1st chemo treatment
Well...exactly 2 months after diagnosis Lyle had his first chemo treatment and today will be his third radiation treatment. I guess we are finally underway. Due to his kidney failure he is receiving Taxol only. We are praying that just one drug is enough. I see on this board that so many of you or your loved ones are on…
Governor of MD sent me the proclamation!!!!
Wow!!! Hats off to Governor Martin O'Malley of Maryland!! He sent me the proclamation in a black binder and what a wonderful thing to behold. It said that EC is one of the fastest growing cancers and has increased by 350%. It was so great. I had sent a thank you email after Rolinda sent me an email saying he declared April…
Pain from Neulasta shot?
Hi all- Does anyone have experience/advice on pain. My husband, Lou, has been in terrible pain since Saturday. His pain meds just don't give him relief. He had chemo last Wed. and got the Neulasta shot on Thurs. This is his 4th treatment of Taxotere and Carboplatin (every 3 weeks). After the first treatment, he wound up in…
Mr. Marshall I was reading your post and great words of wisdom again
Dear William: I was just reading your post to that daughter whose dad has stage four cancer and I was reading about the patients who hold up in their room, withdrawing from everyone, etc., and I thought of my Ed. You know who I am talking about, you sent me a very long post about a week ago about him and his lack of fight…
Xeloda-what is the normal dose daily??
My husband is on 500 mgs each of xeloda, three pills in the morning, three pills at night totally 6 pills daily for fourteen days straight. Is this a normal treatment plan for this chemo? thanks everyone Oh, Ed weighs 129 pounds down from 218 pounds seven months ago.
I'm New To this Whole Experience
Hello, everyone. I'm 66 years old. Live with my spouse, Edie, in Smithfield, NC. Two of our children and two grandchildren live nearby. Our other child and her family, including two more grandchildren, live in Ashville, NC. All have been very supportive thus far on this journey. I believe totally in the power of prayer and…
Good News in KY!
Govenor Beshear made it official---April 2010 is Esophageal Cancer Awareness & Prevention Month in Kentucky! PRAYERS for all those people that are affected by this disease (including my dad & uncle and all those here on CSN) and for more research funding to improve treatment, early detection & prevention. If you want to…
How do you know when you may deed dialation done to the esophagus? I am having some problem with getting caught sometimes.Unsure if it's me not chewing enough or if I'm truly having problems.
I am new to the board. Hi everyone. Update.
A little more about us and my sweety. We have known each other for around 18 years. Have been together for all but 5 of those years. We have two kids together. Joshua 11 and Cassandra 14. He was diagnosed in Feb. 2010.He is 49. He has a tumor in the distal third of his esophagus. It had almost completely closed off his…
New to the board! A question
Hi everybody. I feel a kinship with all of you and I hate knowing that everyone on this board is fighting this same awful disease. I've been a "lurker" on this board since my dad's diagnosis in May of '09, and am now finally joining. Background: My dad had persistent and unusual hearburn for a few months and when they…
My Mom Is Now Terminal
I'm not sure what to say other than my mom got word tonight that her cancer is now terminal. The surgery they did last week (the parallel stent) is causing complications and it's very bad. They are going to attempt to help it tomorrow with a procedure but this is basically the end. She isn't even getting her PET scan done…
Peter's in hospital for last 10 days
Hi all,I am new here so wanted to get some input from someone out there if possible.My husband has stage1Vb inoperable cancer.He was on a protacol program up at MD Anderson from the first time he was diagnosed last July.They litterly brought him back from deaths door.Angels all of them.He was doing so very well until Jan…
How do they remove J tube??
Hi, Just found out my j tube is coming out on Thursday, and boy am I one happy camper. The secretary telling me had no idea how it is done so I am still waiting to find out. I was going to drive myself but does anyone know if you have to have someone with you? Do you get some medication?? I kind of can't imagine the dr…
Mr. Marshall, not a redhead!!!
Hi William and Loretta, Just wanted to be honest, when I ordered my wig I thought I was getting light brown and red is what came in and the lady said no returns, now Ron loves it and he took the good picture. I am a real techno dope, I tried to post my pics on my site and all I came up with was a flower pot on my…
Is it possible for colon cancer to mestasize to the esophagus?? Mel
My Dad Passed Away Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Hello once again, Thank you for all of your wonderful responses to my previous post. On Tuesday, March 9, 2010, dad passed away in the arms of my mom, brother, and nephew. I had just left him that afternoon. I do not feel guilty though, because knowing him, if I had been there that night, he might not have let go. I did…
Good news positive pet scan results
All, Thank you to everyone for their prayers, thoughts and advice during this journey with EC and my dad. My dad went for his pet scan yesterday after finishing his first course of chemo (Taxol and Carboplatin) - re was staged as T3N1M0 (one lymph node involved). The preliminary results are that his lymph node now shows no…
Green mohawk a hit!!!!
