Sometimes you just get a little Tired

The thing is....after dealing with this monster for twelve years......and then reading about lots of people who had it return this far gets depressing.
Just reading the posts about the Bone Mets today....knowing how serious ANY Mets so tired. And knowing that my aches and pains may NOT be just old age....but rather a call back to the time of terror again..... it makes we want to just STOP with the doctor visits and the blood work and the Scans ad infinitum. I am 78 years old and at Peace with my Maker. Don't think I could go through all that stuff again. But then also today, I read about a Doctor who is donating her Triple Negative Cancer Cells for Research......... so so good can come of what she is about to go through.
good luck with your annual check up appointment
I hope your appoinment will go well. You have a very good oncologist who is following you for many years. Think like you are going to see your old friend, soblood and scanare contributions to a lovely chat with favorite doctor.
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WE all get tired
Glowmore, not just you, I will have to say that their is probably not one person on this site that has not got tired of what they are going through and has battled depression. Go to your ONC and get checked out first before your depression gets worse. Look at your age 78yrs. young and still doing better than alot of others. I know sometimes it gets rough and tough for me alot of times and I am going on only 60yrs. I know 12yrs. is a long time fighting, but kick up those feet and show the beast you can fight for another 12yrs. or more. Good luck with your test and let us know what is going on. Hugs, Pixie Dust
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I understand...then add we
I understand...then add we have lost some wonderful women it gets very depressing. But as my Daddy would say you just have to soldier on.
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You Are Right Girls....Pixie Dust said:WE all get tired
Glowmore, not just you, I will have to say that their is probably not one person on this site that has not got tired of what they are going through and has battled depression. Go to your ONC and get checked out first before your depression gets worse. Look at your age 78yrs. young and still doing better than alot of others. I know sometimes it gets rough and tough for me alot of times and I am going on only 60yrs. I know 12yrs. is a long time fighting, but kick up those feet and show the beast you can fight for another 12yrs. or more. Good luck with your test and let us know what is going on. Hugs, Pixie Dust
Instead of getting Depressed I should be saying Thank You for each day.....considering I wasn't supposed to live this long.
I think it is just the week of having to go for the Annual MM. My Oncologist retired this I will be seeing a New one the first week of Sept...and there is the anxiety about that probably. It is highly doubtful I would live another 12 years anyway.... even if I didn't have cancer....not too many live to be 90. Pretty dumb of me to let it get to me at this stage. Not very many people who understand.
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That Bedspread***sweetvickid said:I understand...then add we
I understand...then add we have lost some wonderful women it gets very depressing. But as my Daddy would say you just have to soldier on.
That is one good looking bedspread Vicki............ did you make it?
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DAY BY DAYGlowMore said:That Bedspread***
That is one good looking bedspread Vicki............ did you make it?
Glowmore, do not say that you do not think you can live another 12 yrs. I know that it is hard to think this way, but let us not think of the years we have, Lets just thank God everyday we get out of bed and touch our feet to the floor. Hugs, Pixie Dust
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New oncologistPixie Dust said:DAY BY DAY
Glowmore, do not say that you do not think you can live another 12 yrs. I know that it is hard to think this way, but let us not think of the years we have, Lets just thank God everyday we get out of bed and touch our feet to the floor. Hugs, Pixie Dust
Of course you are nervous - changing an oncologist is a very big deal, especially if you have had a good one who carried for you. People who did not have cancer cannot understand how much does it mean to have a good doctor. Hopefully replacement is a good one too. 90 is a very good number le's hope and ty!!!
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GlowMore you have many moreGlowMore said:That Bedspread***
That is one good looking bedspread Vicki............ did you make it?
GlowMore you have many more years to go. Enjoy them . Start a new hobby. Is ther something you always wanted to do but didn't get to it? I jut started drawing. Alway very good at it just never got to it . Started taking cheap senior course at the local college to get me going.
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Can't see where I can go readSailing wind said:GlowMore you have many more
GlowMore you have many more years to go. Enjoy them . Start a new hobby. Is ther something you always wanted to do but didn't get to it? I jut started drawing. Alway very good at it just never got to it . Started taking cheap senior course at the local college to get me going.
Can't see where I can go read old post and find out more about you all.
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finding member infoSailing wind said:Can't see where I can go read
Can't see where I can go read old post and find out more about you all.
Go to the top right of this page, click on Search for CSN Members, and enter the person "name" in the search box
Once you're on their page, you can also send a private message to that person that will show up in their CSN Email.
