Have more info, although not great news.

Hi EC Friends,

I haven't been on in a while. I thought I would do my best to take a break. I'm trying to find things to do to occupy my mind as everytime my mind idles, I end up in tears. I have been reading your posts. I was saddened to hear of Alan's passing. My heart aches for all of us here. Every day is truly a gift.

So now the news on my dad. He had another scan done on the 27th, and had a visit with his Oncologist on the 1st of February. My father's cancer has spread. His scan was clear other than the obvious (in his esophagus), and has since spread to his liver (10-15% of the liver) 2 lesions to the spine, his right femur and his sacrum. He started radiation the day of the news, and will start chemo this week. The oncologist said that the goal right now is to keep the cancer from spreading.

He is feeling very nausous already. He's on a j-tube, thankfully because he can't keep any food down lately.

We had a fun family day today. It was so great to see him laugh, and play with his grandkids. I sometimes feel like the cancer is taking over who he is, so to take his mind off of it, we all try and talk about other things, things that he enjoys...like golf, and building his sauna.

I don't even want to think about the end until it's time. He is here and very much alive, so I do my best to treat him like he's alive, and not like he's leaving. Such an emotional mess lately, it's great to have your support. You are all so wonderful,

Thanks for listening, thinking of you all...



  • TerryV
    TerryV Member Posts: 887
    So sorry for your news, Jennifer!
    My heart breaks for you and your family. My husband and I are both blessed to still have our parents. I can't imagine life without them.

    I hope the chemo & rads are effective for your dad in controlling the advancement. Bonus if it shrinks at the same time.

    Please know that we are here for you. Let us know how we might help.

    wife to Nick, age 48
    dx 05/19/11 T3N1M0
    THE 09/08/11
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  • ritawaite13
    ritawaite13 Member Posts: 236
    Hi Jennifer
    I'm sorry to read the latest news on your dad. You are so right to just try to enjoy whatever time there is, whether it's days, weeks, months or years...just keep enjoying and loving each other. Making memories, especially for his grandchildren is so important.
    Take lots of pictures and share them with your dad and spend as much time as you can talking about happier days. EC is kind of like the elephant in the living room and it takes a lot of effort to not let it overwhelm every aspect of his (and your) life.