In the Pink Waiting Room**

GlowMore Member Posts: 789 Member

So here we all are in the Pink Waiting Room...and it is no fun to be here.

Twelve and a half years from Diagnosis of Invasive Ductile Carcinoma (IDC) High Risk Triple Negative (HRTN) Stage 3A

    and, about eleven and a half years from End of Treatment.  (lumpectomy/6 courses of FAC Chemo/33 days of Radiation)....with all the FFU,  (that would be the Fun-Follow Ups).....the wonderful CTs/MRIs/PET, & Bone Scans out the Yahoo...         OH and let's don't forget the BLOODY BLOOD TESTS.

It is a wonder we have any blood at all the way they love to siphon it out of our poor bodies.

But we endure and we stay strong and we help each other with prayers and encouragement. 

Went to my new Oncologist on Sept 2nd....after my wonderful Dr Marks the normal 50 vials of blood taken and the first labwork was fine....but had to wait a week for the Tumor Marker Results ....they were supposed to call me a week later anyway.... but no I call to find out and get the runaround...the we will call you back...which I don't really mind because I have found that usually 'No News is Good News"...haven't you?  When the news is bad they don't mind telling you about it over the phone at all.... but just let a Nurse's Aide get her hands on a test result and you would think it was the end of the world...."I will have to have the Doctor speak with you about this".... so you wait for the call.

Finally got a reply from the new Oncologist's P.A. Friday.... "Your Numbers are up...we need to see your Chart to compare all the years of other tests"   WHAT?  DIDN'T THE OLD ONCOLOGIST SEND YOU MY CHART?  HE HAD SIX MONTHS TO DO THAT".....Well no actually they didn't send it out to this Branch Location.   (Maybe because they thought scanning last year's numbers was sufficient... HA)   And maybe because by this time my Chart weighs about 100 lbs.

I told him my numbers had been up about 4 years ago but with new bloodwork they were ok.   He said he would call me back next week.   So.....sitting in the Pink Waiting Room....AS USUAL.     If you drop in bring some cookies  :)














  • button2
    button2 Member Posts: 421
    Hello there Glo

    I'll be in the pink waiting room after my CT on Sept 30 like so many other times. I can't believe you have been fighting for so long that you even outlasted your original onc's career. How great is that?? Your humor is spot-on and so encouraging to those who have fought far less than you. My only wish is to have 10% of your courage in the years to come. Keep us posted when you get your results (changing doctors - ugh, always a mess). Hugs xxxx00000

    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    Medical Records

    Would it help to go to Medical Records at the hospital where your last oncologist used.d

    You might request the last 4 to 5 years.  It should all be on a computer.

    I'll come and sit with you in the "pink room" and I certainly will bring some cookies.



  • mtmom
    mtmom Member Posts: 59

    Oh, you are a patient woman. Waiting rooms are hard to sit in. I'll bring along some current magazines! (I was reading a National Geographic from 2010 the other day)

    Blessings to you,


  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    mtmom said:


    Oh, you are a patient woman. Waiting rooms are hard to sit in. I'll bring along some current magazines! (I was reading a National Geographic from 2010 the other day)

    Blessings to you,


    Glass of wine will help

    Wine will help along with cookies

    positive thoughts are coming your way 

  • Pixie Dust
    Pixie Dust Member Posts: 424 Member

    GloMore, you are such a very sweet lady. I love to read your post and reply's. You always have something good to say about all things. You give great support and encourangement to all of us hear that is in this together. You have such a wonderful attitude. I just rode the pink bus home the other day from a 5 day stay from the hospital. I am feeling some better now. Do not worry. just remember all our numbers go up every year when its our birthday.SmileI am taking the pink bus now to bring you some freshly baked home made candy KISS cookies. Smile  Hugs, Pixie Dust  

  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member


    GloMore, you are such a very sweet lady. I love to read your post and reply's. You always have something good to say about all things. You give great support and encourangement to all of us hear that is in this together. You have such a wonderful attitude. I just rode the pink bus home the other day from a 5 day stay from the hospital. I am feeling some better now. Do not worry. just remember all our numbers go up every year when its our birthday.SmileI am taking the pink bus now to bring you some freshly baked home made candy KISS cookies. Smile  Hugs, Pixie Dust  

    I'll bring cookies and my knitting

    Waiting is the worst, isn't it?  Especially when you know something is off, but don't know what it means and some person somewhere didn't do what they were supposed to in making sure your new oncologist had your records so he doesn't have all the information he needs!  I'm sort of in the mood for some chocolate chip cookies, so I'll bring those and my knitting to wait with you.  Hope you hear soon and those elevated numbers turn out to be ok.


  • GlowMore
    GlowMore Member Posts: 789 Member


    GloMore, you are such a very sweet lady. I love to read your post and reply's. You always have something good to say about all things. You give great support and encourangement to all of us hear that is in this together. You have such a wonderful attitude. I just rode the pink bus home the other day from a 5 day stay from the hospital. I am feeling some better now. Do not worry. just remember all our numbers go up every year when its our birthday.SmileI am taking the pink bus now to bring you some freshly baked home made candy KISS cookies. Smile  Hugs, Pixie Dust  

    Come on In

    Would somebody please tell me why I had the LONGGGGGG empty space above?    Maybe it was representing our ENDLESS Waiting for something new to happen?   IDK 


    Really do think of this Half Existence we live after we get Cancer as a Waiting Room of sorts ....but then again....that is exactly what this Life is ....we are in a Waiting Room before we pass on to the Next Life.  :)     Oh well.    While I wait to see if it has come back....I realize that so many of you have already had that happen, and now you are waiting for the next spot it shows up....oh goody...a new tumor....oh boy I get to have another operation.  Just a Thousand Laughs a Minute....right?   Not Quite.              But somehow you are managing to do the best you can with the cards you are dealt and that is what they call Bravery & Courage.    I Salute You All.........