If you click on someone's name, either here or in the chat room, it will let you send a brief private message.
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Better Today/TonightPuffin2014 said:finding member info
Go to the top right of this page, click on Search for CSN Members, and enter the person "name" in the search box
Once you're on their page, you can also send a private message to that person that will show up in their CSN Email.
If you click on someone's name, either here or in the chat room, it will let you send a brief private message.
Thanks for the encouragement girls...........feeling better tonight..... had my Annual Diagnostic MM today and all was ok for another year per the Radiologist. It's always a relief will see my new Oncologist the first week in Sept and see how that goes........I think I'm due for a PET but would rather not get any more of those scans...sometimes the scans themselves can give you trouble and I've had too many already. But not complaining.....I am grateful ....and I have found something that is super interesting to do the past few weeks...have started on some Family Tree Work on and it keeps your mind super busy and off of your worries. Fear is a terrible thing... I wish we could all get rid of are all very brave women....... I am honored to be among you.
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"GOOD NEWS"GlowMore said:Better Today/Tonight
Thanks for the encouragement girls...........feeling better tonight..... had my Annual Diagnostic MM today and all was ok for another year per the Radiologist. It's always a relief will see my new Oncologist the first week in Sept and see how that goes........I think I'm due for a PET but would rather not get any more of those scans...sometimes the scans themselves can give you trouble and I've had too many already. But not complaining.....I am grateful ....and I have found something that is super interesting to do the past few weeks...have started on some Family Tree Work on and it keeps your mind super busy and off of your worries. Fear is a terrible thing... I wish we could all get rid of are all very brave women....... I am honored to be among you.
GlowMore, So good to hear the great news. Yes, fear is a terrible thing. That is probably what was causing you to be tired and depressed. Let me tell you something. You are not by yourself to have feelings like this. Almost every one of us here have gone through or still gong through them. Fear is a powerful thing to have to go through and it hits us all. Stand up to this wicked Beast and let him know that you are not giving up and you are going to fight and kick his $$$ and you are going to keep on going. I am so happy for you. I love to hear good news about all our sister and brothers on here. I am glad you found a hobby. Keep working on that family tree, and who knows somewhere further down on that family tree you may find out that we are related someway. Would that be wonderful. LOL. Keep working on that family tree and keep yourself busy. Hugs, Pixie Dust
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Family Tree ResearchGlowMore said:Better Today/Tonight
Thanks for the encouragement girls...........feeling better tonight..... had my Annual Diagnostic MM today and all was ok for another year per the Radiologist. It's always a relief will see my new Oncologist the first week in Sept and see how that goes........I think I'm due for a PET but would rather not get any more of those scans...sometimes the scans themselves can give you trouble and I've had too many already. But not complaining.....I am grateful ....and I have found something that is super interesting to do the past few weeks...have started on some Family Tree Work on and it keeps your mind super busy and off of your worries. Fear is a terrible thing... I wish we could all get rid of are all very brave women....... I am honored to be among you.
GlowMore, so good to hear you're feeling better and have found something useful and challenging to wrap your mind around. I have so enjoyed my genealogy work and the family stories and photos I've found along the way.
Besides using, be sure and check out the free website It's a collection of cemetery memorials, all contributed by volunteers. Anyone can look at the entries, but to add material you need to register your email address with them in case someone needs to contact you. Every cemetery can have it's own home page, with a photo of the cemetery, a map of how to get there, and an index of the memorials for the people who are buried there. Once there have been over 100 people entered into the cemetery the index becomes searchable by surname. Each person's memorial page has a text area where you can write about their life, add the obit, etc., add personal photos, a photo of the tombstone, create links between the memorial pages of spouses and between spouses and their kids. There's an icon to request a volunteer to take a tombstone photo if you live across country and can't get out and take one yourself. Those links are what makes this site such a gem for family researchers. Often if you find a cemetery where a family member is buried, you can then use the feature of "search for all Olson's buried in this cemetery, or in this county, or in this state" and find a whole bunch of other related Olson's.
Be sure and use the link to frequently asked questions and read through how to use it, there are rules they want the volunteers to follow. Anyone can add a memorial for anyone whether you're related to them or not. Some volunteers enter memorials every day from the obit section of the newspaper. Some use the names from cemetery indexes prepared by local genealogy societies, some go and photograph entire cemeteries and then add the memorial pages and the photos at the same time.
