In addition to my recent post regarding the lymphocele, I just received a copy of the complete test report. It mentions 'there is a scar identified within the right lung anteriorly. There is suggestion of a small nodular density associated with this scar. I cannot exclude a small nodular density within this scar." I was…
Has anyone ever had a lymphocele? I had OVCA Stage 1C in March of 2000. Had total hysterectomy, omentum and lymph node removal. The last several CT scans have shown a 'mass' of 2-2.5 cm. My doctor and PA say it's a lymphocele. Sometimes they need to be drained, sometimes removed. Anyone have experience with this? My CA125…
3c with no disease in pelvis
I'm a 3c grade3 serous papillary but there was no disease in my pelvis, just on the ovaries and in the lymph glands. Is there anyone out there with this? I've just finished chemo and getting nervous about it coming back.
Is it time to give up?
I've been battling OVCA stage 3C for a little over 4 years. This last year has been the worst, starting with the cancer becoming resistent to taxane/platinum chemo. Next came a bowel blockage for which I had surgery, but the bowels have not worked properly since and I'm in an almost constant state of diarrhea. I have not…
Mom is stage IV- need advice
My mother was supposed to have her hysterectomy and debulking yesterday, but when they got inside, they found that the cancer had spread over pretty much every surface. We're obviously in shock. My mother asked me to post here and see what kind of advice we could get (I told her that I had posted before and found it to be…
Mom's Blood Test
My mom's CA-125 went from over 3,000 before her surgery a month ago to 23 after surgery and one round of chemo. My Mom's cancer was diaganosed as IIB last month. Today was her second chemo session and the doctor's office called her during it to tell her about her blood test!! Her hair really started falling out about a…
New inspirational cancer survivor book
I just finished a new book - Make Your Miracle, Surviving Cancer. It is amazing. For more information go to www.makeyourownmiracle.com
need 2nd opinion
My mom has stage 3 Fallopian tube cancer which is treated just like ovarian. She finished her first round of chemo and her Ca125 is 55. Her Doc said no more chemo...you have plateaud. Her doc wants to just check her levels in 3 mos and then if the ca125 elevates, do chemo again. My mom is very depressed that she is not in…
Mother recently diagnosed- need advice
My mother went to the hospital because her stomach was extremely swollen and extremely painful. They found that it was ascites and discovered adenocarcinoma. She has about a hundred doctor's appointments in the next week. They say they'll operate, but don't know when. We don't yet know what stage it is. I live far away and…
CA125 in the normal range
Hi All, just wanted to share the exciting news. My ca125 is down to 21, I am in my 5th round of topotecan and only have one more course to go. I am so looking forward to not having chemo. I was so sick yesterday and not looking forward to going again today but knowing we are getting close the end helps. You all are so…
Update (TealRibbon)
Bonnie, Thanks for leaving me an email. Here is an update As per your request :-) Well, I feel terrible on the Carbo only. Not sure why but the Onc is giving me a pretty high dose. I have had 3 rounds of Carbo and my numbers are lowering; although not as fast as I would like. They rose to 190 and were down to 87 after two…
TLK 286
I start on my first trial of TLK 286 today. Anyone had this experience?
I am sorry to say that my mother passed away at 2:26am on Saturday, October 23. But my sister and I were blessed to have been with her at that very moment. Although this was the most difficult thing I have ever done, at least I know Mom was not suffering and that she was at peace and ready to go. Please don't let this…
Please respond - worried out of my mind!
During the past few days, I have experienced some startling symptoms. For a couple of hours, I had sharp, piercing pains come and go in my left ovarian area. Then a few days later, my right ovary kept giving me pain, but it was more constant and less sharp. I am experiencing periodic waves of dullish pelvic discomfort,…
Today my mom was diagnosed with Stage IIIC ovarian cancer
My mom is 84 years old....never sick a day in her life. I am terrified for her for what she faces. Surgery will be November 4 2004.....please, tell me, what can she expect. Doctor is not very optimistic....
