Unfortunately, another sad EC story
My husband was diagnosed in September 2010 - T3N1M0. He had chemo/radiation followed by THE surgery in December followed by more chemo. He recovered quickly from the surgery and treatments. Life was returning to a near-normal status and after 2 clean scans we were hoping for the best. I had not yet found this site, so we…
Starting Chemo - and update on what is happening
Hello again everyone, I haven't been back for a while, there were lots of complications that came to light during my workup for the surgery. I have had cardiomyopathy for 13 years and a biventricular pacer/ICD for 6 years. To cut a long story short, my device decided to run out of battery, an angiogram showed up a 90%…
Wanted to share - Great results.
Believe it or not, I am a sceptic. We were in Gran Canaria, where my daughter lives and paid privately formy husband to have an endoscopy. The diagnosis was EC ardenocarcinoma. The tumour was 8.3cms on diagnosis. There are many people in Gran Canaria (all of the greengrocers') who believe that the cactus pear (called Tunos…
Update - diaphragm hernia
Hi, So, Tom's pain in the shoulder was not getting better. He was taking pain killers, which were helping a little but not eliminating the pain completely. So, he went to an urgent care this morning. Spent the whole day there and had a CT scan. The good news, there does not seem to be anything pathological. No lymph nodes,…
No DX but need help/advice
Hi. First I want to say that google searches kept leading me to this group. You are an amazing group of people. So let me put a timeline of events out there for you. In late 2009 my boyfriend started having severe chest pains. I took him to the ER and they preformed an EKG and other tests. All were clear and he was given…
New to Board
My husband was diagnosed with laryngeal cancer in July 2010. He underwent 35 radiation and 2 chemo treatments. Then in February 2011 he experienced breathing problems and the cancer was back. He had a larynectomy and the back of his throat had to be reconstructed due to radiation in March 2011. Everything was going good…
Urgent Plea from Mindy Mordecai, President and CEO of ECAN
Good Morning everybody, I got this email this morning from ECAN and if anyone can help with this, please contact her ASAP. Go to www.ECAN.org to see if there's a theater in your area. Because you've shown a desire to raise awareness about Esophageal Cancer, we wanted to share an opportunity we've just discovered and would…
Questions anout pain in rib cage area after radiation plus feeling worse now than when in treatment
The last week Bill has been experiencing some pain on both sides of his rib cage. Almost like a muscle pain as if he pulled something, but he hasn't been doing anything physical. I'm wondering if it could be related to radiation as it is in more or less the same spot on the right and left side of his ribs. Anyone have any…
What's up with Jerry...
Got a note from William wondering what's going on with me. Well, okay, since you ask... I'm back teaching three classes in Electrical Technology at Big Bend here in Moses Lake. SO that part is working out well. I teach a half day on Wednesday, so after class, I hie on over to the Clinic (every other week) for my infusion…
Governor Beshear of Kentucky signs proclamation designating April 2012 Esophageal Cancer Awareness M
Received an email from the Governor's office with the proclamation attached. He had likewise recognized EC in April 2011 so he was familiar with the proclamation. For those considering contacting their governor, I contacted them by email through their email contact address on the governor's homepage. I received an…
Liquid going into airway
Hi guys, All of the sudden, liquid is going into my mom's airway. She even had the swallow test and it confirmed it last week and now she has to tilt her head down when she drinks. Has this happened to anyone else? We're 4 months postop and it just started doing this 3 weeks ago. She has affected lymph nodes in her neck…
Jr. (Ray) is still with us!
I am so amazed at my brother. He just had to go this past Friday for a blood infusion, he didn't bounce back so quickly like he did in the past but he is doing better today.. His last blood infusion was a year ago and the onc. says that is really great. It has been 20 months that Jr has been in this fight and he is still…
thickening of esophagus on the outside
New here so just looking for any thoughts. My husband is a 3 year survivor of colon cancer and on the past few ct scans has shown thickening of the esophagus, he has had 2 endoscopies and the last one the doc biopsied the inside area of esophagus where thickening shows up on the ct scan all came back negative which he…
Frightened of recurrence
Hi, I'm new to this site. I am a 54 year old Female, I was diagnosed with EC in January of 2011. I went through radiation and chemo and finally surgery in April of last year. The Surgeon was very optomistic that he removed the cancer which had spread to local Lymph nodes. In June of last year, 3 months after the surgery, I…
Two year Anniversary and Birthday
Today I celerbrate my 64th birthday as well as my 2 year anniversary with EC. Though worse for the ware, I am thankful for the ability to see 64 years and to be here to visit with friends today. Hospice is doing a great job in controlling my pain. That is the best birthday present I could have right now. Am much weaker,…
Rare cancer with a rare pathology report
Hi everyone: I posted the following on facebook in Don's Updates and rather than try to rewrite here, I will just copy what I posted there. It's hard to explain what is going on in writing but I did my best. FEC and Hugs, Judy Geez, I don’t even know where to start. We have met with the surgeon (Dr. Reddy, UofM) and the…
Stomach ache - Back pain - Shoulder pain
Hi everyone, I think last time i stopped by it was January. Things have been fine with us since then. Tom has joint a gym in March to strengthen his back. He has lost 4 pounds again and now back to 153 (his pre-diagnosis normal is 170-175). He thinks it is due to the physical exercise, and I choose to believe him. Other…
last week of rads
I am starting my last week of radiation monday. last infusion of oxyplatin monday also. 2 more weeks 24-7 of 5fu. still not very many side effects no rash from rad yet. I have been blessed so far, I feel very fortunate. Just real tired and the days seem to get away from me before I can get anything done. The time has…
Good News!!
