What is it with Oncos' ???????????

tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072

Why do they all have to be so bloody wierd?  My first one, Dr Charisma-Bypass, didn't give a damn what happened to me, just as long as I didn't bother HIM with it.  This time around I seem to have an aging lothario and a mentally OTT dolly-bird, she scares the hell out of me!


  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    They can be weird.  My onc

    They can be weird.  My onc has been treating me for 27 years.  He is a teddy bear now, but, when he was younger, he had a Gregory House bedside manner.  However, I could always see his brilliance through that blunt facade, so I chose to be amused by him, although admittedly still intimidated.  Now, he has changed so much.  I think we are proud of each other and how far we have come together.  My biggest fear now is that he will retire.  He is 67 - yikes!

    I have a second onc who is ultra caring and helps so much with the side effects.  I adore him, but I do not trust his judgement about chemo meds as much as my primary onc. 

    Put the two together and you have one awesome onc.  Lol, too bad I can't fuse them. Wink

  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member

    They can be weird.  My onc

    They can be weird.  My onc has been treating me for 27 years.  He is a teddy bear now, but, when he was younger, he had a Gregory House bedside manner.  However, I could always see his brilliance through that blunt facade, so I chose to be amused by him, although admittedly still intimidated.  Now, he has changed so much.  I think we are proud of each other and how far we have come together.  My biggest fear now is that he will retire.  He is 67 - yikes!

    I have a second onc who is ultra caring and helps so much with the side effects.  I adore him, but I do not trust his judgement about chemo meds as much as my primary onc. 

    Put the two together and you have one awesome onc.  Lol, too bad I can't fuse them. Wink

    Crazy, but

    I don't think they like to deal with sick folks.  When I was a sick folk, it was all business - this is your dx, this is what we will do, and now we're doing it - too bad for your side effects.  Gotta do it.  See you next time.  Then I got well.  And have remained well for over 3 years.  I have both a medical oncologist for my breast cancer and a gyn oncologist for my uterine cancer. I'm one of the folks they can breathe a little easier about.   Once I finished treatments, they seemed to begin to grow a personality.  Maybe it's just the amount of time we've known each other but our visits now are quite pleasant.  But during the sick time - not so much.  So many times I felt like they didn't care.  I don't feel that way anymore.  It may be that they are afraid they are going to fail when you're sick so they don't want to get close.  They well know it's  uncertain how things will go even under the best of circumstances, and don't want you to know they're also afraid for you - and for themselves.  Then, no one likes someone getting mad at them, especially we as patients who usually don't know what we're talking about anyway, we're just scared.  I do think it is natural for docs to feel helpless when dealing with folks with cancer and so they have to put up what they think is a good front even if the patient doesn't think so. 

    Or something like that . . .


  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    I got a good one.

    He would answer my questions honestly. Spend time talking to me and make notes like how many kids I have and names. He really tried. I would think oncologists have to not get too close to their patients or they would have nervous break downs. But if you truly dislike yours could you ask for another?

    Hope you feel good for a very long time. Hugs,


  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    Not getting too personal

    the old school not to get too close as Marcia said, mine who is a second one is reasonably personal And good however made couple stupid comments over 4 years. i left my first one when I was in remission. Julia keep looking for a perfect one you deserve to be happy with your doctor


  • Pixie Dust
    Pixie Dust Member Posts: 424 Member
    What is it with Oncos'

    Cannot stand my ONC. My office visits he may be in there 3 minutes if he is there that long. My chemo nurse is where I got all my information. Whatever I needed to know I ask her and she knows the answer. I felt like she is my ONC. My ONC needs another profession. I think he needs to drive a garbage truck. LOL