Is coffee mate powdered "creamer" okay on a low iodine diet ?
http://www.medhelp.org/posts/Thyroid-Disorders/Low-Iodine-Diet/show/573082 http://www.thyroidboards.com/showthread.php?t=2088
nerve pain after modified radical neck dissection
I believe I am having nerve pain after having a modified radical neck dissection for recurrent thyroid cancer. I was told I would have areas in my neck and upper chest that would have numbness. I do have some numbness, but also have areas where my skin feels like it is on fire. I can't stand to have clothes touching my…
New Enlarged Neck Lymph Nodes Post Thyroid Cancer
Hello! I was diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer in April or 2017. I had a total thyroidectomy as well as 6 lymph nodes removed for metastasis disease, followed by a dose of I-131 in May. Over the last 6 weeks I have developed some enlarged lymph nodes in the side of my neck, as well as in my collarbone area, these…
Help with tall cell Thyca
Wel after 8 months of thinking I had pure pap Thyca I had my slides sent to MSK. I had a unifocal 8mm tumor just pap Thyca no extrathyroidal extension or vascular invasion however I had 38 LN removed. 7 positive and two had TCV in the lymph nodes. All I've read are bad things. Right after TT in sept 2011 my tg was.36 and…
Damage to vocal cord from Thyroidectomy
I had a thyroidectomy in September of 2008. My voice was very quiet at first and now is still not normal. I have seen an ENT several times times now. I also have breathing problems at times. Surgery is not an option now because the Dr. is concerned about me having even less space to breathe. Anyone know if the Surgeon is…
Papillary thyroid carcinoma in the lungs with uptake in chest bones and ribs
I am female 75 years old. Had TT in 1988. February 2018 accidentally found via xray a 10mm nodule on right lung. Doctor ordered Petscan that showed the nodule and uptake in some bones on chest and ribs. Biopsy confirmed the nodule is Papillary thyroid carcinoma with metastasis in the bones. Does anyone have this same…
Medullary Cancer Rise in Calcitonin
HI: My Mom was diagnosed with Medullary Cancer in 2009 almost one year ago. She had a complete throidectomy and neck dissection as well as 35 external beam radition treatments. The medullary had only spread to two lymph nodes. She had been doing great until her calcitonin level came back and it was 104. 3 months ago it was…
Caution after surgery
Please what is the next thing after thyroid surgery, just did the surgery and has anybody undergo these and able to talk again because after the surgery I couldn't talk again. Thanks
Inference of BIOPSY REPORT & it's recourse
Hi Ya'll, I write on behalf of my ailing mother . She had been unwell for long periods owing to Sinus related issues. However recently in the past 6-10 months there has been increased swelling in neck accompanied by headaches and fatigue. In a general environment where cancer outbreaks has afflicted with & Kin we were…
Medullary Thyroid Cancer - Any advice?
Hi everyone, Just wanting to shre my experience, so far, with MTC. Maybe somebody out there has had similar experiences. 2010 - first had pain and swelling in neck and down left arm. GP said it was a pulled muscle. After 4 more months of discomfort went to another GP. after noticing my trachea was pushed to the right she…
Re: help on the iodine diet please!!
hello, just wondering, if anybody has any suggestions on the low iodine diet? Is there anybody that has not followed it exactly right? also I am using the salt that says no iodide is it the right one . thank you!!
High Energy and No Thyroid or Hormone Replacement?
Hi Folks, I'm the new kid in town. Got an odd one for you. I had total Thyroidectomy on 24 Jan and it ended up being 2 types of cancer, papillary carcinoma and the folicular (I think). I was anticipating a serious drop in my energy after the surgery, as happened when the right lobe was removed in 1992. However, my energy…
Help on my Ultrasound results
Hi all! I just need to talk to people who have the same experiences I'm going through. I am so nervous, going out of my mind and freaking out!!! I am waiting to be scheduled for an FNA biopsy and I've been waiting for almost 2 weeks now. Like majority of people, I've been on the internet, researching what the results of my…
Need advice
I recently took radiation pill after doing low iodine diet it's been three days since I took the pill I been in my home those three days is my 5 year safe to come home I want to be sure its safe. can I prepare his foods yet?
Mediastinal lymph node metastases
Quick summary: total thyroidectomy, 3 neck dissections, RAI negative. Lung metastases since 2002 that grow slowly and don't respond to radioactive iodine. Thyroglobulin 350. Until now the plan was always "watch and wait". I haven't tried any experimental treatments yet. I recently found out that I have 10 - 15 mediastinal…
I was suffering from throat cancer.
