New member and looking for new dr/2nd opinion
Hi, I am really afraid I have ovarian cancer. I have a cyst that is 2cm? But I am so bloated and have been for over 6 weeks! And my periods are so heavy and irregular. And I have pain after sex and I have to pee suddenly. my dr thinks I am crazy. I am searching for a new dr. she wouldn't even tell me what kind of cyst and…
Not feeling so good - advice?
Hi, my name is Tia, I'm turning 20 in September. For about a month now, I've been bloating, can't poop, I am always exhausted, CONSTANTLY have indigestion...which has NEVER happened to me before until all of this, and I have some pain in my left ovary area from time to time. Some days it's worse than others. I think I can…
Tumor blueprint done through Clarity Foundation
A good article from UT San-Diego on genetic profiling: something to consider when you are out of options http://www.utsandiego.com/news/2013/Aug/14/clearity-ovarian-cancer/?#article-copy
September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
Be ready to don your best teal wardrobe and accessories for North America’s Wear Teal Day on Friday, September 6. Go shopping!!!
Clearity Foundation
Interesting article on the Clearity Foundation. I found it on a former ACOR member's blog, Ovarian Cancer and Us. link to article: http://tinyurl.com/ky6umn2 link to Ovarian Cancer and Us: http://ovariancancerandus.blogspot.com/ Barb P.
August roll call
Lynda is here for August and feeling pretty good. How are all of you doing today?
Today is my birthday
I am a year and a half NED and am turning 47 today! Thank God for prayers answered......I will never, ever complain about growing old again lol
ca125 question
Have you felt different physically when you have a high ca125 vs a moderate or low score?
Frustrated, but hopeful
Hi Ladies, I really need some advice/guidance/suggestions... I was diagnosed w/micropapillary serous carcinoma 3C in 9/11, finished chemo just this past February 2013 (I was part of a clinical trial of Avastin, that's the reason it went on for so long) My CA 125 did get down to 9 but started creeping up since past…
Oncologist/gynecologist Nashville or south
I recently moved and am searching for new doctors. I have in the past gone to an Oncologist and a gynecologist. If I find a gynecology oncologist does this doctor do all of my checkups? Or do I need a separate gynecologist? Also does anyone have a recommendation for a doctor in the Nashville area or south to Pulaski.…
A better result for me!
I am thrilled to be able to tell you that finally, after 7 consecutive rises in my CA125, I have had a drop!! Just a small one of 28 points but at least it is now heading in the right direction! This week I had my 6th cycle of Topotecan over three days and my 4th infusion of Avastin. I believe the addition of Avastin has…
Hi everyone. Hope all is well. I was just curious of how quickly symptoms escalated. The past 3 days I've been feeling worse and worse. Cramps, bloating, backache. I am about to get my period as well, does that make it worse? I typically never have SMS symptoms. I just feel so weak and exhausted that even the act of eating…
Hi Loves
Just a quick note to say "hi" and let you know that I'm on a month break from chemo.... 3 1/2 years straight, I thought I deserved a break! I'm having a ball. We're taking our two older granddaughters to Maryland this weekend to see their younger cousin, planning a memorial golf tournament in honor of my brother, who…
Hi ladies, I posted this on the Uterine board but thought you all would enjoy as well if you didn't stroll over to that page. I love this and hope you all enjoy this too. News Release: A Call to Action on Behalf of Women with Below the Belt Cancer We know women’s lives are saved when we look at cancer through a pink lens.…
Kikz (Karen) - how are you?
I hate to bug you if you want to lay low, but I was wondering how you are doing? It's been a while since we've heard from you but I know you have a lot of challenges and a heck of a lot of crap to deal with. Please post when you can. Kelly
New member
Hello, I'm from rural Illinois, straight west of Chicago. I was diagnosed in Jan. 2008, at age 57, with stage IB ovarian cancer. I actually felt my tumor and had surgery only. I'm a retired elementary school librarian, married for 44 years (to a husband who has had 3 different cancers). We have 2 adult sons. One son is…
surgery and dx worries--help!
Hello, new here and my mind is just reeling with the possibility im dealing with ovarian or some other cancer based on symtoms, family history, and a suspicious growth near an ovarian cyst. I am recently post-menopausal--a year and a half with no period. I started having a lot of indigestion, gas, belching, bloating and…
New member
Hi, I'm new to your discussion board, but not new to ovarian cancer. in fact, I'm a 12 year survivor. I used to belong to the ACOR discussion board, but it has closed, and we were sent to a site called SmartPatients. I joined it, but I don't really like the format there. I was dx with stage Ic endometriod orca in 4/01. I…
1 year NED
Today I celebrate one full year of NED!! Thank you Lord! If that were not enough, today is my 22nd wedding anniversary. I am married to the most wonderful husband, he is kind caring and so supportive. I have known him since I was 9 years old. We have been through thick and thin and always the best of friends. Feeling…
Hi Ladies, I posted some photos of me parasailing on my expression page. Lisha
Just started Taxotere on Thursday to be given on a weekly basis , I forgot to ask for how long. Has anyone been on this ? They told me I might not have any side effects but I did feel pretty queasy for a couple days but nothing like after the Carbo/Taxol. Does anyone know if the effects are cummalative ? I will ask the…
1 year since DX
Hello Ladies, It's been a very long year since my most recent dx. I have been trying to keep the fear in the back of my life, but find it a real challenge at times. I am doing better but increasing pain has me worring a little more. The last ct looked good, but there were some new issues that I need to deal with. My ca 125…
Castor Oil For Adhesions and Scars
I've used castor oil packs to get rid of adhesions. Another bonus is that they make scars disappear.
1 year on CSN
Exactly 1 year and 500 posts ago I joined CSN. 2 months after OVCA diagnosis, 1 month after BRCA+ test result, in the middle of my second round of chemo; 2 months before debulking surgery. I was overwhelmed, emotionally broken and suicidal. I was fortunate enough to find this board and meet all of you wonderful "teal…
Ovarian Cancer Conference in Boston
Hi, I am going to the conference in Boston this weekend put on by the Foundation for Women's Cancer at the Wyndham Hotel on Saturday. Is anyone else going? Kelly
Had chemo and radiation today
Radiation at 7:00. ...then visit to MD. She told me my markers were up.,but wants not going to get chemo because it wasn't good for my bone marrow She checked with my Radiologist and he said it was ok to get the chemo since I am getting very low dosage of rads. I was glad cause markers went from 19 to 38 ..this tell me I…
CA125 question
Hi All, Got my CA125 results today and it came in at 8.9. After 3 rounds of chemo and debulking surgery, my CA125 went from 2200 to 4 and stayed there through the rest of chemo and for about 9 months after that. Then I got a 6.9, last time a 5.1 and this one was almost 9. My head tells me it's going to fluctuate but my…
If you knew 20 years ago???
My gram was diagnosed with multiple cancers. One being ovarian. Which from what I understand that cancer is very dangerous and has the highest death rate due to how quickly it grows and the lack of accurate testing. With that my mom is most likely going to have her ovaries, tubes and uterus removed now as she is already…
What to expect/ be prepaired for
My Gram has been diagnosed for 3 totally seperate cancers. Anal, esophgis (SP) and ovarian. she had surgery to remove some but a lot was still in there. She is 75 and does not want to do any treatmetns and letting nature take it course. Our family does not know what to expect during this time and how to help her. She has…
Book: " Proof of Heaven" , Eben Alexander, M.D.
My husband get a book for me on line. I finished read it a same day I resieved it by mail ! If some body interesting in topic like this, you can go to www.eternea.org.