LI OCEANS- next meeting Nov 17th
Hello, The next LI OCEANS-Long Island Ovarian Cancer Education Advocacy Networking & Support group meeting is on Nov 17th at 6:00 pm. Please call for info & directions 631 754-4125. About us: LI OCEANS is a grassroots support group/organization established in 2004. LI OCEANS group is composed of women living with…
Stage IIB
My mom was just told that her cancer is stage IIB. It was in both ovaries but all her other biopsies were negative. She starts Taxol/Carboplatin next week. She will have one session a month for eight months. Any insight into what she can expect would be appreciated. Thank you to all of you who have had my mother in your…
My mom is having surgery tomorrow
Hello. I am new to this site. My mom was feeling completely fine and normal until Friday night when she suddenly started having bad abdominal pains. She threw up once and the pain continued through the night. Saturday she went to the emergency room. They thought she had appendicitis. After a CT scan and X-ray they saw…
My mom's surgery
My mom's surgery was today. It turned out better than we thought it would. Her gyn/onc said that she did have a cancerous tumor on her ovary but he did not see any evidence of any disease anywhere else. He also said that she did not have any fluid in her abdomen and we were told by her gynecologist that she did. He said…
cetuximad study
I am a participant in this study. One of the side-effects is an acne-like rash - which I am experiencing. If you are experiencing the same reaction - please let me know what products you are using to alleviate the symptoms. Thanks.
Long Island OCEANS- Ovarian Cancer group next meeting Oct 13th- Hauppauge
Hello, Just a reminder to those interested in attending the LI OCEANS meeting-Long Island Ovarian Cancer Education Advocacy Networking & support group. The next meeting is today (Wed) Oct 13th at 6 pm. For more info & directions p/c Sandy at LI OCEANS (631)754-4125 or email Khrissy Lupinacci @ SoulsINK@optonline.net…
cronic stomach pain post chemo
My mom has stage III ovarian cancer. She had a complete hysterectomy in Dec 2003, followed by 6 rounds of chemo -the last was in June 2004. However since about a month she has been getting severe stomach pain. She had been admitted to a hospital twice. When on drips, her pain seems to vanish. However, every time she eats…
New and scared...Ovarian cysts
I was going thru infertility treatment when 6 large cysts have been detected in my ovaries for the last 6 months. I am very truly scared..lots of cancer in my family/
Hi everyone, I am at the halfway mark for chemo. It seems the topotecan is working, at least my ca125 is dropping. I am having 2 units of blood today, hopefully after this the procrit will keep my rbc up. I have been on both the procrit and neulasta shots and yet my blood counts have a hard time coming back up. Tomorrow I…
After Chemotherapy questions
Hello everyone, This site has been so much help to me over the past few months, God Bless all that have posted. Now to my question. I finished my six chemos carb/taxol in Apr, still have variety of chemo related pains, lingering neuropathy, fatigue, "joint pain", ect. I try to walk at lease 2 miles a day and keep active,…
Hi everybody, let me start with some history, I finished treatment for hodgkins disease in March of 2003. I had radiation thearpy and no chemo. Since then I have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I have always had trouble with my cycle. Now I seem to be back to the old not getting a period, terrible pain in my ovary area…
Raising Awareness
Does anyone have any good ideas to raise awareness of OVC? September is ovarian cancer awareness month, but I'd like to get something in motion. I'd like to start an annual walk in my area, but I'm not too sure how to get started. There's already a Relay for Life walk nearby in the Summer. However, this doesn't help raise…
Other On-Line Sources for Newcomers
For those recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer, just wanted you to know that there are two discussion boards on-line that are much more active than this one for those with the disease. A lot of experienced ladies and caegivers who can answer questions. They are the ovarian discussion group at ACOR (www.acor.org) and and…
Dx. with Ovarian Cancer today
Sm. mass found in L ovary. After ultrasound I was told it is Cancer. I will have surgery Friday to remove ovary. Staging will be done then since it is small. They believe it is Stage I. Doctor has said he would decide after surgery if chemo is needed. I am afraid and worried about my family.
Could this be?
I am just digesting this and am so afraid. You always think the worst, but still so unknown. I have been having pain in my lower ab and back for the past several months. It is worse during my cycle, to the point I can't sleep. I have never had symptoms during my period...so this is new. My ob/gyn did an ultrasound about 8…