I wanted to share that I met with my oncologist today and God has been kind enough to allow me another clear CT scan. This is my 2 1/2 year scan and I thank God for the gift of every day. Best Regards, Paul Adams McCormick, South Carolina DX 10/22/2009 T2N1M0 Stage IIB 12/03/2009 Ivor Lewis 2/8 through 6/14/2010 Adjuvant…
Good Results
Hi friends, Just an update on Jeff and his 7 month scan results. As you may or may not remember he had his last scan on Valentines Day, that CT scan showed a small single nodule in his lung. The decision was made to scan again in two months, but with a PET/CT this time. He has also in the past two months been diagnosed…
Chemosmoker (Eric) has passed
Posted by Michelle at Facebook: “Thank you Jen for posting this morning. My dearest, loving husband slipped away from us this morning, surrounded by friends and myself. He was tired and needed to be finished with this journey. I am very saddened and relieved all at once. Grief stricken and heavy I tell you all that he is…
April is Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month
All, I wanted to update everyone on the efforts to have April declared Esophageal Cancer Awareness month. Any one else here who has had their state declared please add on. So far these are the States that have declared April Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month: Arkansas....by Lori Walls Connecticut.... by Maggie Solsbury…
Beyond Blessed!
We have been fighting this beast for 6 months, treatment all in all has gone much better than we expected. Rocky stays positive and hope filled! We just had our repeat PET scan and endoscopy and they were both CLEAN! He was diagnosed 6 months ago with stage IVb with Mets to Liver and Lymph nodes. Today we were told he is…
need help finding the discussion
I can not seem to find the discussion where everyone "piched" in their ideas of food for when eating has become difficult. I remember some were different shakes etc. Could someone post a link for me? I thought I had saved it, but I guess not. thanks, chrissie
Popi is going home!
Just wanted to post a quick update about our Popi. He had MIE on April 03, 2012 with Dr. Alvelo-Rivera at Karmanos. The surgery went very well and he is progressing wonderfully. We will be headed home today. We also learned that the pathology report came back and all lymph nodes were negative. We are feeling really…
Chemo Discoloring Dentures
Has anyone had this happen? My mom's dentures are stained as a result of the chemo. Is there a good way to remedy this other than replace her dentures? Thanks, Stephanie
17 year old caregiver...
Hi there. I'm Rebecca, and i'm 17 years old from Canada. In feburary, my Dad who is 53 years old was diagnosed with stage 3 esophogeal cancer. It has spread to lymph nodes, is in the aorta(spelling?) and is rather close to the kidneys. He has a PEG tube for feeding, and a PICC line for chemotherapy. He has had…
Bad taste
Dad has started spittin alot of what he calls slime. It looks actually like a really thick clear mucus. He says it taste really bad. He spits it into a tissue cause he cant swallow at all. Any ideas how to help. He wears false teeth. Got me washin them all the time. But the taste is still there.
Scan on Tuesday, Scanxiety today. :)
I've got my first PET/CT since starting FOLFOX this Tuesday. I've just completed the 4th round of FOLFOX and I feel better on this chemo and the pain has dropped to almost nothing so I am hopeful. As always, prayers and good thoughts appreciated. It's been a tough couple of weeks. My port became infected and had to be…
Coughing a lot
Did anyone experience a lot of coughing after surgery? Don has been coughing so much - he says it feels like phlegm in his throat that he cannot cough up (sometimes it is a productive cough) - it seems to be very bothersome and he has difficulty sleeping or napping because the coughing wakes him up. We appreciate any input…