Memorial Day - Take a minute to reflect
I would like to ask all to take a moment today to remember and Thank those who have made the ultimate sacrafice (their life) to allow us to have the freedom we have in the USA and many other parts of the World. Memorial Day is not to remember our current A/D, Retired, or Vets but those who made the ULTIMATE sacrifice.…
O.T. Chatroom
Sash and 2 others have found the fix so we can get in. It isn't real complicated, you need to read all the tech threads about it in the tech discussion board here. but it works!!!One new person came in this morning so far and it was immediately obvious the void the room fills. If you see AgGuy here PLEASE try to help him!…
Tried and true recipe for constipation
For all of us suffering with constipation from pain meds, nausea meds, etc. etc. Here is the MB's Famous Power Pudding!!!! 2 cups pitted prunes 1 cup applesauce 1 cup Bran Cereal enough prune juice to make pudding consistency Blend it in a blender and eat 1 cup in the morning and 1 in the evening for a couple of days, or…
New Treatment
With my aunts diagnosis of cancer, we ran across Atavistic Oncology : http://www.atavisticchemotherapy.com or https://www.facebook.com/AtavisticOncology. They are doing amazing things to help. We have been very impressed with Dr Arguello. Has anybody else had a success story with them? Alana
New to network
Happy Mothers day!! I have stage 4 breast cancer and have been in treatment for 2 years. This is my second time around, had stage 1 in 2008. I'm so glad to have found a place to talk to survivors and understand what I'm going through. I'm still working,but trying to get on SS disability. Just had a petscan and cancer is…
OT – how to go about...
*edit: how to go about asking for ring back
surgery on remaining breast
Just wondering if anybody has gone up a size or two by adding an implant to your remaining breast? I guess after complaining to my PS on the implant size (all 3) always being too small, she finally 'heard' me and put this implant back in when doing the flap surgery. Consequently it's about 2 sizes too big! There's just…
The nasty beast is back and I hate it...
I went today for my liver biopsy and the doctor told me that the cancer has spread to my liver. He said that chemo and radiation will help to shrink it but surgery is not an option. I do not know what stage it is. I will find that out on Weds when I see the oncologist. Just wanted to share what I know with my pink sisters.…
Robert * * ManwithaMission ** -- UPDATE 5/14/14 ** OUR Dear Brother in PINK has earned his Angel win
We are thinking about you -- Hope all is better for you - health wise, and chemo wise. Strength, Courage and HOPE for a Cure. Vicki Sam
Lumpectomy/rads or bilateral mastectomy BRCA1 mutation positive - so torn
Hello everyone, this is my first time on this discussion board, but considering I have been going over this decision for a week, additional perspectives would be great right now. I was diagnosed at 38 years old with TNBC 0/0 lymph nodes positive (good) but with BRCA1 gene mutation (bad). I found out I had cancer when I was…
Feeling Frustrated...
I was all set to have my Latissimus flap procedure on 5/22 - but after speaking with the doctor, he has decided to take out my tissue expander and let that heal for a few months than proceed to do the Lat. flap procedure down the road. My body is showing signs of severe infection...UGH!!!...Why can't anything just be…
Have you had any experience with Liberator Medical Supply? My Vietnamese friend also has breast cancer, she's not a member here as the language barrier would be intimidating to say the least. Anyhow, she had her mastectomy almost two years ago and she just got a prescription for a prosthesis. But that's all she got, nobody…
Oh the fun of mania! Zoom,zoom
I can weed a garden faster than the speed of bullet. Who needs sleep when there are so many books to read? Irritable, you think??? After a year of IV steroids, it is official, I am nutso. The shrinks (I get 2 because I am special and the young one seems afraid of my co-morbities and meds) agreed I have to stay on seroquel.…
acknowledging you
Ive only been here a few monthes but I can tell some of you have been here supporting, reading, updating, helping and sharing your lives for a long time. While I can also see there is a lot of new folks like myself coming on. This post is to acknowledge all of you. Those of you long-timers that have become so much like big…
Sirod, how are you doing?
