Metaplastic Spindle Cell Carcinoma
Hi everyone, I am new to this forum and would like to know if anyelse out there has had what I have/had. In March 2013 I found a small lump on the upper part of my right breast. By the time I got to get in to see the dr. it had grown to about the size of a golf ball. A biopsy showed that is was cancer on 5-1-2013. The dr…
Update - it has been a while.
I am finally feelng somewhat better after my trip. I am so glad I was able to go to So. Cal. I knew it would be hard but I was determined and really enjoyed my week there. It took until now though to recoup. Have not been able to get the pain in my ba k, tailbone and legs under control. I finally took the doctors advice…
How fast can skin mets show up?
Hi, I have not posted in a long time. I still read your post and always hoping that we all get through what were going through. My question is how fast can skin mets come. I had Inflammatory Breast cancer. Its been two years now. I have been through the chemo, radiation and double mest and reconsuction. I had the…
Another new guinea pig
Hi all, I was diagnosed 2 days ago with breast cancer. I do not know anything yet.... other than I have an appointment with a surgeon on Aug. 7... The wait is difficult. Everything up until now was super fast. I had a mamogram that at first they thought was A-OK and then when it was re-read they spoted a spot they 'didn't…
Off Tamoxifen One year
last year i was waitng to take my LAST pill and now it's been a year..wow Denise
Today is mommallen's Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day - filled with lots of fun & surprises! Jenny
Second time around
Hello , I am new here. I found out yesterday that I have another cancer in my breast and i am afraid. Is there anybody out there that has has the same thing happen to them and can you help me.
HOw to tell if you have bone mets?
Went for my yearly check up and when the Dr. ran her hand down my sping in my lower back it was tender. She said to watch it but that now that I have had time to think. Two months ago had to go to the accupuncturist because I had terrible pain in my leg from the sciatic nerve. I haven't had back pain but my back has felt…
Waiting for bone scan results
Had my CT scan today. they did the full body scan and then the tech said the Dr. wanted another one of my lower back and hips. I have the same feeling when I first was dianosed. I think I am not going to get good news. I think NED has deserted me the ****! I am not freaking out but mentally saying, "Crappity Crapcrap!"
New to Cancer, New to the Site
This is my first time posting on ANYTHING, so I hope I can figure out how to reply, etc. I am WhoaThere in the chat room (have no idea why I chose that except I had not slept at all that night) but my real name is Denise. I was diagnosed with TNBC on May 14. I had had a lump in my left breast for years (13 or 14) that had…
Ixabepilone/Xeloda Combo?
Hey! Have any of you done Ixabepilone / Xeloda chemo combo platter? I have been taking Xeloda for a while but they are going to add Ixabepilone to it soon. (Sounds like something Exxon would make - maybe it will make run better) I'm just wondering how Ixabepilone made you feel? Thanks! Marty
deciding if its necessary to remove overies after bilateral mastectomy and chemotherapy
I was diagnosed a year a go with breast cancer, left sided, ductal carcinoma, infiltrating T-2, positive for estrogen and progesterone receptors grade intermediate HER2 neg so.... T2 NO MO...I had a double mastectomy and 7 months of chemotherapy. My period stopped during chemo as I am 46, 45 at the time, and I decided not…
Bone radiation consultation questions prep reading
Hi all i need your help they fit me in for tomorrow radiation oncology consultation unfortunately My RO an vacation and recommends his partner what questions to ask? I have multiple sites in weird locations any advice and suggestion will be helpful and highly appreciated
Staying healthy on chemo
Just wondering if anyone has any advice for staying healthy while on chemo. Just finished chemo #2. When I asked my Onc all he said was stay away from crowds. Any special foods? Trying to exercise but I am TIRED after working all day... Kim
Yesterday - Aug 1 was Pattannes' Birthday!
Happy * Happy Birthday! Hope your day was the very best - surrounded with love all around! Jenny
Today is Blownaway60's Birthday!
Best wishes for a wonderful day! Hope all your Birthday wishes come true! Jenny
Port placement Wed. Infection Thurs night!!!
I posted and asked a few days ago if anyone had feelings on whether it was better to go with IR ( interventional radiology) and have the procedure done under twilight or wait for the surgeon in an OR under general ... well I picked IR ... surgery wasn't unplesant and not too bad for sedation either. Now I did have a small…
Today is DisneyFan2008's Birthday!
Sending BIG Birthday wishes your way -- hope you have a fantastic day - with lots of cake, family, friends & presents! Jenny
Today is KathiM's Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a fantastic day - and your year ahead is filled with health, happiness & lots of love! -Jenny
OT - Sturgis Motorcycle Rally - Anyone coming?
Aug 4 - 9, will be this year's Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. Anyone planning on coming? If you are, perhaps we could meet. I live about 35 miles from Sturgis. I know that I will be in Sturgis on the 5th for an appt with my PA at Ft. Meade. For those who haven't heard of it - it's basically the 'Grand Daddy' of Cycle Rallys.…
O.T. how is the weather in your neck of the woods?
Here in NYS we have had lots of thunder storms-down pours etc. MY husband works for cable so he is out all the time fixing all the damage from rain and wind! We were in Conn last weekend and crazy thunder storm there on Friday Denise
Darkness may make tamoxifen more effective - interesting findings
I saw this in the Sunday paper this am: "In a study that sheds new light on the body’s wake-sleep cycle, Tulane University researchers have found dim light at night can compromise the effectiveness of the breast cancer drug tamoxifen, while sleeping in total darkness can enhance its impact. The study, published in the…
Since it getting close for the time of my yearly mamogram. The place down here sent out a form letter stating I need to come in right now. I called to tell them I would now be able to come in now! I will call back after my doc appt to schedule on. I got told unless i dropped everything and go now im died. I told the lady…
Cruise- I was away and not contact via online etc
So I am now catching up on over 10 days of comments and posts.. Denise.
Get On The Pink Bus
Calling all my Pink Sisters to Get on the Pink Bus 7/22/14 for my annual. It takes a lot of courage to walk through the door for the test. It brings back memories of that dreadful day in April of 2011. Constance
Today is MsSunshine's Birthday!
Sending happy wishes your way - hope you have a great day - filled with lots of cake & ice cream & love all around! -Jenny
Lighting a candle
I wonder if we could light a candle or candles for our sisters who have passed. Specific time and date so we can have them all around the world? LMK what you think. we did this before and it was so profound. My picture is the one I lit for Moopy
Phyllodes tumor
Wondering if anyone has had recent experience with a phyllodes tumor. I had one removed in right breast 2/2014. It was benign and clear margins were obtained. I am due for a routine follow up in August, and have just found another lump in my left breast. Has anyone out there had ecperience with getting phyllodes tumors in…
What a crappy week. . .
First, the news of Jeanne on Here, then Olga's new lesions, and today, news of Carrie passing. I feel like I've been kicked in the stomach. THEN - my oldest friend (we've been friends since we were 4) called me late this morning after we'd just been together at the gym earlier . Hmmmmmm. I could tell from her voice that…
SIROD, how are you?
Thinking of you and sending hugs and prayers! Check in when you can.