Going good

Well next Wed will be treatment number 3 of taxotere, and so far the last one went a little better than the first. He still gets leg swelling, and pain, but not as bad as the first time. My husband was kinda proud of himself, cause he gained 15 lbs, this chemo doesn't make him sick. He asked me tonight what I would do with the family pictures of us after he dies, since he knows that I will remarry. What kind of question is that is what I was thinking, but on the other hand I am 29 years old and that isn't a question that I am able to answer right now. Our daughter is young, and depending on how long we have him for I may not remarry. I just wish that he would stop fixating on it all the time, altough I know that it is just Human. Anyone else every get that kind of question, or feel this way? I need some advice on how to handle that question when he asks me all the time. I love him and want him for the rest of my life the farthest thing from my mind is picking out a new somebody for me. Help with this subject is wanted. Please