OT: so may new names lately. How about sharing something about yourselves?
I will go first. I am 61 and love to garden using as many native plants as I can. It is a hobby, but also a passion, because I love attracting birds to my yard and the natives attract more beneficial insects that feed the birds. I am married with one child - a daughter who just got married. We live in Louisiana and enjoy…
No Chemo Yesterday, But Did Have A CT Scan
Doxil has given me mouth sores and I have tried two types of prescriptions medication. My oncologist drop the Doxil last month 20% to see if that help. It didn't. He wanted me to have a ct scan to see if the chemo was working. I have the results. It is stable, didn't change since my last ct scan in April. However, this ct…
"DOG EARS" after bi-laterial masectomy
I had a bi-laterial masectomy 1-23-14 because of BC and decided not to have breast reconstrution. I am very pleased with my decision. ! will soon be 60yrs. old and my daughter and husband was all for helping me to make this decision because I am at very high risk for recurrance. I had very huge breast and after surgery I…
I need help and support from anyone who is listening. I am going on 5 yrs after suffering with invasive ductal. The tumor was over 5 cm. My lymph nodes were not involved. I was HER negative. The size puts me into a stage 2b. I am always tortured by thoughts of a recurrence. I have panic attacks and take .5 clonazepam twice…
Pot Meds
New thread is all hard to wade through the previous years. I have heard allot about Cannabis Oil this past few months and this can be injested or used as a sauve on skin cancer and in 4 days new skin is forming so they say I don't know this myself. My own mother has skin cancer and want her to try it because for years…
Medicinal Marijuana
So I admit that my breast cancer center spoils us with facials, mani/pedi, acupuncture and free massages. I get how nice that is. HOWEVER, in Florida we do not have legal access to medicinal marijuana. I would trade all the facials in the world for a known cure to those horrible body aches and nausea. Especially since…
Happy Birthday - Double Whammy (Suzanne) June 16th
Happy Birthday wishes to you Suzanne - our dear Sister in PINK -- Enjoy all the love, family, and cake - today brings forth. Doing my hap hap hap dance in celebration of your birthday. Vicki Sam
any insight into today's biopsy?
Hi all. I've popped in here to seek your wisdom about a core needle bio I had today on a breast mass. Normally, I'm in the Kidney and Thryoid forums (yes, that would make it 3 cancers Im dealign with if the bio comes out +). I've had 2 MRI's since August, and 2 biopsies on masses. The first time it was a schlerosed…
5 year mark and still scared "it" will come back
I made it to the 5 year mark. However, I am still nervous at every appointment or any pain or weird feeling in my body. I was only 30 when I had breast cancer and have gone through every precautionary surgery. I try to be positive, but I am worried about when and if the cancer will come back. Any survivors have any advice?
Wife with breast cancer, desperate to try any "natural" drugs
First off, thanks to everyone who posts here. We have drawn so much inspiration from this site. My amazing wife of 13 years has breast cancer, and we've been fighting it all the usual ways. We are getting very serious about the diet and the natural things you can put in your body that help it fight off certian things, and…
Just checking in...
I had my port installed last friday and I had my chemo treatment on tuesday. I am on Gemzar and I will get 3 cycles of 3 weeks on and 1 week off with a total of 9 treatments. Then at the end of August I will be retested to see how the chemo is working. I had a bone scan yesterday and I will find out the results of that on…
Rads are done
The last time I said those words 2 very dear friends and pink sisters were saying the same words. Both of them have since fallen in battal, and Ihave bleeding hearts planted in my garden in their honor. Rads are done 10 very intense treatments to my pelvis, and now shots every month in each of my butt cheeks and wait for…
My second time with breast cancer ,finished chemo going through radiation looking for support
I guess the title says most of it. I thought I had beaten the beast, but my breast cancer returned. I was doing fine during chemo even though I didn't have the support of my hubby. I'm going through radiation again and I just can't get myself together. My husband is not supportive at all. He thinks he is. The only thing he…
OT - Any of you gals get a Father's Day present?
