When do the hot flashes ever go away?
I had my surgery in May of this year. I was having a few hot flashes prior to that. However, now, especially at night I wake up sweating. That's with a fan blowing on me. I turned 49 in August. What has been some of your experiences? Do they ever go away? :) Thanks, Carla
beginning to see through my chemo haze
Hi Loves, Just coming back from two weeks of chemo haze. Week one gemzar/cisplatin and week two gemzar. I've been doing this for the past 21 months and believe it or not, it's beginning to feel routine. The good news is that my Ca-125's are holding so steady that I'm now going to be able to take some schedualed "extra…
Advice for Daughter of OVCA
Hi Ladies. My mother was diagnosed with OVCA in January of this year. Next week I'm going to my first annual gynecologic exam since her diagnosis. I'm 38 and I'm just wondering if I should ask for additional tests - CA125, vaginal ultrasound? Also, was wondering about being tested for the BRC1 (?) gene? I wonder if this…
Questions for women with hysterectomies
I am seeing my onc ob/gyn tomorrow. I won't be seeing her for a long time. I would like to know if there are any questions I should ask about what to expect for the future concerning...my hormones and well anything to do with my female parts and sex...etc????
red spots
Hi everyone I have an appointment later today with my GYN/ONC but I thought I would throw this out at you all. I have red bumps on my face, chest, and back may in other places that I just can't see lol. I was wondering if this is from the chemo or what. It looks like chicken pox but I know it's not because I have had them…
cancer is back
My mom went to the oncologist today got pet scan and blood work back. Cancer has returned to lining of the stomach, liver and also lower cavity of one lung. She will start back on chemo same combo as before carbo/taxol. Also will be in a research study but won't know whether she is getting the real medicine or a placebo.…
OVCA Vaccine
Log in or create a free account for complete access to everything MedPage Today has to offer! ECCO-ESMO: Vaccine Shows Promise in Ovarian Cancer This report is part of a 12-month Clinical Context series. By Ed Susman, Contributing Writer, MedPage Today Published: September 26, 2011 Reviewed by Vandana G. Abramson, MD;…
new restrospective: Chemosensitivity and Outcome of BRCA1- and BRCA2-Associated Ovarian Cancer Patie
Chemosensitivity and Outcome of BRCA1- and BRCA2-Associated Ovarian Cancer Patients After First-Line Chemotherapy Compared With Sporadic Ovarian Cancer Patients Ann Oncol. 2011 Jan 12;22(6):1346-1352, PMLH Vencken, M Kriege, D Hoogwerf, S Beugelink, MEL van der Burg, MJ Hooning, EM Berns, A Jager, M Collée, CW Burger, C…
Should I get the flu shot before starting chemo?
I start chemo on Thursday and am thinking about getting the flu shot before I start. Does anyone know of a reason why this is not a good idea? I intend to ask my doctor too. Thanks
Ovarian cancer 5k walk
Hi ladies I just wanted to let you know on Oct 16th in west Orange NJ there is a ovarian cancer awareness walk being put on by the NOCC, sorry Carlene, signed up before your post. I am visting my parents that week and it would be cool to meet any of my fellow csn teal sisters.
the color teal
Who choses the color for cancer. I was on the uterine cancer blog and found someone talking about ovarian cancer group have taken teal as their color when teal is for all female cancers. They also went on the say that ovarian cancer groups think that ovarian cancer is more deadly that other cancers. I just find it a little…
A Great Day!
I spent the morning in Forest Park, St. Louis at the 5th annual Roc Star 5K. There were about 2000 participants and they presented a check for $55,000 to Siteman Cancer Center at Barnes Hospital. My team had 20 people (aunts and uncles, cousins, siblings, my daughter, mom and husband). It was our first year and now that…
Chemo resistant tumors
I was getting a thermography done yesterday, and it turns out the nurse performing it is the same nurse practitioner I had heard of a few months ago who was working on a clinical trial, treating cancer with large doses of proton pump inhibitors. I got a full hour to ask her questions, and she is a wealth of information.…
Well, it's back
My dear wife, Cindy, had her last Taxol consolidation therapy last month. Went to MD Anderson for CT Scan and CA125 today. Several lymph nodes came back positive on the scan. CA125 was only at 9.5. Her CA125 had previously ranged from 2-4 during our one year of remission. New plan is to go on carboplatin/gemzar/avastin…
vaccine therapy
Anybody have any type of vaccine therapy? I have clear cell ovarian and drugs are not working. what drugs have worked for you? Dr suggest md anderson. What are your experiences there?
