Jim had his first CyberKnife radiation treatment on Monday. He basically slept through it since he was exhausted from having an assessment by the Home Health nurses, hydration at the Oncologists office, then the radiation was delayed 2 hours because of problems with the patient before him. Tuesday we went for the second…
Anyone do post surgery chemo?
We had post surgery check up today at Mayo in Rochester. My husband at surgery had a T2 tumor removed after Cisplatin/Irinotecan/radiation therapy. One lymph node of 37 had scattered cancer cells remaining. T2N1M0. Oncologists in Omaha and Rochester both say there are no studies that show a documented benefit from post…
Off to Major Hospital for Surgical Consultation
We have an appointment at Oregon Health and Science University Hospital in Portland, Oregon on Friday with a ec surgeon who specializes in mie. We are also seeing a physician who can do a aortic vulvoplasty which must be done before Jim can have surgery due to his aortic stenosis. Jim is still having IMRT radiation five…
cancer treatment centers of america
anyone have experience with these hospitals
J-tube, now my dad is too sick!
I pretty much defeated in my efforts to help my dad. He finally agreed to the j-tube and was suppose to get it tomorrow. Not anymore. It has been a week, quoting my dad here "where I feel I've been kicked in the $#%*". Monday was suppose to be chemo day, didn't happen, dad is too sick way too anemic. Dr orders a CAT scan…
Newest Update On My Mom Ginny As of 10/15/10
Hello EC discussion board family I wanted to update all of you on our visit to the leg specialist today. He is a great dr. He is very informative and thorough. Mom and I have high respect for him. Mom will be going in to have an angiogram done on her legs on Wednesday, 10/13/10. With this procedure the drs will see where…
Info on Good/Recommended Specialists
My father-in-law was diagnosed last Friday with EC. He has not been able to see his oncologist yet. He will have his first appt on Monday. We would like to find out who some good specialists are and try to get him in to a specialist as soon as possible. He is only 51 yrs. old, and we are very hopeful that he will make it…
Sally-Husker Nation is getting ready
Sally, Husker Fever is alive and well here in Nebraska! The Texas game on Saturday is going to be crazy-in a good way I hope! I told my dad that if EC doesn't kill you, a heart attack may during the Texas game. Were you about to get tickets to any games and convince your dad to take the trip back to NU? I asked my dad if…
Rad Advice for an aesophogectomy survivor
Hello you all. My wife after three neck surgeries(laryngipharynx & others (see my profile) .Today we were told that surgery didnt remove all the tumor in the last surgery. They are now recommending Radiation against all previous recommendations, (Four of nine Faonconi Anaemia patients didnt survive the RT itself.Chemo is…
Great news!! CT scan results
Hi, Well I got my 3rd post surgery CT scan this Wednesday and my dr emailed me that there was no cancer to be seen!!!!!!! So over the moon being happy and feeling very blessed. Know all the prayers that we say for each other must be helping. I am always a little nervous and prepared for bad news because I know it can…
Update on My Dad
It's been awhile since I've shared anything. Not much new to report (guess that's a good thing). My father is having his 2nd dose of his second round of Taxol today. Then they will do new scans next week. He still hasn't lost any of his hair. So, I'm wondering if the dr.'s are givening him a much lower dose? Isn't that…
My husband was just diagnosed with esophageal cancer. With liver cancer as well. We are in the very early stages and are just in shock. He is 37 and I am 34. We have a 3 and 1/2 year old daughter. I am just writing for some advice. All I hear is the worst case scenraio. I want to hear about survivors. Are they out there?…
CT Scan clear
Great news. My CT Scan has no change since the last one. I am soooo happy. I was diagnosed last Oct. 6, 2009, T3N1M0. I had the esophagus removed Dec. 21,2009. Followed that by 4 rounds of Cistplatin and 5 FU, finished chemo in May. I have lost a lot of weight, but am now maintaing my weight. I did not lose all my hair,…
Medicare and chemo
I am getting ready to retire and we will be looking to Medicare A and B for Dale. Can anyone tell me how well these plans pay for chemo treatments. Do We need to purchase supplemental insurance and if so, anyone know which ones are better?
