Very high post-surgical Tg
Hi all: I'm new and looking for anyone who has had a high post-surgical Tg. My synopsis: Early May: Dx -- papillary carcinoma 5-17-10: TT w/7 of 14 lymph nodes positive for cancer 6-29-10: RAI scan dose shows 1 additional lymph node, uptake in neck only 6-29-10: RAI dose 178 mci based on post-surgical Tg of 221 7-7-10:…
Vocal Cord Damage
Hello everyone. It has been a while and I hope you are all feeling and doing well. I would like to know if anyone has experienced the following and if so, can you tell me of your experience and offer any advice? Apparently I suffered damage to my vocal cords during my July total thyroidectomy. I am unable to speak at…
Neck pain or lumps
Has anyone else had problems with the feeling that your neck has hard 'lumps' below your ears? I have had that problem for probably a month or so now. Sometimes they can be painful. They do come and go so it's hard to get to the doctor. Now I have a lump in the side of my cheek that is a little sore to the touch but…
Cancer survivors
Just wanted to say hi, and thanks to all!! Just a thought as spring is here and signs of new life appear. We now know how presish life is to make a positive difference ! This is the time, no more time for whining and complaining .Just one more bump in the road of life that we overcame . I am proud to be a survivor and you…
Recurrence with Tall Cell Features
I apologize in advance for the length of this post and truly hope everyone is doing well and staying as positive as you can. I'm a 30 year old female, diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer at the age of 29 last May. TT in June of 2016. 4.1 cm primary tumor, secondary tumor was .5 cm. Surgical margin was negative, one…
whole body scan
Hello, I was wondering if the whole body scan have to be repeated after the first year of thyroid cancer ( papillary) surgery? Or how often after surgery it is recommended? Thanks,
thyrogen injections
My husband is going for his first thyrogen injection on Monday and we don't know what to expect. He has to get 2 injections and then the radioiodine pill over a three day period. I will be going with him because we don't know if he will be sick afterwards or not. It is about a 30 min drive one way. Please let us know what…
young doctor with cancer... let's find answers together
Hi everyone! new to this - cancer and this forum Let me start by saying that just by initially browsing the topics from this forum that it's like reading into my own thoughts. I'm 30 years old, an internal medicine resident doctor and recently found that the thyroid tumor they took out of me was papillary cancer. I'm…
I chose Dr. Clayman. Here is my story.
In March 2015, I was diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer. My first surgeon did a horrible job, and I went from being healthy and active to someone who was suffering from immense pain and severe limitations in my left shoulder. I am an occupational therapist (OT) and I teach yoga on the side. My left shoulder blade was…
Radiotherapy for thyroid
Hi !! i finished 30 day radiotherapy last week !! and i have a great difficulty of swallowing !! everytime i swallow it hurts terribly !!Anyone who went through the same experience please advise me for what to do?? i havnt had any sold food for 6 weeks now and um craving to eat !! i also feel thirsty all the time and…
Waiting on Genetic testing to come back NEW UGHHHHH
Diagnosed with Hashimoto's next day had a sonogram and was sent to an endo. Had 2 biopsy's come back first one Bethesada 3 follicular lesion indetermined. Second bethesada 4 Follicular neoplasma, indetermined. Was told yesterday of results of second FNA. now waiting for Genetic testing to come back. Should be next week…
Very high thyroglobulin, 7 yrs after RAI
I had a thyroidectomy in 2010. I had 100 millicuries RAI. Over the past 2 yrs, my thyroglobulin has risen to 715. Endo gave me ultrasounds and chest xrays. Finally changed endos and waiting for a whole body scan. Has anyone ever heard of such high levels of tg post thyroidectomy and RAI.
Feeling crummy post thyroidectomy/I131
Hey all, new to the group and somewhat new to this whole thyroid cancer thing. I am a 32 year old female, diagnosed with papillary thyroid carcinoma (nodule was incidental finding at annual exam, aspirate confirmed PTC), had total thyroidectomy April 27th (no obvious metastisis, no parathyroid complications post op,…
Solid Variant of Papillary Carcinoma of the Thyroid.....anyone have this? Doctor's say it's rare?
