Hilar cholangiocarcinoma age 70


My Father (age 70)  was diagnosed with Hiler cholangiocarcinoma. I just started doing some research on this. He is currently in South INDIA. He showed symptoms of jaundice initially. Doctors cut the damaged bile duct piece and placed a metal stent. Hopefully jaundice will go away in few days.  Doctor is not hopeful of any remedy yet. Once the patient is cured of jauncide, we should think of opting for chemo or any thing else.

I do not know where and at which part he had the tumors (liver, bile duct itself, ...etc).  Another concern doctor says, his age is a conern. My Brother is with my Dad right now. I just don't know what to do. I am blank and trying to do more research if I can get a better direction. Any advise would be of very great help.

Below is what diagnostic report says:



Brief clinical details provided:  ? Hilar cholangiocarcinoma.

Nature of specimen:             ERCP Brushing taken.

Received 2 unstained slides


Smears show sheets, cohesive three dimentional clusters and discretely scattered epithelial cells that show moderate anisonucleosis, enlarged vesicular to hyperchromatic nuclei and scanty cytoplasm in a background of RBC'S



I can't decipher most of it.

Thanks and Regards,


  • Hyd_chikkadpally
    Hyd_chikkadpally Member Posts: 5
    edited February 2018 #2
    Hilar cholangiocarcinoma

    Hi, Last week, my dad (75 years) diagnosed with Hilar cholangiocarcinoma with preferential extension into the left ductal system. Doctor placed a stent in the bile duct to allow the bile to drain into the small intestine.

    Yesterday's PET scan revealed that his cancer has spread to lungs and Colon. Doctor not advised for chemo or radiation therapy because of the side effects involved in those procedure and also considering the age of the patient. Thinking of taking second advice from a different cancer specialist.

    Any advice would be appreciated.

    My dad lives in India (Hyderabad).
