Just released from hospital - yuck!
Well, many of you may know that I had a run in with some bratwurst in California. I was acutely ill the night after trying to eat it. Dumb idea, but I just thought it looked so good. Sigh. After that run in, my digestive system has been on strike. I flew home Monday and seemed fine. Tuesday night, I had red beans and rice…
Pink Bus for New Flower tomorrow!
Let's all join Olga on her RO visit. I will bring my beignets and cafe au lait. All aboard!!!!
Today is Lighthouse 7's Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Best wishes for a wonderful day and the year ahead filled with health, happiness & love all around! Jenny
Is scar creams safe for somebody after breast cancer surgery ?
My mother in law went through the black nights of breast cancer though after two successful surgeries and alternative treatments, she is coming back to normalcy. Usually post surgery scars are overlooked but it was a real stress for my mother in law. These dark scars on her body looked really SCARY. We did try a lot of…
Brachytherapy for radiation
I have not found anything written on this topic during the last two years On this site. I'm in Phonix and starting this next week. Would like to talk to others who have gone through Brachytherapy radiation. Ended up not doing it. My cavity was too big because BS had to go back in to make sure there was enough clear…
what is the nicest thing someone did during your time or need/ surgery/ treatment (i know we talk ab
MY long time frend of 40 yrs drove from VT for the day of my surgery and had to drive back the same day. That meant so much to me. Both my parents were diead pior to my cancer-my stand in parrents (known since birth) came to all my appts, visited me , came with me to my surgiery etc. (even made dinner and dropped it off at…
Summer plans?
I am heading to San Diego soon. In August, Danny and I are heading to an inn in NH owned and run by his younger brother. Looking for ways to escape this awful heat. What are your plans for summer vacation?
Check out the Expressions Gallery again - more San Juan Capistrano photos
I have added more photos from our glorious reunion. It was a wonderful, wonderful day.
Amiridex vs Femara
Hello everyone. I just completed chemo (Taxotere and Cytoxan) and currently undergoing radiation treatments for my BC treatment plan. I was diagnosed with Estrogen REceptor positive, Progesterone Negative, HER2 Negative. Prior to chemo, I was pre-menopausal. The chemo treatment put me into temporary menopause but not…
Lip Balm for sore lips
My Bert's Bees Lip Balm has peppermint oil in it and was stinging my tender lips. The CVS pharmacist found me an awesome replacement - Nivea's "A Kiss of Smoothness" with SPF15, aloe and shay butter. It glides on soooo soft and smooth.
OT Fluffy the Iguana
I found a photo of him for my San Juan ladies. He was a very sweet lizard. May he RIP.
New Cancer Killing Drug
http://www.nypost.com/p/news/international/every_cancer_kills_tumor_them_kind_L9lppJmy9gCoS848cSzqbP One drug to rule them all: Researchers find treatment that kills every kind of cancer tumor * By MICHAEL BLAUSTEIN * Last Updated: 10:48 AM, March 27, 2013 * Posted: 10:46 AM, March 27, 2013 Researchers might have found the…
Finally made it home from California
and wished. I was still there. A week just was not long enough. Seeing everyone was wonderful, yet 2 hours including lunch just gave you a chance to skimnthe surface... I thunk the Hershey PA, groupgets together and has time to visit. I am not complaining I will take what I can vet. The beach was beautiful, being with…
Getting ready to start radiation in couple of weeks - any advice?
Hi everyone. Just completed my 4th and LAST chemo infusion last Thursday (Cytoxan and Taxotere). Still dealing with SE's but so happy that this phase is done! So now gearing up for radiation which should start up in about 3 weeks. Do any of you have any advice on how to manage radiation SE's? I have heard that pure aloe…
One Year Anniversary
June 27th marked the one year anniversray of completion of radiation therapy after surgery. Hoping for many more of these anniversaries in the years ahead!!!