First chemo after surgery
It has been over 3 weeks since my surgery, and the chemo assay is still not in. I don't know why it is taking so long! Anyway, my doctor ordered the first cycle of chemo, and then we will change accordingly when the results do come in. I fly to CA tomorrow to do cisplatin and navelbine on Monday AM. Did the labs yesterday,…
Thanks you all
It has been just been over three months since I was told about my cancer and just over two months since I found this site. I just wanted to tell of you how much I love this site and all of you. I have learned so much about my cancer and how strong we become during our fight. I have reached out so many time with just need…
New and scared
just looking for support
3rd Treatment and Ethyl
Hi Ladies! Tomorrow I get my (1st) power-port and will begin my 3rd round of chemo next Tuesday. I'm in another clinical Phase II trial (vaccine trial didn't work for me). I will get dose dense Taxol every week and possibly an oral glucose-factor inhibitor that will block glucose receptors. The glucose is from the insulin…
I'm just amazed as to how staff handle a port
I guess I'm just a little upset and amazed as to how staff handle a port, especially when they're supposed to be oncology nurses. I've had some type of rash (or infection) for the last 2 weeks. When I first saw the oncologist, he put me on antibiotics. And, then was referred to my primary care doc, who continued the…
Port question
How soon after you have a port placed can you start using it for chemo? My wife muscled through 18 months of chemo treatments without one but is now tired of getting stuck multiple times.
Hats and scarves
I recently found a couple of nice websites for head wear. (it seems that recently I've been pretty hung up on my hair-less status, more so now that they've extended my treatments) I know I've seen them mentioned in a few posts here, but thought I would start a new thread for any newcomers that may be searching for…
Traveling (cruising) during chemo
I am considering taking a cruise in 6 weeks. I will have had 2 of my first treatments with Carbo/Taxotere. Is this a good idea? I have cruised in the past during treatment with no problems.
When do you count for remission. What is considered remission? When do you start to count for NED is it when my organs affected were removed, or when I had a clear pet scan, or when my cat scan after treatment was done. Not really sure about all this need a little help. Thanks Sharon
Is a port necessary?
I had a port 7 years ago and it was great at the time. It became infected in 2006 and I came down with sepsis and barely made it and the infected port was removed. I will need to start chemo again soon and wonder if they will suggest another port. Pros and cons??
Question for post chemo ladies.
I had my last chemo on 9/16/2010 and am still experiencing aches, pains, fatigue and a general lack of stamina. I don't want to exaggerate the situation, I am feeling great but I don't think I'm back to before ov/ca. I am 63 and not a real active person so although I was healthy, I know I was not very fit. Here's my…
mom is gone
Mom passed away suddenly this afternoon. We believe she had some type of CVA, likely caused by a blood clot. Her left leg had swollen to 3 times its normal size, a complication post surgery this past week. I cannot even begin to describe the utter loss I feel, the hopelessness..this grief is consuming me. She died with all…
Sluggish port
Got a question re: my PowerPort. I was in Tijuana at an integrative cancer clinic getting treatments for 3 weeks but I had to use a peripheral vein for the blood draws--the port was OK for IV infusions only (the nurses couldn't get blood out of it). Has anyone else had this experience--what should I do about it? By the…
I think I have ovarian cancer
I have been having lower abdominal pain for going on three weeks now. When my husband and i were having intercourse we had to stop because i started crying in was in so much pain in my lower abdominal. a few days later my pain was n my lower abdominal and all the way down to my knees now lastnight it was from my lower…
New advance for ovarian cancer
Tomorrow night on ABC World News, Diane Sawyer will interview Joan Doak who is a survivor and staffer for NOCC (sorry Carlene) regarding a new procedure for identifying ov/ca cells during surgery using a flourescent dye. Below is a link to a news story about this breakthrough. This is news to me, maybe some of you have…