dates for tests

just got ct,pet scan and esophogram scheduled. all to happen by the 16 of feb. then will get date for app.@ uof mich . this is all beging to get real ,real quick.


  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,392 Member
    Some contacts for University of Michigan
    It sounds like you are in the early stages of cancer staging. After the CT scan and an endoscopic ultra sound (EUS) they should be able to provide you with a staging evaluation that contains a T and a number, a N and a number, and a M and a number. This is then converted into a "stage" number. For example my original staging was T2N1M0 that translates to Stage IIB cancer. Based on the staging they can then define a treatment plan.

    Here is the esophageal cancer information page for University of Michigan:

    University of Michigan

    There is a person who posts here regularly who's husband is currently being treated at University of Michigan. Her name is Judy Reed she posts here under "JREED". Here is some contact names at U of M compliments of Judy:

    Phone Numbers below are for the 'team' at Univ of Mich
    Patient Appointments(734) 936-4973

    Mark B. Orringer, MD(734) 936-4975

    Andrew Chang, MD, Section Head (734) 763-7418

    Jules Lin, MD(734) 763-0470

    Rishindra Reddy, MD (734) 763-7337

    I hope the staging is completed quickly and you are soon on to treatment.

    Best Regards,

    Paul Adams
    McCormick, South Carolina

    DX 10/22/2009 T2N1M0 Stage IIB
    12/03/2009 Ivor Lewis
    2/8 through 6/14/2010 Adjuvant Chemo Cisplatin, Epirubicin, 5 FU
    Two year survivor

    Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance!
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  • JReed
    JReed Member Posts: 428
    Univ of Michigander! Go Blue!
    Yes you are right - it is getting real. Don just completed his chemo last Wednesday (yay!) and next Tuesday is his last radiation treatment (yay again!). He will go two times next week for IV fluids and again on Wed the 22nd. Then back to UofM on the 28th for CT scan and esophogram (barium swallow). We expect a date for surgery will be given at that time - I think we are looking at mid-March for surgery. Don's surgeon is Dr. Reddy and we are extremely confident in his skills - Dr. Orringer has mentored that team for quite some time.

    I hope that your experience is much like Don's (even better if that's possible) - Don has tolerated the treatment very well to date. All we had to do was mention any symptom to the radiation or chemo oncologist and they were all over it. The pioneers on this site have been an absolute Godsend to us - I know that we were very well educated about EC cancer due to the people on this site - both patients and caregivers. Dr. Reddy said he was impressed that we had so much knowledge and knew the 'right' questions to ask.

    If you have some time, I might suggest looking through as many posts on this site as you can - you will really gain some insight and if something happens - you can say "Oh yeah, I remember someone else had that or did this for that."

    I am very glad you were fortunate enough to find this site and we welcome you and please ask anything you want and this is the best place in the world to vent (believe me, I know!)

    Wishing you the very best of luck with your treatment and please keep us posted as you move forward with your treatment (one other thing - the delays and waiting are very stressful but once it gets going, it's moves along quite quickly - seems like only yesterday I was stressed to the max with the doctors and nurses not moving quickly enough and now here we are - just a couple of treatments left!!)

    Judy & Don Reed