Behind on bills!!
I had breast cancer 3 years ago now am cancer free.. God Bless me.. Now I am behind all my bills
Happy Birthday Wishes to RE - May 16th
Rena, Enjoy your very special day ... Celebrate. Vicki Sam
O.T. Any others with upcoming GRADUATION?
Sunday my youngest will be graduating from her second college program. The first one she decided to not "WALK" though i begged her-so Sunday I'll be in tears with joy and PRIDE watching her walk. IT will be along day and our last name starts with "W" so she'll be at the end. I think at least 1,000 grads. I can't wait..and…
I am scared that my cancer is back...UPDATE 5-19-2014
I saw my oncologist today and I have a MRI scheduled for tomorrow morning and they are also going to schedule a liver biopsy. All signs are pointing to the BIG C being back. I will keep everyone updated as I find out things. Thanks for your prayers and good thoughts. Hugs Mommaellen I went to the emergency room today with…
To Shave or Not To Shave
Well, I had my first chemo treatment on april 10 (Cytoxan & Taxotere) with the Neulasta shot given the following day. I did have my hair cut about a week ago (it was about 5 inches past my shoulders). Surprisingly, I have gotten a lot of compliments on my new bob and I'm actually starting to like it too. However, my hair…
Right Underarm and Right Breast Swollen and Mammogram normal
I have been battling with Right Underarm Swelling and my Right Breast is swollen as well. I have been to my OBGYN and sent to a Breast Surgeon. Ayear later after being told its not cancer my breast is still swollen and my right underarm is swollen and very uncomfortable. I am now with a new provider and she sent me for a…
Felt down
I went to the Oakland A's game for Mother's Day With my family n friends. Guess what happened to me I went to walked on the baseball field for the Breast Cancer wiith all the survivors! Anyways, while I was on the field I was looking around for my friends n family to see where they all at, so my best-friend text me to let…
*OT/ Wild Fires in San Diego - AISLING8-Victoria, Are you Safe, fires around your new home?
Thinking about you, and all those currently finding themselves misplaced by those raging fires .. Please check in when possible. Vicki Sam
O.T. How is your weather?
Though the last day in April -Big April showers-hopefully MAY flowers to follow (her in Mid NYS) Denise I hope it stops for Fri for Grandsons field trip-Walkway over the Hudson-fingers, eyes and teos all crossed.. Denise
PET Scan Results - happy news
I had a 6 month PET scan (follow up) on Friday. The results: no active or metastatic activity. Lots of sclerotic ribs and old junk, but nothing active. Happy, happy news for us! I just had to share!!!!
Hap Hap Happy Birthday - Jenny Twist!!!
Jenny - Enjoy your very special day !!! I wish for you Lots of Love, Happiness, and Joy! Vicki Sam
Mother's day
How was everyones' mother's day? We went to church then canoe ride-then just chilled at home..perfect day for canoeing.. Denise
Arthritis and bone pain much worse
After Taxatere and Cytoxan and going on Arimidex my joint and bone pain has significantly increased. After 6 months I have had my first hand surgery with bone removal and a 2nd surgery for my other hand coming up. I also have bad pain in the tops of my feet where there are more bones than muscle, my ankles. left knee, hips…
Off Topic - 'Happy May Day'...
Wishing all of you a lovely May Day - Have a Spring Fling ...
Bad Lung News. I Am Disappointed
First of all, I want to thank you all for giving me wisdom and strength. I would not be able to go through this without having been reading what you all have. I have been off Prednisone since April 29th. The stuff on my lungs is back.(Back in February CT showed progression in the middle of both lungs. Prednisone held off…
Missing Tasha
Has anyone heard from Tasha? I know she was having a rough time. Tasha, please let us know how you are doing? My kindest thoughts are with you. Stef
article on ending chemo
Cnn.com/healingthefuture. Thought this was interesting. Amazing if they can find a way to heal our immune system rather than put poison in our systems. Keep our fingers crossed.
Coping with skin issue in treatment
How do you cope with skin problems during Chemo & Radiation? What did you skin feel like? What products did you use?
OT possible move
May be moving to the salem oregon area in Oct. Anyone up that way that can tell me about good apartments in safe areas. Also considering Independence and Keizer. Thanks Stef
Feeling Frustrated...
I was all set to have my Latissimus flap procedure on 5/22 - but after speaking with the doctor, he has decided to take out my tissue expander and let that heal for a few months than proceed to do the Lat. flap procedure down the road. My body is showing signs of severe infection...UGH!!!...Why can't anything just be…
Hello survivors!
I haven't checked in here in ages. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in October 2003. I had 8 months of treatments - chemo for 3 months - radiation for 6 weeks - 3 more months of chemo. Then I took tamoxifen for 5 years. In July it will be 10 years since I finished treatments. I feel great! Of course I am 10 years older,…
O.T.-2 wks My Daughter graduates yet again from College
My youngest is graduating from college in 2 wks-first graduation she decided to NOT walk (since she knew many years to go. (going for her PHD) she did kick herself now for not walking with the COMMUNITY college-but she is doing it very soon. WE are so proud of her-hard worker-busts her butt - I am not sure who is more…
Abbreivations --- For our new members -- just a guideline for all
*There can be multiple meanings for some abbreviations in medicine. For example, PE is also an abbreviation for pulmonary embolism. (Tamoxifen users are at increased risk for pulmonary embolism.) * AC - one of the five most common types of chemo given to women with BC. Iit's probably the MOST common drug combination given…
Spam Emails
We have been made aware of another round of spam emails being sent to users. While we try to have security in place to handle such emails, we cannot always catch them all. If you have received an email asking for money, please do not respond to the email or the private email address that was given by the sender. Please…
OT - Rabbit Agility
Wondering iF anyone has heard of or done 'Rabbit Agility'? I just heard of it this past weekend. It apparently is basically the same as Dog Agility except your bunny does it. They 'run' a pattern of jumps, tunnel, weave poles, etc. that is timed and done off leash - like Dog Agility. Buggsy already walks nice on a leash so…
Insomnia, irritability and IV steroids
OK, I have been increasingly over the last few months having a time with insomnia, irritability and feeling revved up. I had talked with my onc a little, but I think he didn't quite know how to properly treat this (threw a little ambien at it, which worsens my depression). I finally got in to see a psychiatrist, first a…
New to Boards
Hi every one, I have recived confirmation that i do indeed have breast cancer in my right breast. the pathology report is all i have since it is recent, and to be honest im not sure exactly what it means, as i am waiting t see the specialist to see how bad my condition is. the report is breast mass suggestive of ductal…
Pain during CT Contrast
My mother has breast cancer that has metastizied to the bone -- skull and spine. She has been taking Arimidex since last June and in November her CA15-3 markers, which had been going down, started to rise. Her doctor says that they must do a CT with IVcontrast to validate that the change in markers is due to the…
Hysterectomy-due to tamoxifen 3 yrs ago this week
Time flies for sure.-IT was a tough tough healing-trips to the ERs, out of work for 6 wks etc but all good now..HAPPY to say..Just reminissing! Denise
Info I Learned On Foot Draw Protocol From Mayo
For people with bilateral arm/hand LE and Foot Draws: Mayo clinic lab has a protocol that if you need a foot draw for blood draws, the foot needs to stay elevated for 2 hours afterwards. I forgot to ask why, but am assuming because of blood clots. My local clinic NEVER mentioned this to me. I told the Mayo tech that and…