I haven't seen your name in a post in a little while. Hoping you are doing ok and not feeling badly? Check in when you can!! Gentle cyber hugs and prayers that your treatment is going well.
Celebratory coffee drink the size of my head can only mean one thing...
I've just returned from my annual mammogram and hearing those beautiful words from the radiologist: "Everything looks good, see you next year"! So I'm celebrating in my usual way, for those of you who remember from past years: with an extra large Dark Chocolate Iced Blended Mocha from Coffee Bean. 700 calories, according…
Flap surgury
I found out that I had triple neg stage 2 breast cancer 1 1/2 years also. The doctors said it would be best for me to wait to have flap surgury until 1 yr after radiation . would you tell me your pros and cons of this surgury! I can't decided. Thanks
Hi Everyone: I've been on the Anostrozole (1mg daily) for about 2 months now. Side affects for me have been massive weight gain, painful joints, occasional headaches, just to name a few. Before I started taking it the doctor said the side effects are 'temporary' and subside after 6 months or so. I am all for sticking…
Radiation side effects
I am having leg aches after finishing partial breast radiation treatments yesterday. Treatments were for 5 straight days, twice a day. They warned me about fatigue, weakness, skin problems. No one said anything about aching legs. What could this be? Am I in danger with this symptom? It's Saturday, so I can't reach anyone…
Behind on bills!!
I had breast cancer 3 years ago now am cancer free.. God Bless me.. Now I am behind all my bills
Happy Birthday Wishes to RE - May 16th
Rena, Enjoy your very special day ... Celebrate. Vicki Sam
O.T. Any others with upcoming GRADUATION?
Sunday my youngest will be graduating from her second college program. The first one she decided to not "WALK" though i begged her-so Sunday I'll be in tears with joy and PRIDE watching her walk. IT will be along day and our last name starts with "W" so she'll be at the end. I think at least 1,000 grads. I can't wait..and…
I am scared that my cancer is back...UPDATE 5-19-2014
I saw my oncologist today and I have a MRI scheduled for tomorrow morning and they are also going to schedule a liver biopsy. All signs are pointing to the BIG C being back. I will keep everyone updated as I find out things. Thanks for your prayers and good thoughts. Hugs Mommaellen I went to the emergency room today with…
To Shave or Not To Shave
Well, I had my first chemo treatment on april 10 (Cytoxan & Taxotere) with the Neulasta shot given the following day. I did have my hair cut about a week ago (it was about 5 inches past my shoulders). Surprisingly, I have gotten a lot of compliments on my new bob and I'm actually starting to like it too. However, my hair…
Right Underarm and Right Breast Swollen and Mammogram normal
I have been battling with Right Underarm Swelling and my Right Breast is swollen as well. I have been to my OBGYN and sent to a Breast Surgeon. Ayear later after being told its not cancer my breast is still swollen and my right underarm is swollen and very uncomfortable. I am now with a new provider and she sent me for a…
Felt down
I went to the Oakland A's game for Mother's Day With my family n friends. Guess what happened to me I went to walked on the baseball field for the Breast Cancer wiith all the survivors! Anyways, while I was on the field I was looking around for my friends n family to see where they all at, so my best-friend text me to let…
*OT/ Wild Fires in San Diego - AISLING8-Victoria, Are you Safe, fires around your new home?
Thinking about you, and all those currently finding themselves misplaced by those raging fires .. Please check in when possible. Vicki Sam
O.T. How is your weather?
Though the last day in April -Big April showers-hopefully MAY flowers to follow (her in Mid NYS) Denise I hope it stops for Fri for Grandsons field trip-Walkway over the Hudson-fingers, eyes and teos all crossed.. Denise
PET Scan Results - happy news
I had a 6 month PET scan (follow up) on Friday. The results: no active or metastatic activity. Lots of sclerotic ribs and old junk, but nothing active. Happy, happy news for us! I just had to share!!!!
Hap Hap Happy Birthday - Jenny Twist!!!
Jenny - Enjoy your very special day !!! I wish for you Lots of Love, Happiness, and Joy! Vicki Sam