Diet after Esophagectomy
I am 8 weeks post-op since my esophagectomy and am running out of ideas for small meals. I am still J-Tube feeding 750 calories a day and attempting to make up the difference with normal food. I do feel a little queezy for a couple of hours after eating. I also lightly reflux in my sleep some evenings. I want to get rid of…
New diagnosis
Hi, I am new to this site. My husband was just recently diagnosed with stage 3 EC. He just finished his first Cisplatin chemo and 5fu four day chemo. He started IMRT radiation daily the day the chemo started last Tuesday. Now that the shock has worn off, I need to reach out to others to help us get through this. I am a…
a new update on Diana and I
Hello everyone, we are doing ok. Been a week since I buried my mom last wednesday, I have been very very sad about losing her along with my dear Ed. Diana and I are doing ok, trying to chill out, sort things out in our minds. Been trying to just sit and relax, go through cards, etc., still reading this website, following…
Surgery for another condition following IL esophagectomy in April
Throughout this ordeal, my husband has had to deal with two torn rotator cuffs. The pain has been unrelenting. His oncologist gave him the okay for surgery and we see the shoulder surgeon next week. Is there anything we should know about surgery for another condition. Of course, the surgeon will know about the…
New mets
Jim has had back pain since March, right at the end of radiation. For a week, though, it has been so severe we had to up his pain medication. Nothing lit up on the PET scans, so on Friday he had another MRI to see if there is a fracture, and YES! There is a fracture which has been cemented. However, his back pain has not…
Tightness in Throat - like you are being choked
My Mom had a laryngectomy for throat cancer in April and had another surgery one month ago. She is going through a second round of chemo. It has been an ongoing concern of hers that she always feels as though she is being choked, like their is pressure against her windpipe. We know that there are more small tumors in her…
Pain due to fungal infection
Hi Everyone, Just an update on my treatment. Just finished 3rd round of chemo with minimal side effects. Tumor shrunk by 30% last CT scan. New problem: no difficulty swallowing but pain at site of tumor when I eat or sometimes drink. Had an endoscopy on Tuesday, doctor feels that a fungal infection is to blame. Put me on…
my mother-in-law
my mother in law had her oesophagus removed today. shes only 64.she was diagnosed on 6 july this year.she was already very sick having lost alot of weight and only went to her doctor because she had such difficulty swallowing. im afraid i can only guess what stage cancer she had at diagnosis because she and my father in…
J-Tube for my dad (Finally!)
I think my dad has finally agreed to a J-tube! After going through all the pain of getting that devil of stent, he can eat but has no appetite what so ever. He agreed that it would take a lot of pressure off of him-mostly from us nagging him to eat! Now for the questions. What can he expect? Does he have to have a pump…
anemia and fatigue
I had another question about my dad. He finally has his pain issues addressed. Great, but now the fatigue is getting him. I have already suggested Adderall and he agreed to ask the doctor about it. He has all the other classic symptoms too, such as pale, dizzy, cold, gets shortness of breath, with being so tired. Last week…
Anyone else having trouble with insurance paying PET or CT scans?
Throughout the course of treatment starting April 2010, BCBS Nebraska has denied paying for PET scans that our oncologist and surgeon have told us is "protacol" for treatment of EC. Staging PET scan was allowed and one other, then later they denied as being "investigational" and not needed. Head of onclogy dept even talked…
Had Endoscopic Procedure Today
I went for this test today. Been having alot of trouble swallowing, and pain between my shoulder blades when I do manage to eat. After the test today I was kinda out of it waking from deep sedation. Confused by what my doctor told me as I was waking up. He told me he took biopsies, dilated my esophagus and at this time…
Now a fractured hip
Just when you think you can see light at the end of the tunnel, another kink gets added. Dale now has a fractured left hip. We are 250 miles away from home and 2 days post surgery. Hope to get to transfer to a rehab facility at home on Monday. We would appreciate prayers. Dale had just completed round 5 of 12 of Folfox.…
Clinical Trials
Hi Everyone! My brother has Stage IV esophageal cancer with mets to the liver. He was at MD Anderson last week, and was told that they're prescribing a new "cocktail" of chemo for him, but they advised that he get into a clinical trial somewhere closer to home (west coast). I don't know how to go about even FINDING…
Bloody question
Undetermined cause of bruise, doctors response is slight concern. Jim went in for his Chemo and radiation yesterday and the radiation oncologist noticed a bruise on Jim's chest and was concerned enough to have another doctor look at the bruise. Because Jim didn't remember bumping into anything or had a cause for this…
Pre-existing kidney impairment and chemo
Since I have been reading so much about cancer and chemo, etc, I got to wondering what would I do if I was faced with having to deal with a diagnosis of cancer somewhere between my head and toes. I have been diagnosed with mild type 2 diabetes, and most recently my doctor mentioned my kidneys were "spilling protien".…