Gosh hope I am not one of the 'all about me' members someone mentioned. Please don't forget some of us don't have any one to confide in or to share our feelings with. Some have depression, an added weight of burden. We are all different right? That's what makes the site work.
stage 4
well i got my staging on friday and needless to say Wendy and i walked out in a bit of a daze. We both knew it was coming, but wow to hear it out loud was really different then i expected. doctor still says that remission can happen and that she thinks it will be easy to achive. really, really you tell me that after having…
Anyone have any experience with Issels Treatment Center?
I need your help!
I have been asked for suggestions about how to increase attendance at the local support group - a group I do not attend...lol. I did attend a support group when I was first diagnosed, but I found it difficult as there were so many scary stories and I was young and determined to beat this. Well, I may not have beaten…
Private Message Spam
Hello everyone, Some of you know that we have had previous problems with a particularly tenacious scammer named sarah, and unfortunately she has struck again. While we have security measures in place, we can't prevent all spam. We are currently working on measures to try and block this kind of private message spamming. If…
Wish I had requested the pink bus for today. . . .
I had thougtht I would request the pink bus for today, as I had my 6 month mammo and followup visit with the surgical oncologist, but I got busy with the weekend holiday and forgot.. Ended up that I was there from 9 am - 3:30 pm today. What a ride!!! When I kept sitting there and sitting there, I thougtht something might…
How to stay positive while waiting for test result?
Probably is the hardest part of the diagnose is waiting for the test result, how do you guys stay positive or focus on other thing while waiting for the test result? All I can think of is don’t search online if you haven’t been diagnosed yet, it’s kind of too much at this stage, but how to build additional information?
Does Cancer Feed Off Sugar
I have been told and have seen it on alot of websites that cancer cells feeds off sugar. I ask my ONC this and he said that this has actually really not been proven yet so I could occasionally have a desert. I also read that cancer cells also feeds off of all artifical sweetners. I hate drinking water and I know I have to…
What a Weekend
I have come to lay my feelings down as I have always done on this site. There is no other place to get rid of these feelings other than here... We had my fathers celebration of life and I was honored to be the one to tell his friends how grateful I am to have had them in our village and how grateful I am for coming from…
Happy 4th!
Wishing all a Happy AND Safe 4th! Winyan - The Power Within Susan
OT - Fantastic Eye Dr.
Just wanted to pass on that there are still some Dr (Specialitist) who really do go a bit 'extra' for their patients. Long story short - last late July my right retina detached and I was sent to a large eye facility but I will not go into what went on there other than to say I had to 'throw tissy fit' to get to see my Dr -…
What should I ask my doctor?
I believe the relationship with my doctor is very important throughout my treatment/diagnose, or my health condition is general, what are the questions that I should ask my doctor if I’m a newly diagnosed? I’m afraid the doctor may differ in how much information they will give.
Call out to Double Whammy For a Question
Hi Double Whammy. I have a question for you... I was wondering if you are the one that has a list of questions to ask the doctor for people who are newly diagnosed? There is a person on here asking for questions to ask the doctor when she is new.
Mri done now biopsy
Well here we go again biopsy to check area next to previous cancer had suspicious area on mri im bummed i have been working so hard basicly 7days crazy hours to get ahead maybe try to vacation but not now have to waitsee what happens i believe it will be ok but some prayers help please you ladies r always very supportive…
Sat -6 yrs since completed treament!!!!!!!!
June 28th is the only date I remember out of all the dates of Mammo, biopsy, surgery etc. I was a bit niveve (SP?) My last day I brought and ediable arrangment for staff at cancer ctr as a huge Thank you. I got my little dipolma and did the happy dance on the way out (IN MY head at least) ' PRIOR I said my good…
Ladies, It has been a long time since I posted or asked questions. I finished my chemo 4 yrs ago after a bilateral mastecomy with reconstruction. I have check ups every 6 months. I just finished my last check up with the PA. I asked about the recent study results that recommend being on tamoxfien 10 yrs. She said that yes…
It cannot cripple love, it cannot shatter hope, it cannot corrode faith, it cannot destroy peace, it cannot kill friendships, it cannot suppress memories, it cannot silence courage, it cannot invade the soul, it cannot conquer the spirit. To all the BC sisters and brothers with love.