Hi, Well it was worth all the food coloring and drips all over!!! The patients and nurses loved my green mohawk for St. Patty's Day. And it made my day too. My onc dr was having a very bad day with a new patient added that put him way behind, my appt was 10:30 and I saw him after 12 noon and he got a big kick out of my…
Hi everyone. My dad has EC stage 3, has had chemo, radiation & surgery. Recently we found out that his brother is also diagnosed with this disease! He actually has hi treatment planning meeting w/ oncologist on Wed. My 11 year old also suffers form reflux. So....I feel the need to put my frustration, fear, concern & anger…
Im a little confused, worried..Scared all in one
So my dad had his last chemo treatment last thursday, he was put on new meds and steriods to help keep his weight under control. Well the patch is working great, he didnt get sick at all. Well he went today for labs and his platelets are low. They are 150. The PA even said his counts were low. We are confused about that..…
Urgent Question Re: Stents
My mom is in the hospital again with complications from her first stent. They are thinking of doing a parallel tracheal-esophageal stent. However, this comes with some serious risks. Obviously the biggest is death from hemorrhage. They are thinking of doing surgery as soon as tomorrow morning. Has anyone on here dealt with…
Book mentioned in posting
I found the book 100 questions about esophageal cancer that is mentioned in the earlier posting on Alibris. I cut and pasted the name and entered it in the search bar on the site. This is a site I have used for many years. It sells boht new and used books and usually can find whatever You are looking for. I purchased a…
Lyle's stent...Ugh!!
Lyle had his stent place yesterday morning. He came out of the procedure with a lot of pain and vomiting. Pain came and went...like a cramp. Pain meds didn't seem to do the trick. He spent the rest of the day and night in pain and vomiting. News came down the pike today that the stent has already fallen and has to be…
Radiation question
Lyle started radiation today and chemo on Thursday. Tomorrow he will have a stent placed in his esophagus and we have questions. We understand that the stent may not work and that it may fall into the stomach...but he used to have a tube catheter in his body cavity for a type of dialysis and it kept getting infected with…
my dad
Well, I don't even know where to begin with this. My dad was having regrets after signing the consent form to stop his chemo. He felt the Dr. pushed him into doing this. Well, my parents left for California Wed. morning to meet with a Holistic/Alternative Medicine. My dad said this is the last favor he will be doing for my…
My St. Patty's day, last chemo!!!!
Hi, Well this Wednesday is my last chemo treatment of taxotere and I am glad that this will be over soon. I get sick everytime for a week and a half esp with j tube problems and the Neulasta injection causes trouble too but happy that I am coming to the end of the treatment road. But my St. Patty's day will be at the…
What to do when husband will not accept his condition?
As you all know, ed is doing more chemo since his last three rounds did nothing, he has lost about 90 pounds and is seriously depressed. At xmas, he asked if I would buy him a motorcycle (remember he has not driven one iin 35 years) and I said "maybe, after chemo and see if you get stronger and gain weight"., well, the big…
Starting Chemo Monday
Surgery on Dec. 21, 2009. One lymph node postive. No chemo recommended since they didn't do it before surgery. Since leaving Houston with no Chemo, my surgeon said to find an oncologist that would give me chemo. I saw an oncologist yesterday in Baton Rouge, and will be admitted to the hospital Monday to start 96 hours of…
a new book: 100 questions & Answers about Esophageal Cancer
A new book out: 100 Questions & Answers About Esophageal Cancer, 2nd Edition (Paperback) by P. Ginex EdD, RN, OCN cut & paste link: http://www.amazon.com/Questions-Answers-About-Esophageal-Cancer/dp/0763760528/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1268697681&sr=1-1 I just got this book---wish I had it at the beginning of my…
April is Espophageal Cancer Awareness Month in Delaware
Good News - Jack Markell, the Governor of Delaware, and Matt Denn, Lt. Governor of Delaware just issued a proclamation declaring April Esphophageal Cancer Awareness Month in the State of Delaware. Cindy