I did from Hubby. He got me a Dremel type tool that is smaller/lighter than his Dremel for me to use with Woodfellow carving so it would be easier for me to use. YES - he did say it was my Father's Day present. He's 'different' and always comes up with somewhat off the wall things but all the things that aren't what most…
I'm writing for a friend planning to have bilateral mastectomy and considering NOT having reconstruction after the surgery. She has a few questions, and would really appreciate input from others who have been in this situation: * What if you had a larger breast size before surgery... is it possible to adjust after…
Triple Negative Breast Cancer: Worse or Just Different?
Robert A. Nagourney, M.D. The term “triple negative breast cancer” (TNBC) is applied to a subtype of breast cancers that do not express the estrogen or progesterone receptors. Nor do they overexpress the HER2 gene. This disease constitutes 15 – 20 percent of all breast cancers and has a predisposition for younger women,…
Newbie: better port placement : Surgeon or Interventional radiologist ?? and is is bad?? Like do I
Hi brand new here and hoping for advice. I was asked if an Interventional Radiologist can place my chemo port since my surgeon can't do it that week. I hear that could almost be better if they are doing them daily ??? I am so scared . I see so many stories of really bad pain with these?? any info ?? I would appreciate it .…
Welcome to Hogwarts~ A Primer for the New Ones not finding much emotional support at work and with "
These lovely, welcoming words were written by the late Chenheart. No one ever said it better! I know she would want me to bump this up for our newbies: So many new ones have joined our family of Kindred Spirits lately~we sigh that you have had to find us, but of course welcome you with open ♥ You may have noticed, or even…
help new to board looking for support groups
what are the worse side effects taking Arimidex
Please give me some information on taking Arimidex. I have looked at the information on the SE of taking it but I need to talk to all ladies that have been taking it and get their information because I feel comfortable since they are taking it or have been on it. I know that SE are different with everyone. I also know that…
what is lymphedema pain like?
i was reading one of the posts and someone mentioned lymphedema pain? can someone tell me what this is like?
Game-Alpha order
A, B . C game right the first word that pops in your head-with the next letter in the alphabet ex: A apple next person B-Banana etc. "A" Alligator
Don't feel like it will ever end
Bilateral breast surgery with node involvement mets to lung now mets to liver has anyone survived liver mets ?
Update on my mom's treatment
Hi to all. Just an update on my Moms numbers. Her 15.3 went up again 30 points. Onco was quite calm about it. He said he is concerned but is doing a third set of markers and imaging in 3 weeks. He mentioned Arimidex and starting Perjeta. How have you gals tolerated Perjeta vs Herceptin for example? Not the news I prayed…
What is it with Oncos' ???????????
Why do they all have to be so bloody wierd? My first one, Dr Charisma-Bypass, didn't give a damn what happened to me, just as long as I didn't bother HIM with it. This time around I seem to have an aging lothario and a mentally OTT dolly-bird, she scares the hell out of me!
Advice Regarding My Mother
Hello All, My mother is a Stage 4 Breast Cancer Patient. She found a lump about 4-5 years ago, but never saught out treatment until about 2 years ago when the cancer literally ulcerated and ate a hole through her flesh. At that point, they were able to radiate and shrink the tumor where it was once again operable and she…
Lack of Medication
I am going thru chemo and with only 3 txs to go. I was just informed not to come to the treatment because they ran out of Taxol. They will call me whenever they receive it. It's on backorder. I've never heard of a clinic running out of medicine. That means that my tx will be in backorder too. Can there be ramifications if…
Tamoxefin the blessing the curse!
I was dianoied with stage 3 breast cancer in Jan. 2012, like most of us on this website, I have had surgery, chemo, and radiation, and a was on Herceptin for a year. All seems to be going well, supposed to be going for a PET Scan later this week, I am nervous about how the result will come out, but that is normal from what…
What happens when tumor markers go up on hormone therapy
Hello. I first posted here back in September or so when my mom was diagnosed with recurrent breast cancer 25 plus years later. Shes in her early 70's. She was strongly ER + and surprise Her 2 +. Her 15.3 marker was near 800 at diagnosis! She had extensive skeletal mets and liver ( 2 areas) and on the CT of chest tiny to…