What runs through your mind . . .?
I am curious to know what any of you find running through your mind in the following instances: * When you are watching TV and a character is portrayed as having cancer and you see either treatment happening (i.e. chemo) or some outward signs of treatment (i.e. scarf, no hair, etc.) * When you read or hear about someone…
Hair donations??
After chemo, I started growing my hair back. I wanted to grow it long enough to donate. It is long enough now. I am just not sure the best place to donate it to. I have always thought I would donate to locks of love, but have been hearing some bad things about them recently. I have also learned about the Pantene Beautiful…
Just spent the last week in the hospital...
I had my chemo treatment last tuesday and I was feeling okay. Then on tuesday night my fever spiked up to 102.3. Jenny called the oncologist and she said to go the er. By the time I got to the er (a 10 minute drive) my temperature was 102.8. They did a chest xray, a cat scan and drew alot of blood and found out that I…
**Happy Birthday** MyTurn Now - June 28th
Hap Hap Happy Birthday !! Enjoy all the love, cake and festivties today brings your way - dear Sister in PINK. Vicki Sam
Issels Hospital in Tihuana Mexico
Have anybody used the Issels Hospital in Tihuana Mexico? Please advise if you have used their vaccines and how long ago, because there are so many different messages about them - I would like to hear from somebody who was there a few years ago. Are Issels specialists "real" doctors or just nutritionists? How many hours a…
San Juan Capistrano July 12th- Southern Cal Reunion
Let's do our reunion Saturday July 12th. I figure more can come Saturday and I have to firm up the date because Wendy is trying to arrange a massage day for me (so sweet). We will have to figure out a meeting place for lunch. Any suggestions? I ate at a very cute outdoor place about 6 years ago there. I don't remember the…
Happy Birthday -- "Rague", Miss Susan -- June 25th
Enjoy your very special day .. my friend -- Hoping you the BEST of everything.. Vicki Sam
suggestion for restrurant for san juan get together....
We have recently eaten at Sarducci's right at the depot. Steps from disembarking train. We were there over Memorial Day weekend. Food was great price moderate. www.capistranodepot.com will take you to Sarducci's phone # 949-493-9593 Maybe we need to make reservations if we are a big party. They have a big patio. Covered…
Pain and lumps from Lymph Node Removal
It's only been 2 weeks and 1 day since I had a Lumpectomy and 6 Lymph Nodes removed from my left breast. Is it normal to feel hard lumps and swelling under armpit and in breast close to armpi?. I also have numbness which I know is normal but I even have a hard time keeping my arm down. I have tried Ice Ice Ice and even a…
New to group
Hi all. I just joined the network. Let me start off by saying how thankful I am to have a group to post thoughts and questions. We live in an information age and I am glad. Short and quick, I had a mammogram and cancer was caugh in May. I have already had a double mastectomy with reconstruction. During my recovery, I have…
Thank You Regarding My Mother
Hello All, Just wanted to drop a comment and say thank you to everyone who responded to my original post regarding my mother. My mom went on hospice a week ago Monday and went to be with the Lord this past Saturday. We had her funeral on Tuesday. My mom was a fighter right up to the end! Thank you again for your kind…
Discomfort after a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy
Hello Everyone I'm new to the the forum. I was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer about 4 weeks ago before my 40th birthday. I'm 2 weeks post-op and am having alot of discomfort especially where the node biopsy was done. I have searched all over the internet for options to keep my clothing from rubbing and irritating…
Hard side of breast 4 years after treatment
hi I had a lumpectomy, chemo, radiation and herceptin 4 years ago. I have recently found that my breast has really hardened in certain areas, IS this normal?