grade 3 triple negative ,I had 2 chemos A/C that did not work because the tumor was still fast growing... about 3.5 mm. I had than bilateral mastectomy last May. I also had 2 TAXOL rounds prior surgery that decreased the size of tumor.Now I have the expanders and I am just dealing with the pain...a…
6 days after 3rd chemo and still feel like crap
I am so stinking sick of feeling like this! Does anyone else have severe stomach pain that won't go away with the meds? The Oncologist said to experiment with Zophran, Compazine, Pepcid AC and Tylenol to see which works best. I took all of them on Monday at different times and came home early from work to writhe on the…
My sister
I have put this off.Mother's Day my sister told me she found a lump.I told her to make a appt.She had a mammo.4 tumors 2 on each side. She was in the middle of changing insurance companies.Soon she made a appt with a doctor.He told her the breast center was concerned about one breast but both needed biopsies.She calls to…
++ The Pink Bus Is Rolling For AngieD ~ Can You Come? ++
AngieD is having a lumpectomy tomorrow, June 28th. I've got the bus washed and gassed up, so, can you come too? Hugs, Leeza
Terrified of Chemo - Please help
Hi all, I am new to the board. I am sorry you all have to be here on this board, and sorry for me too :( Had a bilatery mastectomy May 4, chemo to start after I'm completed healed. Have a favor to ask for those of you who have had chemo. Don't know which course of treatment I will have but I am terrified of the side…
I am confused
I saw my Onc. today and she was disappointed that the chemo did not get all of the cancer. (Triple negative)but was glad that surgery went well and lympnodes were clear. She has said on more than one occassion that I have had "all the chemo she can give me" so does this mean that if I have a reoccurrence there would be…
Today is Zhentup's Birthday!
Just got back from Disney-down pour daily but one day (due to hurricane off coast) we had so much fun...rain and all...my two young adult daughters came..they got along great (finally) and made my whole vacation, time planning and $ worth it! WE had lots of pictures in parks (photo pass) and professional family pix...so so…
1st Midwest Get Together
1st Annual Get Together - Midwest - Saturday, July 21, 2012 - My House - Park Ridge, IL (near Chicago O'Hare Airport). Who is definitely coming? I know that many of you want to come, but it appears to be a bad week for you. So, I need to know who can make it. Again, I am cooking and I need to plan menu. I am close to all…
Saw the BS for follow up
Well I saw my breast surgeon for follow up from surgery. She said the chemo did a great job on the cancer but did not kill it all... I still had some cells left until she got rid of them with surgery! I am so relieved to get that news, however like so many there is a part of me that is petrified it will show up somewhere…
Wishing My Pink Sisters A Happy & Safe 4th Of July
I hope all of you have a fantastic day off! Happy 4th of July! ♥ Noel
Thinking of you all
Hi beautiful ladies and men....I see a lot of new names here...this forum has been a blessing to me ...it has helped me greatly through my journey..there are lot of women here who I totally adore and look up to.... even though I'm not on here as much, I wanted you to know that everyday you are always in my thoughts and…
Is there anyone in the Phoenix area?
Hi! I live in Mesa and was just wondering if they are any survivors in the Phoenix area? Stacy
Hodgkins 2004, now Br Cancer.. treatment decisions.. help!
Hello everybody New to this site - and need a little direction! 3 weeks ago I had a right mastectomy and TRAM flap reconstruction for DCIS. I had Hodgkins Lymphoma in 2004 (had chemo and radiation - no problems). Today I had a scary appointment with an oncologist who outlined every single side effect of chemotherapy and…
Disclosure of Cancer Diagnosis
I work for a large non-profit organization in South Carolina. My immediate supervisor disclosed to a client that I was going through cancer treatment. I spoke with HR about this however they have done nothing to repremand her - IN FACT, she has since been promoted to Director of our department. I don't know what to do…
Trip to Sloan Kettering
Hi Dear Pink Ladies Not sure if I posted about this all important appointment to Sloan Kettering. SO here's what I was told. The doctor still believes that the wait and watch approach is the best move for now. He said that the largest of the nodules are 8mm and 9mm but still under the size of 1cm. A biopsy is easier when…