I got started by agreeing to be a volunteer photographer for people requesting tombstone photos. If someone requests a photo within 50 miles of my house I get an email, as do all the other volunteers in the area, and if I decide to go take it I can put a 2 week reserve on the request to alert other volunteers not to waste their time driving there because I'm going to attempt to find the stone. If I don't find it or for some reason don't get out there, the reserve just expires on its own. Then I started taking photos of small cemeteries as long as I'd made the drive there. And then I kind of went nuts and started systematically photographing each section of a local cemetery until I had taken photos of all the stones I could find or dig up until I'd taken over 18,000 people! It was a 4 year project of taking photos, and I still have about 5000 people to add to **** from that cemetery. But the hard physical work is done, and is making a wonderful activity that I can now do from my recliner.
I took the photos as family groups, head stone, mom, dad, and whoever was in that plot, and as I enter each grouping into **** I try to create the relationship links. Sometimes it's obvious because the stone says Mother and Father, etc. Often it's not, as you get inlaws mixed in with the children. That's when I'll open up a second screen and go to Ancestry and check out the Public Trees and see if anyone has that family in their tree, and if they do I can often update the info on the memorial page, like add a middle name, or expand the dates of birth and death if they look accurate (I live right on the border of 2 states and have learned not to trust where people think their loved ones died. Just because the person lived in MN doesn't mean they died there because the hospital in our area is on the ND side of the river), and just because the Social Security Death Index says their last residence was a certain place, that doesn't mean that's where they died. So I also have windows open to the online ND Death Index and the MN Death Certificates Index and before I enter anyone as having died in either state I make sure they actually did. If I do find a Public Tree that contains the family I send the tree owner a message which I copy and paste that says "Robert Olson is buried in Riverside Cemetery, Fargo, ND and you can see a photo of his tombstone at -------, you have my permission to use the photo in your ancestry tree if you want". Often their tree is missing the death date, and now that they have it they can research for death certificates, an obit, etc. and I get many grateful responses.
If I don't find the people from the cemetery plot in a Public Tree I'll go to and search the census records closest to the date of their death and see if I can find them in either Fargo or Moorhead to see what I can learn about the family relationships. It takes time, but is very rewarding.
If you know where some of your family is buried from the home page there is a search feature where you can either search by the person's name, or by a cemetery. I'd recommend starting with the cemetery, and then searching or browsing by the surname. Since names get entered from indexes, sometimes first names are only their initials and you won't find them if you search for the entire name to begin with. The person who enters a memorial is considered the manager of that memorial and is the only person who can make changes to the name, dates, or text portion of the page, anyone can add a photo. **** has rules about asking for a transfer of management if you're related, and if the manager is not related and you are and you've requested a transfer, they are supposed to do so. You can also send in an edit request and just tell them what needs to be added or changed and the changes can be made without actually doing a transfer of managment. In my **** bio I've included a note that I'm not related to the majority of memorials I've entered and would be willing to transfer ownership regardless if they're a direct line descendent.
You have found a fun and rewarding hobby, hope you discover lots of fun stuff through those green shaking leaves at
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WOW WOW PUFFIN**Puffin2014 said:Family Tree Research
GlowMore, so good to hear you're feeling better and have found something useful and challenging to wrap your mind around. I have so enjoyed my genealogy work and the family stories and photos I've found along the way.
Besides using, be sure and check out the free website It's a collection of cemetery memorials, all contributed by volunteers. Anyone can look at the entries, but to add material you need to register your email address with them in case someone needs to contact you. Every cemetery can have it's own home page, with a photo of the cemetery, a map of how to get there, and an index of the memorials for the people who are buried there. Once there have been over 100 people entered into the cemetery the index becomes searchable by surname. Each person's memorial page has a text area where you can write about their life, add the obit, etc., add personal photos, a photo of the tombstone, create links between the memorial pages of spouses and between spouses and their kids. There's an icon to request a volunteer to take a tombstone photo if you live across country and can't get out and take one yourself. Those links are what makes this site such a gem for family researchers. Often if you find a cemetery where a family member is buried, you can then use the feature of "search for all Olson's buried in this cemetery, or in this county, or in this state" and find a whole bunch of other related Olson's.
Be sure and use the link to frequently asked questions and read through how to use it, there are rules they want the volunteers to follow. Anyone can add a memorial for anyone whether you're related to them or not. Some volunteers enter memorials every day from the obit section of the newspaper. Some use the names from cemetery indexes prepared by local genealogy societies, some go and photograph entire cemeteries and then add the memorial pages and the photos at the same time.
