OT: so may new names lately. How about sharing something about yourselves?

I will go first. I am 61 and love to garden using as many native plants as I can. It is a hobby, but also a passion, because I love attracting birds to my yard and the natives attract more beneficial insects that feed the birds.
I am married with one child - a daughter who just got married.
We live in Louisiana and enjoy the good food and festivals around us.
Now, I am totally bored with me. How about sharing your hobbies and interests and anything that you feel like sharing?!
First off, CC - what a great idea for a post...
I am 45, and I am living back in Northern Illinois. I have lived in Jacksonville and Clearwater Florida too…I miss the beaches. My girlfriend and I came back home to be closer to family before losing a few of them. I do not have any children, but I have been blessed with caring for several four legged babies over the years. Last year was a hard one for me, as 3 of them all got old at the same time. I still have my little Jackson – Jack Russell – though he too is an old man – at 12 yrs.
Anyway, my hobbies are scrapbooking, and gardening. However, I am probably not as passionate about gardening as Cynthia is – but I do enjoy getting my hands in the soil. Before my diagnosis, I used to love to run – now my sneakers are collecting dust…I am a newbie at golf, and I love to get my kayak out in the water. I also love to travel even if it’s just to get in the car and take off for the day…
Hope others will share too....
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This is great idea
So we can get to know each other a bit more.
I live in Slovenia. I am married and have 3 kids, identical twins (boys) age 12 and a daughter age 11. You can guess it's never boring at our house. Boys have achondroplasia - they are little people.
I work as a software developer. I love to do any kind of recreation. I was a marathon runner and unfortunately I haven't run a mile since the diagnosis which was more than a year ago. Actually I am planning my first run tomorrow, when I'll be 6 weeks post my last surgery and my plastic surgeon gave me a green light. Big day for me
I also love the sea. We have a house on Croatia beach and I love it. And I have another hobby which is making laces. And I love to hang out with friends.
I'd like to hear from the others.
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Welcome Andi!!! Doesn't itandi44 said:sharing...
First off, CC - what a great idea for a post...
I am 45, and I am living back in Northern Illinois. I have lived in Jacksonville and Clearwater Florida too…I miss the beaches. My girlfriend and I came back home to be closer to family before losing a few of them. I do not have any children, but I have been blessed with caring for several four legged babies over the years. Last year was a hard one for me, as 3 of them all got old at the same time. I still have my little Jackson – Jack Russell – though he too is an old man – at 12 yrs.
Anyway, my hobbies are scrapbooking, and gardening. However, I am probably not as passionate about gardening as Cynthia is – but I do enjoy getting my hands in the soil. Before my diagnosis, I used to love to run – now my sneakers are collecting dust…I am a newbie at golf, and I love to get my kayak out in the water. I also love to travel even if it’s just to get in the car and take off for the day…
Hope others will share too....
Welcome Andi!!! Doesn't it suck the way pets seem to get old and die all at the same time? I hate it when that happens, but I can't seem to be without 4 legged friends. My dogs are both elderly now. Cindy Lou is a little rescue that found us 11 years ago and is probably about 13. She is completely deaf now, but sweeter than ever. Maggie is golden retriever/lab mix who we have had 8 years and is probably about 11. She is getting hard of hearing and has arthritis pretty bad now. They are such joys though. The cats are a little younger: one is 10 and the other is about 7.
My garden is not tidy and perfect, but I just like to get dirty too.
Last year at this time, I couldn't even go outdoors, so I am just ecstatic to be out again when I can.
You travel, golf and kayak, but you don't run! I am exhausted without hearing about the running...lol.
So glad to hear from you and I hope you get to a beach soon!! You deserve it after last winter!!!!
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Slovenia!!! My goodness, howhope67 said:This is great idea
So we can get to know each other a bit more.
I live in Slovenia. I am married and have 3 kids, identical twins (boys) age 12 and a daughter age 11. You can guess it's never boring at our house. Boys have achondroplasia - they are little people.
I work as a software developer. I love to do any kind of recreation. I was a marathon runner and unfortunately I haven't run a mile since the diagnosis which was more than a year ago. Actually I am planning my first run tomorrow, when I'll be 6 weeks post my last surgery and my plastic surgeon gave me a green light. Big day for me
I also love the sea. We have a house on Croatia beach and I love it. And I have another hobby which is making laces. And I love to hang out with friends.
I'd like to hear from the others.
Slovenia!!! My goodness, how the internet can bring us all closer! That is just so cool. Having a house on the beach sound so lovely - especially now as it begins to get hot here.
I would love to hear more about making laces? I think I garden because I am so pitiful at sewing, knitting, etc.
Welcome Carmen!!! It is so good to hear more about you!!!
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Making lacesCypressCynthia said:Slovenia!!! My goodness, how
Slovenia!!! My goodness, how the internet can bring us all closer! That is just so cool. Having a house on the beach sound so lovely - especially now as it begins to get hot here.