My husband had suffered from throat cancer. He has written something courageous topic to cancer patient. “My message for someone facing this is: be positive, try not to let it take over your life (it does though), meet everything head on, keep your appointments and just go with it.” I first noticed in November 2010 that I…
Thyreoglobulin level rises from 3.2 to 6.8 in 4 months
Hi everyone, I am new to this site. Have PTC and MTC, BRAF positive. Have Garve’s and TED. I am intolerant to RAI. Had TT last April, since then monitored, CEA is 0.5 (for Medullary carcinoma it looks good), byt S-Tgyl is on the rise from 3.2 to 6.8 in 4 moths. Is this mets or can it be becouse of Biotin pills I take for…
Testosterone level after Thyroidectomy
Had Thyroidectomy 4 years ago. Cant recall ever seeing my Testosterone level getting checked during any of my regular blood tests. Question: Can a Thyroidectomy affect my T level and should I get it checked?
Partial thyroidectomy
I was just recently diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer. The cancer is still small, and located only in my right side. Originally my doctor informed me the best thing to do is to take out the whole thyroid. I met with my endocrinologist and she said I actually have the option of keeping the left side and only removing…
Thyroid Cancer Recurrence
I was first diagnosed with Papillary thyroid cancer in 2002, age 20 - the nodule was about 4-5 (honestly cannot remember) cm, and cancer was Stage 1. Today I found out that an ultrasound showed I have a mass growing where my thyroid used to be, 2 cm on the left side, 1 cm on the right, and a lymph node underneath my neck…
A Story of Hope
I don't have thyroid cancer but my father did. I was about 10 years old when he came home from the doctor and told my mother that on examination, he had found a nodule in the center of his throat. Now this is going way back to a very long time ago. My father was a strong man. Healthy except for high blood pressure and he…
Enlarged Neck Lymph Node
Hi, I've been a member of this group for a few months since i started my evaulation process for a swollen neck lymph node (submandibular) on the left side. I've had blood work, so much blood work, every time its perfect. I've had a bone marrow biopsy, nothing in the bone marrow, I've had a CT Scan, it showed 2 small nodes…
Pain in neck 13 years after Total thyroidectomy
Hello, So I am having a total body scan soon because my TG was on an uptick. I have antibodies so the actual Tg nubers are probably higher than they showed in the test. I did not get it done in Dr Carol spencers lab. My family history is that both my mother and my grandmother died from thyroid cancer, papillary with ATC.…
Alcohol ablation for recurrent TC
Has anyone opted for this type of treatment as opposed to neck dissection? I am facing recurrence with surgery as the standard protocol. Mayo clinic has pioneered this non-surgical treatment. Looks promising.
inconclusive FNA But now Antithyroid globulin is high at 102
Six months ago I had an FNA that was inconclusive but did show follicular changes. They said it was inconclusive because it was very small. I just had some blood work, anti thyroidglobulin which came back at 102 HIGH. I am nervous but am seeing the endocrinologist tomorrow morning and I am sure he will do another…
I lost my ability to sing
I had a thyroidectomy in 2015. No mention was given of any mistakes or damage to my vocal cords, but my voice was hoarse immediately thereafter. It has been over two years now and I still cannot sing or talk loudly without losing my voice. I am so sad about this. I heard mention on the forum of certain types of doctors who…
FNA pathology report advice
Here are my Fine Needle biopsy results: Follicular Epithelial Cells and Rare Hurthle Cells Comments: No definitive colloid is identified in this specimen. The cytologic differential diagnosis includes nodular goiter and follicular neoplasm. Nodular goiter is favored somewhat, but clinical correlation is also needed. Nurse…
Total Thyroidectomy or Lobectomy?
Aloha, I'm new to this network - joined recently after I received my biopsy results. Apparently, I have MNG, with the primary nodule being approximately 5 cm (which is very large, I'm told). The results of my FNA showed atypical, with Hurthle cell changes suspected and vascularity noted within the rim. I have another…
Thyroid nodules but labs are good
Hi, y'all....I have been here before due to colon cancer in 2002 and breast cancer in 2005. The US shows two nodules on my thyroid but my labs are normal. I haven't seen the endocrinologist yet. As all of you know, waiting on test results and on appointments is difficult. Today I learned that the lab work is normal.…
Follicular lesions with low to moderate risk of filling neoplasm
Thyroid nodule FNA Report risk of Follicular neoplasm New Hi everyone, I am new here. I hope and pray all your hardships be eased. I am 44 year old female with good health maybe. In regular check up my dr. found this thyroid nodule, had ultrasound and FNA done in april 2013. My thyroi U/S shows right lobe enlarged and…