I was diagnosed with Solid Variant of Papillary Carcinoma. Doctors have asked if I ever have been to Chernobyl where most of these cases have been reported. Anyone else know about this variant of thyroid cancer? I am the first case at Cedar Sinai in Los Angeles they have treated. It's a bit freaky. I am 10 weeks post RAI…
Does this US of Thyroid mean what I think it means? Probable Biopsy
Hi everyone, History of Hoshimoto's Hypothyroidism and Pancreatic Cancer and Severe Rheumatoid Arthritis. Not new to cancer but looking at definitions of this Ultrasound of Thyroid has me a bit suspicious. Can anyone educate me on this? TECHNIQUE: Multiple longitudinal and transverse real-time sonographic images of the…
Extracapsular Extension in PTC
Hi everyone, I'm new here! I was just diagnosed with PTC and have surgery coming up on August 1st for a total thyroidectomy. My ultrasound showed that there was extracapsular extension into the strap muscles. Just wondering if anyone else has had this and how did it affect the surgery, recovery, etc. Did you have to have…
Could someone give me some advice please
for the last year i was undergoing test and monitoring to do with a swelling on my thyroid gland. I had fna test done which came back with abnormal cell growth and the nodule doubled in size in the space of a few weeks. the decision was made to have surgery. I had the growth removed and the ismis on my thyroid that was…
Thyroid Cancer Recurrence Symptoms?
Hello everyone. Forgive me for asking this but I moved in January, and havent seen an endo since November, and dont have insurance for another month. So here goes... I had a total thyroidectomy in 2014 for Papillary Thyroid Cancer. Took awhile for my TG to come down but 6 months later it become undetectable. I had 150 mci…
Single mum of 7
hi guys needing some advise so last fortnight had my right side out them get pathology and it's a 40 mm tumour now this week im going back to get left side out then a dose of iosine radiation im acared I've heard so mny people say the radiation is no good it causes second cancers I'm also scared about the thyroid mess they…
Radio active iodine
Hi! My thyroid was already removed last 2015 and i already took radio active iodine treatment. They have given me a 103 mci oral therapeutic dose of I-131 (dont know the meaning of this medical term but it was indiacated on my medical result). Aftr a year i took htg and anti-htg to monitor my condition and my doctor…
Alcohol Ablation for thyroid cancer
I would like to hear of experiences anyone might have had with alcohol ablation injection treatment for recurrent Papillary thyroid cancer nodules. My son is considering this treatment as he has had 2 surgeries with 1 radioisotope treatment and it looks like he may be RAI resistant at this point. His doctor says Mayo…
follicular thyroid cancer HELP!! Scared and alone
I have had no treatment since the thyroidectomy. Spent the last 6 months waiting because of a small town doctor worried about iodine radiation. At 37, married with a 2 year old I got worried and went to MD Anderson last week. Now more waiting why do I feel like the doctors just don't care. On the plus they changed my meds…
Hello i am new to the board and i am also very worried. My mom lives out of state and was told that she needs to come back in to see the doctor after a biopsy that she had for her thyroid. The doctor has told her that she has ATYPICAL FOLLICULAR HURTHLE CELL METAPLASIA. But my concern is that she is 79 years old and she…
one big waiting game !!!
In relation to fine need aspiration tests done on thyroid nodules, does an abnormal cell result mean cancer? Some advice would be helpful as i'm confused by this result and i didnt think to ask questions at the time of the appointment and i dont know why i didnt just ask for more information on the result.! i was told to…
Medullary Thyroid Cancer There is HOPE!
I was diagnosed with MTC in 1976 at age 31. Now, at age 59, my children are in their 30's, and I even have a 20-month-old granddaughter. I just want to tell you that there is hope you'll be OK. It took me a very long time to believe my oncologist when he told me I had a 99.99% chance of being totally cured by my 2…
FNA on 2 nodules - what to expect? Any warnings?
i am currently in chemo for ovarian cancer. During my first CT the scan discovered 4 nodules on the thyroid. A subsequent ultrasound confirmed that 2 of the 4 nodules warrant FNA. I understand it is done in working with an ultrasound. Can someone tell me what to expect? Do you feel the needles? Do they hold down your head?…
Neck Dissection? Robotic guided?
Looking for a doctor that performs neck dissection with robotic assistace. Possibly even a doctor that will preform this sugery less invasive.
Total thyroidectomy 12 days ago and suffering a red rash on incision
I had a total thyroidectomy about a 1 1/2 weeks ago because of a diagnosis of papillary cancer . I felt as though everyone dismisses this type of cancer as "easy" and the "best cancer to have". Actually this is very traumatic experience And far from easy as I'm sure you all can agree with me. As I am trying to heal…
PET Scan imaging - false positives?
My Dad has recently had a total thyroidectomy for a 9cm x 4cm goiter -- Left side pathology revealed papillary cancer with follicular variant with vascular involvement. Cervical lymph nodes were negative. The tumor has also been labeled poorly differentiated. He had a PET scan done in Jan. that showed uptake in the lungs…
Medullary Thyroid Cancer total Neck Dissection Lymphectomy
Was wondering if anyone else who has had a neck dissection with lymphectomy is experiencing issues with extreme heat or cold? Seems that when I am outside working that I experience lymphedema. Is this normal? I am post op as of July 11, 2016. Being a Farmer my lively hood requires me to be outside. Not sure if I am going…