I would love to hear more about making laces? I think I garden because I am so pitiful at sewing, knitting, etc.
Welcome Carmen!!! It is so good to hear more about you!!!
Making laces is an old tradition in Slovenia and not an easy one. I went to a class for 5 years to learn it and I like it because it's something totally unproductive (it takes a big amount of time to do something) and very calming. And laces are very beautiful.
And yes, with internet there are no borders
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PS Old timers around here,
PS Old timers around here, please share too! I meant for everyone to share but old chemo brain here probably didn't make that clear. ;-)
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from central New York
I am about to turn 60 -- hard to believe! I spent most of 2012 dealing with bc (Stage IIIA). I had a double mastectomy for two different types of cancer at two different stages (the lesser was hardly there). On the left, all the nodes were taken, as one was bad. I did ACT (chemo) every other week for eight infusions. Then I did radiation therapy. All of these are meant to be preventative. I currently take tamoxifen and am on a ten-year plan for hormonal therapy.
I am in education, working in 5th grade with three kids who have learning challenges. I enjoy the whole class, of which my three are a part. I also like my colleagues.
I married in 1995. With it came two stepkids, now grown. One is married and has four children, aged 7 and younger.
My husband and I are active in our small community and are very involved in our church. All were a great help to my husband and me those months in 2012.
I enjoy traveling. I count that I have been in 40 states (includes Alaska). I have visited Canada (Ontario and Quebec). I have spent a few weeks helping missionaries in Mexico (Juarez and Campeche), and have done Teaching English as a Foreign Language "camp" for two-three weeks in the summer in Romania and Hungary. [I have changed planes in Germany and France.]
I have lived in California, Maryland, and South Carolina. Currently I live in New York.
Trivia: My husband is one of sixteen children (no multiples), while I am one of five. I have a LOT of in-laws, nieces and nephews, and a growing number of grandnieces and nephews, as well as great-grandnephews/nieces.
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Hi from Arizona!
Good to learn about a few of you and would love to hear about more...
I just turned 61 and in a couple weeks will be 3 years from diagnosis. I'm married with 3 sons of my own and 4 step daughters. We're quite the Brady Bunch! My oldest step daughter has a 7 year old son and a 2 month old daughter. Both are albino and very special.
I like to knit, read and garden. However I'm having trouble planting flowers on my 1.25 acre desert oasis. There are over 100 species of cactus and native plants that the rabbits and squirrels leave alone but they eat my flowers! Any suggestions? Now I know why the previous owners had huge pots all over the patio!
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I always enjoy these posts and they are so helpful
thank you, CC! I live in central NY, work full time, have one daughter- who is living in Canada. today I got a puppy. That makes 3 Papillons a cat and a hubby.
I am 4 1/2 years from surgery. dancing with NED. for the newbies, that means No Evidence of Disease. Still scared, don't trust NED - I suspect he is fickle.
finding this site was a lifesaver to me. It got me through and I have made many friends, have met many, too.
I know another thing about CC - she takes the most amazing pictures of birds. She has a great assortment of fine feathered visitors to her backyard.
Welcome to everyone, hello to my old friends. My heart goes out to those who are fighting a new battle.
Cyber hugs,
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Hi from Ohio!sbmly53 said:I always enjoy these posts and they are so helpful
thank you, CC! I live in central NY, work full time, have one daughter- who is living in Canada. today I got a puppy. That makes 3 Papillons a cat and a hubby.
I am 4 1/2 years from surgery. dancing with NED. for the newbies, that means No Evidence of Disease. Still scared, don't trust NED - I suspect he is fickle.
finding this site was a lifesaver to me. It got me through and I have made many friends, have met many, too.
I know another thing about CC - she takes the most amazing pictures of birds. She has a great assortment of fine feathered visitors to her backyard.
Welcome to everyone, hello to my old friends. My heart goes out to those who are fighting a new battle.
Cyber hugs,
Hi! I am 52 years old and my husband and I have a mini farm in Ohio. We have chickens, rabbits, geese, turkeys, 1 cat named Hobie and 1 dog named Maddie. I love to hike, camp, fish and explore in the wild outdoors.
I am a newbie to BC. Was diagnosed in Feb, surgery in March and still going through chemotherapy. Last chemo session (Cytoxan and Taxotere) on June 12th. Then radiation after that. The hormone therapy will be a discussion later and I will probably be posting questions and asking for advice on this topic. This site has been amazing and the people so caring and informative.
Thank you for your kind words and advice. I will also help those other newbies and pray for all to continue to be cancer free (I love to see these posts - so encouraging!) and for those struggling with this beast to eventually be cancer free and live each day to its fullest.
Each day is a gift and to be cherished. Having cancer has changed me. I am a different person - for the better.