I got started by agreeing to be a volunteer photographer for people requesting tombstone photos. If someone requests a photo within 50 miles of my house I get an email, as do all the other volunteers in the area, and if I decide to go take it I can put a 2 week reserve on the request to alert other volunteers not to waste their time driving there because I'm going to attempt to find the stone. If I don't find it or for some reason don't get out there, the reserve just expires on its own. Then I started taking photos of small cemeteries as long as I'd made the drive there. And then I kind of went nuts and started systematically photographing each section of a local cemetery until I had taken photos of all the stones I could find or dig up until I'd taken over 18,000 people! It was a 4 year project of taking photos, and I still have about 5000 people to add to **** from that cemetery. But the hard physical work is done, and is making a wonderful activity that I can now do from my recliner.
I took the photos as family groups, head stone, mom, dad, and whoever was in that plot, and as I enter each grouping into **** I try to create the relationship links. Sometimes it's obvious because the stone says Mother and Father, etc. Often it's not, as you get inlaws mixed in with the children. That's when I'll open up a second screen and go to Ancestry and check out the Public Trees and see if anyone has that family in their tree, and if they do I can often update the info on the memorial page, like add a middle name, or expand the dates of birth and death if they look accurate (I live right on the border of 2 states and have learned not to trust where people think their loved ones died. Just because the person lived in MN doesn't mean they died there because the hospital in our area is on the ND side of the river), and just because the Social Security Death Index says their last residence was a certain place, that doesn't mean that's where they died. So I also have windows open to the online ND Death Index and the MN Death Certificates Index and before I enter anyone as having died in either state I make sure they actually did. If I do find a Public Tree that contains the family I send the tree owner a message which I copy and paste that says "Robert Olson is buried in Riverside Cemetery, Fargo, ND and you can see a photo of his tombstone at -------, you have my permission to use the photo in your ancestry tree if you want". Often their tree is missing the death date, and now that they have it they can research for death certificates, an obit, etc. and I get many grateful responses.
If I don't find the people from the cemetery plot in a Public Tree I'll go to and search the census records closest to the date of their death and see if I can find them in either Fargo or Moorhead to see what I can learn about the family relationships. It takes time, but is very rewarding.
If you know where some of your family is buried from the home page there is a search feature where you can either search by the person's name, or by a cemetery. I'd recommend starting with the cemetery, and then searching or browsing by the surname. Since names get entered from indexes, sometimes first names are only their initials and you won't find them if you search for the entire name to begin with. The person who enters a memorial is considered the manager of that memorial and is the only person who can make changes to the name, dates, or text portion of the page, anyone can add a photo. **** has rules about asking for a transfer of management if you're related, and if the manager is not related and you are and you've requested a transfer, they are supposed to do so. You can also send in an edit request and just tell them what needs to be added or changed and the changes can be made without actually doing a transfer of managment. In my **** bio I've included a note that I'm not related to the majority of memorials I've entered and would be willing to transfer ownership regardless if they're a direct line descendent.
You have found a fun and rewarding hobby, hope you discover lots of fun stuff through those green shaking leaves at
WOW Puffin.........that was some reply......and I do understand how you can get so excited over it...because for the past ten days I have been doing from morning to is totally fascinating and I have found people and photos and stories and learned so very much already. That is a great service that you are doing for others....because those photos are invaluable. It is indeed good to find an interest and move forward and not dwell on Cancer so much for sure.
Thanks very much ........
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Got that HugPixie Dust said:"GOOD NEWS"
GlowMore, So good to hear the great news. Yes, fear is a terrible thing. That is probably what was causing you to be tired and depressed. Let me tell you something. You are not by yourself to have feelings like this. Almost every one of us here have gone through or still gong through them. Fear is a powerful thing to have to go through and it hits us all. Stand up to this wicked Beast and let him know that you are not giving up and you are going to fight and kick his $$$ and you are going to keep on going. I am so happy for you. I love to hear good news about all our sister and brothers on here. I am glad you found a hobby. Keep working on that family tree, and who knows somewhere further down on that family tree you may find out that we are related someway. Would that be wonderful. LOL. Keep working on that family tree and keep yourself busy. Hugs, Pixie Dust
And appreciate it very much Pixie.... This Family Tree thing is really interesting...I have found Civil War Soldiers on both sides and Revolutionary War Soldiers even..........
Today I went to the YMCA and walked for an hour on the Treadmill too...its all good and it best to stay busy and not get depressed. Appreciate your good advice
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