June 09th -- Happy Birthday Jean0609 !!
Time to Dance and put on your party clothes - Hap Hap Happy Birthday, Jean. Enjoy all the Love, Attention, and Joy that this day will provide you. Vicki Sam
cancer-My daughter's thoughts
My now 22 yr old went to se the new movie (NOT sure of the name) and she said it was the saddest movie I have seen-but good. Then she said I AM MAD at you! (in a joking manner) She said I feel horrible I was not there more for you etc. YOU acted LIKE it was (CANCER) no big deal and just went on like anyother day. NO…
after surgery what special clothing will I need?
I am wondering if I will need special bras for the expanders. What about the drains, how do you keep them in place? I am so afraid I will not be prepared for when the time comes after the mastectomy. I do not want to come home from the hospital and not have what I need. Everything is so expensive. It is scary.
Ladies with nails?
I have a question. Prior to cancer, I had acrylic overlay on my nails. I can grow long nails, but they break one by one. I do a lot of outdoor stuff, not to mention cleaning, and the overlay kept them nice. Does anyone out there still have "fake" nails? I want to get them again, but I am paranoid about anything that could…
Rash on Face
Hi everyone. I am currently going through chemo treatments - cytoxan and taxotere. I have completed 3 treatments with my final one scheduled for June 12th. After each treatment I seem to get a new side effect (lucky me). For round 3 I got a rash on my face. I read my paperwork that said to try corn starch. That helps a…
Southern California
I am traveling to San Diego for a sisters' reunion July 10-14th. Would love to get together for lunch or whatever with anyone in the area?
Single or Double Masectomy
Hello! I am new here and would like some advice if possible. I am faced with making the decision to have one breast removed or both breast. Not having a lot of luck finding statics to give me some idea of risk. Does anyone have any feedback on this choice? Thank you!
Throbbing Pain in Breast
I had a bilateral mastectomy approximately 18 months ago with tram-flap reconstruction followed by implants (long story) and an additional lymph node biopsy 6 months ago (results were negative). For the past week, I've had a steady throbbing in my left breast. It worries me a little. Has anyone had experience with this?
Male Breast Cancer News
Kudos to such a public figure coming forward! "Former New South Wales Premier Nick Greiner's "brave" revelation that he has undergone a mastectomy will help to break down the stigma around male breast cancer, the National Breast Cancer Foundation says."…
Checking in
Hi evryone, It's been a while. I haven't fallen off the face of the earth yet. I am now over a year cancer free. I am taking one pill a day and will have my port removed soon I hope. I have some arthritis as leftover and a slight bit of neuropathy in my left hand and my stomach is kind of sensitive now, but that's a small…
Breast Cancer Research wellboard
Hello Everyone, We are dealing with breast cancer, and doing our best to keep an emotional balance. I found this site doing research, and look forward to the survivor status being achieved not just for us but all who are dealing with BC. I have been putting up research on my Liv360 Breast Cancer Research wellboard:…
*Happy Birthday - Lintx-Linda* June 3rd
Linda - Please enjoy all the joy, and love around you in celebration of your very special day. Happy Birthday!!!! Vicki Sam
June 2nd - Happy Birthday to our .. New Flower - Olga !!
Olga - Happy Birthday my special Sister in Pink -- Celebrations are in order... doing my hap hap happy dance - in celebration of YOU Do Enjoy ... Vicki Sam
How long does it last?
I thank God that I'm starting to feel better months after finishing my chemo and radiation. I have a question for those of you who have been there. How long does it take for "chemo brain" to go away? Also, how long did it take you to feel like most of your strength was regained? It sounds like we never seem to feel like…
OT - Crazy Horse Memorial Volksmarch
Is anyone planning on doing the Crazy Horse Memorial Volksmarch (Custer, SD) this coming weekend (June 7 & 8, 2014)? I'll be doing it again and planning on doing it Sat. but if anyone else is doing it, I could do Sun instead. It is quite spectaular to do the winding walk from the parking lot up and around below the carving…
multiple sclerosis or brainstem blood clot
So now I might have multiple sclerosis or a blood clot at the base of my brainstem. Huh? I woke up the morning before last with sensitivity to light in my right eye as well as pain when moving it. I spent that night in the ER, which included a CT scan and numerous MRIs. The last few MRIs were still blurry after 3 more…
where a teacher doesn't know
This has been a wholly positive experience," Moore wrote, "and it has deepened my love for my community and strengthened my daughter's belief that acting in service is rewarding and that she has the power to make the world a better place…we all do."
Happy Birthday -- Aisling8's / Victoria -- May 28th
singing and doing my hap hap happy birthday dance in honor of your Birthday. Do enjoy, and celebrate in GRAND fashion. Vicki Sam
Radiation concerns
Hi :) Im wondering if anyone would be willing to share their radiation experience. The rad oncologist is telling me I absolutely need "several" at the collar bones, sternum, and axilla...and we will discuss it more when my chemotherapy has completed. In total, I will have had 20 chemotherapy infusions: Cytoxan, Adria,…
Hi ladies, I haven't been here in a while and I'm in need of support. I had a pet scan done last week and my oncologist called me yesterday to give me the results. He says it came back normal but that it came back with a hot spot in a "weird place" (that were his exact words) the colon. So I have an appt next week with the…
Liv360 Breast Cancer Survivor wellboard
Hello Everyone, We are dealing with breast cancer, and doing our best to keep an emotional balance. I found this site doing research, and look forward to the survivor status being achieved not just for us but all who are dealing with BC. I have been putting up research on my Liv360 Breast Cancer Research wellboard:…
Frankincense.... anyone tried this?
OK, as you all know I am not a great believer in any of this holistic/alternative/homeopathic/naturopathy ****, it belongs to those hippy sorts who indulge in yoga, pot smoking, chanting and all those other things spiritual.............. which I AM NOT! However, I am breaking-in a couple of ponies for carriage driving and…
O.T. anyone have weekend plans for the holiday?
We are heading north camping (first time this season)-our annual Memorial weekend ttip-with the grandkids in tow.. Denise
Pink bus
Hi y'all I'm a newbie, I had regular mammo & then 2biopsies. I was set for lumpectomy w/radiation & chemo but 2nd biopsiy showed the 2smaller spots were cancer-so now mastectomy. im doing dbl mastectomy cause I don't want to revisit this again-today I meet w/plastic surgeon for reconstruction appt evaluation. i get so…
Hello to all of you
Hello to all of you! I have not been on in way to long but, I think of all of you often. I was so sad to hear about Man with a Mission. I think of all of you and remember you in my prayers. I try to stay in touch with Dawnes Mom as often as I can but I am not always very good with that :( I think the world of her and enjoy…
Cancer Walk Saturday
Relay for Life on Saturday-perfect weather- After the surviors walk (to start it off) we all got to have a great luncheon (free to us) and for caregivers. Even got mini shoulder massages etc. Denise
Overwhelmed by process
OMG -just had 2hour appt w/plastic surgeon for reconstruction surgery! Anyone else experience this. First mastectomy (dbl) & then balloons inserted & saline added weekly until get to correct size then surgery to put in implants over 6-8 week process- and then 6mos for total recovery. Ruining summer month & riding…
NEW 3 word story
Sunshine and breezy
Gabepentin Fatigue
I still can't get back on my feet after two and a half years??
Hello, I'm new here but would like some advice please. I finshed my treatmet two and a half years ago.... but i still feel awful? I had a lumpectomy, 4 nodes removed (all clear) 3 months of chemo, Doxetaxal and the C of FEC.....and 20 sessions of radiotherapy, i also suffered for a year afterwards with problems with…