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Thank you Sue!!! Guilty assbmly53 said:I always enjoy these posts and they are so helpful
thank you, CC! I live in central NY, work full time, have one daughter- who is living in Canada. today I got a puppy. That makes 3 Papillons a cat and a hubby.
I am 4 1/2 years from surgery. dancing with NED. for the newbies, that means No Evidence of Disease. Still scared, don't trust NED - I suspect he is fickle.
finding this site was a lifesaver to me. It got me through and I have made many friends, have met many, too.
I know another thing about CC - she takes the most amazing pictures of birds. She has a great assortment of fine feathered visitors to her backyard.
Welcome to everyone, hello to my old friends. My heart goes out to those who are fighting a new battle.
Cyber hugs,
Thank you Sue!!! Guilty as charged. I have spent much time and $$$ incorporating native plants in my garden. The native plants attract more native and beneficial insects for the birds. My hubbie built me a shallow bird pond with a waterfall for the birds (also turtles and other critters). My proudest achievement is that every bird photo that you have seen is taken from my sunroom. Slowly building an attractive ecosystem has worked!!! My garden is definitely psychotherapy for me. And, when I feel too lousy to go out, I take the photos. :-) Thank you for the kind words. This all started after reading "Bringing Nature Home: How You Can Sustain Wildlife with Native Plants" by Tallamy, a book I strongly recommend.
Tallamy has a scientific mind and began to observe how native plants were busy with insect life while plants like knock out roses (I have a few too and know they are beautiful and easy) are almost sterile. Now, I love going out and watching the bees, ladybugs, etc in my plants. Best of all, I love the amazing variety of birds that I get. Imagine if everyone planted a few local natives!! Don't get me started...lol.
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Welcome Wilderness Girl!!!WildernessGirl said:Hi from Ohio!
Hi! I am 52 years old and my husband and I have a mini farm in Ohio. We have chickens, rabbits, geese, turkeys, 1 cat named Hobie and 1 dog named Maddie. I love to hike, camp, fish and explore in the wild outdoors.
I am a newbie to BC. Was diagnosed in Feb, surgery in March and still going through chemotherapy. Last chemo session (Cytoxan and Taxotere) on June 12th. Then radiation after that. The hormone therapy will be a discussion later and I will probably be posting questions and asking for advice on this topic. This site has been amazing and the people so caring and informative.
Thank you for your kind words and advice. I will also help those other newbies and pray for all to continue to be cancer free (I love to see these posts - so encouraging!) and for those struggling with this beast to eventually be cancer free and live each day to its fullest.
Each day is a gift and to be cherished. Having cancer has changed me. I am a different person - for the better.
Welcome Wilderness Girl!!! You have gotten through the tough part!!!! Yay!!!! We will be helping and cheering you on through hormone therapy. When I was diagnosed (27 years ago), my prognosis was bleak (Stage 3). Back then Stage 3 carried something like a 75-80% chance of a recurrence within 5 years. I am 100% convinced that the new kid on the block back then, tamoxifen, is what bought me an 18 year remission. Tamoxifen in 1987 was only known to be effective in postmenopausal women (those were really the Dark Ages as now it is most often used with premenopausal women). My onc took a chance and prescribed it and I am so glad that he did and that I took it.
Good luck!! And a big welcome. (((Hugs))).
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North Dakota Newbie
I just discovered this site last night and plan to return often.
I am 9 days post op lumpectomy, Stage1A grade 2, awaiting results of Oncotype to determine next step. Also 2 months post op rotator cuff repair on that same shoulder so going to physical therapy twice a week and doing my exercises 3 times a day to get my range of motion back. Currently dealing with painful lumpy incisions.
I live in Fargo, North Dakota, am 62. Worked as a Registered Nurse for 40 years: taught nursing for 13 years, worked several years in ICU, and most recently worked in outpatient surgery discharge, retired a year ago April and was thoroughly enjoying my retirement. Certainly am glad I don't have to be juggling work with all these medical issues.
My significant other, Lew, and I have been together 37 years. He had 4 children with a previous wife, so I'm Grandma to 11 grandchildren and Gt Grandma to one 15 month old girl. They live about 4 hours away so don't see them as often as I'd like but still close enough to get together for their special events. Lew also took early retirement and volunteers at NDSU.
I love to work in my flower beds, have also been a birder for over 30 years. We planned our vacations to places to find new birds for our "life lists", and since birds hang out in beautiful places we've taken some awesome trips to Australia, Panama, Hawaii, Alaska, and all over the continental US. We camped in our tent, even in Hawaii.
I enjoy researching my family history, and that interest in genealogy led me to the website www.findagrave.com where I have been a volunteer for 7 years. After retiring I finished a 3 year project of taking 18000 tombstone photos at a local cemetery, and am still in the process of adding them to the website.
Looking forward to making many new friends here.
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