The cost of cancer
In 2009 when I was first diagnosed with BC, I was still working and had a good health insurance plan through my employer. Now in 2014 diagnosed with mets to spine and rib. I am now retired and on Medicare and a supplemental insurance called Security Blue. Guess I thought that would cover everything. WRONG! Now found out…
Lymphedema pain at night
Crud! It's midnight and I just want to cry! For the last week I have had pain in my arm at night. I do have lymphedema and wear my sleeve during the day. Has anyone had trouble at night? I really need some relief. I have tried hanging it over the edge of the bed, raising it, keeping it elevated, putting my sleeve back on.…
Can someone please help me?
I haven't posted much, but have been on every day for advice and support. I had stage 2a with lymph node involvement, had chemo and radiation. Had a terrible reaction to the chemo and they had to stop my treatment after 3 treatments instead of 4. I had acute total body pain. Now onTamoxifen and the pain has gotten better…
Aggressive Nasty Stage 3a at least
The topic of this thread is the diagnosis I got from my oncologist. She said I had a 50% chance of survival, but more with treatment. My cancer, she said, is still curable, but there is no way to know if it is gone once I have finished radiation. Does this sound confusing / frustrating to anyone? I am thankful to be here…
The Constipated Iguana
is just one of the many stories told at our table. If you want to know more, ask Cypress Cynthia. It was her iguana:) It was a lovely day -- meeting new people, seeing old friends, remembering those we've lost. Our hostess, Constance, thought of everything: candles, tissues, name tags, flower corsages. Food was wonderful…
Thank You for the wonderful reunion.....
Saturday was the best day in a long time. Just to be with such a bunch of wonderful women. People I only know by their names on here and finally putting faces to names. Heck names, I forget faster then when some one tells me theirs. Constance is one name I will remember for a long time. She did such a terrific job. The…
Osteoporosis diagnosis while taking Arimidex
Hi ...I am on a second five year regimen of taking Arimidex (after treatment for Stage 3 BC in 2008) and although I have been taking Boniva since being diagnosed with post-chemo osteopenia, I have now been diagnosed with osteoporosis. I am seeing an endocrinologist who wants me to start Prolia. Anyone here have experience…
Emilyw85, Do You Have an Update for Us?
Emilyw85, Just wondering if you have had confirmation of a breast cancer diagnoses from your doctors yet or are you here as a caregiver and if that is the case, how is your loved one doing?
I have been on Arimidex for 2 years and also get an infusion every six months for bone loss. I have an awful lot of leg pain and have gained 20 lbs. Now I am losing my hair. Arimidex is listed as chemo so is very powerful. Has anyone else lost any hair? PS I buy my Arimidex(generic) through Health Warehouse. $81.00 for 120…
Rest in Peace Dear carriesoup
Our dear sweet carriesoup passed away this morning. She hasn't been on here for awhile, but I know a lot of you remember her. She was only 33 years old. I had the honor of meeting her last year at our Hershey spa weekend. I have posted a picture of our group under my expressions page. I will miss you dear sweet baby "pink"…
Hi Sarducci's at the train depot in San Juan Capristano's has been reserved for us at 1pm on July 12th. They are very excited to host our group. In order to get our head count numbers correct, I need for anyone who is interested in attending to reply letting me know how many are in your party or if it's just yourself. This…
The Old, the New, and the Ugly - New Flower update
Hello everyone Just a little update. The bit c h is back, while stable is gone . I always think of BC as a sneaky a lewd, immoral woman, who seeks attention, tries stilling our dreams, takes away our pink ssters and brothers I received disappointing results of my latest scan on Friday. There are 2 new FDG-avid lesions: one…
Jeanne on Here has passed
So sad, what a lovely lady she was. Rest Peacefully sweet Jeanne. Tash xxxxxxx
Fertility preservation b4 treatment OR IVF after 2 years of treatment?
My husband and I are having a very difficult decision to make: To harvest eggs and freeze embryos before radiation and tamoxifen treatment; Or to do IVF after two year's of tamoxifen and restart on tamoxifen after giving birth. Hope to hear what you think, especially if you have similar experiences. So here are my stories:…
Its been one week since my new treatment and I have not had any fevers or flu like syptoms or severe nausea. The bad thing is I have no energy at all and my tastebuds are messed up (everything taste different) and I am noticing a loss of hair. I will also be receiveing a shot of XGEVA once a month for 4 months to treat the…