Paul-Sad News

MAE66 Member Posts: 66
edited March 2014 in Esophageal Cancer #1
As many of you know Paul went into Hospice care last month. I am sad to say that he died last month after about three weeks in Hospice. I started to post this several times, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I have read too many posts like this and I know that each battle lost to this cancer affects all of us here on this site. I don't want to bring sad news, but I also owe this group a lot, and I don't want to just disappear. The Hospice care was good, and as much as I hated being in that situation, it was the best for all of us. In the end it was the chemo that caused so much damage to his liver, and resulted in liver failure. There is some small part of me that is glad that the cancer did not win in the end (yes, I realize how ridiculous this sounds) Being in Hospice for Paul did not mean giving up. He never gave up fighting for each day that was given him. There was no pain, his body just gave out.

I hope you know what a support this group has been to me, and that I am here cheering you on and celebrating the successes, I pray that there are many more.



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  • Donna70
    Donna70 Member Posts: 852 Member
    unknown said:

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    so sorry

    So sorry you have been thru all this but glad that the Hospice was a good answer for Paul. He sure did fight the good fight. My prayers will be with you and your family. Paul sure was brave for all that he went thru. take care, prayers always,
  • K_ann1015
    K_ann1015 Member Posts: 500
    so sorry
    I know it has been so hard for you & Paul. We all feel for you now. I am still so sad every time there is sad news on this site---but know that we have found such friendship here (csn) that gives so much hope and support to caregivers, patients & families alike. I am sorry you had to "hold" on to this news for so long---but I know what you mean --not wanting to post at this time...
    I think you would be a great help to new people on this board. thanks for updating us--and we are so sorry...
  • JaneE2366
    JaneE2366 Member Posts: 289 Member
    sorry for your loss
    So sorry to hear of Paul's passing.....but we all know he is done suffering and is in a better place. I will continue to pray for you and hope you have the strength to get through this difficult time. God Bless.
  • JaneE2366 said:

    sorry for your loss
    So sorry to hear of Paul's passing.....but we all know he is done suffering and is in a better place. I will continue to pray for you and hope you have the strength to get through this difficult time. God Bless.

    My heart goes out to you....
    Oh Susan,

    I'm so sad to hear about Paul passing away. Please remember your whole CSN family cares about will continue to be in the hearts and prayers of us all.

    Please don't leave us. Let us know how you are doing....we all care....

  • Ellie_E
    Ellie_E Member Posts: 50
    So Sorry
    I am so sorry to hear of your Paul's passing. Know that you are in all our thoughts and prayers.

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  • mumphy
    mumphy Member Posts: 440
    unknown said:

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    My deepest sympathies
    Susan I am so sorry to here that Paul is no longer with us. I know that you understand that he is in a better place. I also understand about the fact that the cancer did not kill him it was the chemo that poisoned his liver. That was exactly how it happened with Al.

    I also understand the difficulty in posting at this time. It has been almost 2 mos since Al's passing and I still find it very difficult.

    Please know that we are all here for you when ever you need us. I don't know what I would do without my CSN family.

    Again please take comfort in knowing that he wasn't in pain. I am truely sorry for your loss.

    May God Bless and keep you in your time of need.

    With deepest sympathy.

  • unclaw2002
    unclaw2002 Member Posts: 599
    I am so sorry to hear


    I am so sorry to hear about Paul's passing. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and please remember what makes this site so special is the poeple and the fact that we share the sorrows and the good news.

    Take care of yourself and thanks for letting us know.

    Lots of hugs,
  • Lylesmyprince
    Lylesmyprince Member Posts: 130

    I am so sorry to hear


    I am so sorry to hear about Paul's passing. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and please remember what makes this site so special is the poeple and the fact that we share the sorrows and the good news.

    Take care of yourself and thanks for letting us know.

    Lots of hugs,

    Susan, It is amazing how quickly a stranger becomes a caring friend on this site. I am sorry to hear about your loss. I hope that memories of Paul will be held close to your heart always.

  • Hope_Faith
    Hope_Faith Member Posts: 150
    I'm really sorry to hear of
    I'm really sorry to hear of Paul's passing. Know your in my thoughts and prayers.
  • Tina Blondek
    Tina Blondek Member Posts: 1,500 Member
    My Sympathies
    Dear Susan,
    May the many words of sympathy comfort you and your family at this time. I too lost a loved one, my dad, on 3/9. He beat the ec and then got mets to his liver. I would like to also think that his body just gave up, and that the cancer did not win. I do know that he went peacefully at home, which was one of his wishes. Now they can both be at peace, no pain, no more suffering. May they now both meet in eternity. Bless you and your family.
  • chrisk06
    chrisk06 Member Posts: 110
    I am so sorry for


    I am so sorry for your loss. Just know that Paul is in a better place. I know that those words do not ease your pain. I know how hard it is. Stay strong!

    {{{{BIG HUGE HUGS}}}}
  • mmr19
    mmr19 Member Posts: 75
    So sorry
    So sorry to hear of your loss. May your loving memories bring comfort to your sorrow.
    You are in my prayers.
