Pet scan report
I have just obtained my PET report,before my Onc calls me. I'm not sure if I understand ,maybe you ladies can help. it said I have a focal area of abnormal hypermetabolic uptake along the posterior side of the liver. It sates this uptake has a value of 3.6 and is suspicious for metatastic disease. Thsi was the only area…
Merry Christmas
God's morning to all! I just wanted to say we are feeling so blessed to be here another Christmas. My ca125 is holding at 10 and my ct scans show that everything is staying the same. Stable disease and a low ca125 is the a great present to us. :-) I am still on desensitized carbo, which still makes me very sick, but it is…
I just finished my treatments and am done!!!
Hi everyone. Im new to this site but im so glad i joined. I just finished my last treament on saturday november 24th, im extremely excited. but im also feeling so many emotions i didnt feel before being so caught up in just beating this. My self esteem is at an ultimate low seeming as i lost my hair (its growing back now)…
Well I made it through my PET scan and it was easy just like you guys said. I was told I'll get the results Monday(because of holiday). I think I'll get the results today because the day the scan(Thanksgiving Day) I developed a hard golf ball size lump right under my bellybutton. So my sis called the Dr. and he said if I…
Recurrence Ovarian 3C :-(
Hi, everyone... I've had a 'recurrence' of cancer. My diagnosis was May 06, surgery June 1,2006, Stage 3C. I then had 6 rounds of taxo-carbo from Aug-Dec. In March I was told I was "in remission". In August '07 my CA125 started climbing after leveling out at around 4.5 . My CA was done monthly, and steadily climbed, but in…
Side effects of chemo
Hello. I am a new member of this board. In July I was scheduled to have a hysterectomy for large fibroids. During surgery they found cancer in one of my ovaries. I saw a specialist who recommended 6 rounds of chemo. So in September I started my treatments. I go every 3 weeks and so far have completed three rounds. i am…
Swing and a miss: Blood cell counts low
My wife Linda and I trekked for a scheduled chemo only to find out her red and white blood cell counts were low. WBC only 225 when they should be 1200+! She's on cisplatin and Gemzar of course. Doctors said it means the chemo is working and we'll try next week when her blood gets stronger. I confess I was expecting this…
Nausea and Headaches
My mother (73) was just diagnosed with Ovarian cancer ... it was a huge shock for all of us, this first week after the diagnosis has been rough. She went into the hospital with severe bronchitis (that we thought turned into pneumonia) and learned she was at stage 4, with no previous symptoms. Her treatment will be 3 rounds…
Cisplatin and Vision Changes
Hi everyone. I made it through treatment 4 last Thursday of Taxotere & Cisplatin without as much pain this time around in my abdomen, but with nausea that doesn't seem to want to go away, unsteady on my feet and I know that my vision is being effected. Has anyone else had IP Cisplatin and deal with vision changes? I…
PET Scans and Topotecan
Hello ladies, I went to see my Onc and because of the ct scan results we will be doing a PET scan. I have never had one, what can I expect?? Also if the results show cancer we'll be going on to Topotecan...what can I expect from this drug?? I'll be getting it once a week for 3 weeks then off one week. I had a terrible wek…
Touching base
Hello to all of you brave and tough ladies! I just wanted to take this time to wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am very thankful for all the tips, advise, knowledge, and freindship that you all provide here. Bless you all, and may comfort of family and freinds surround you. Charlotte
Step in right direction
My wife's CA-125 dropped from 389 just after surgery to 77 after two cycles/2 rounds of cisplatin/gemzar chemo. We hope this can keep going!
Huge Doubt
Is it necessary to see a Gyno Dr. when you already have OVCA? I mean, pap smear, pelvic exam, ultrasound, mammography, etc??? My Mom has only seen her Oncologyst since dx October 2005. What is your opinion? Thank you. Liz
need info and advice
The tumor board met this morning and my onc. presented my case. She just called and said the tumor board recommended seeing a radiologist and doing radiation as a first step. They also suggested conferring with a surgeon to see if surgery was an option. If neither of these steps work then I should try tomaxifon. Have any…
Effect of cisplatin on lungs
My wife Linda is experiencing shortness of breath in normal activities. We're through two complete rounds of chemo with Cisplatin/Gemzar. The effect has been addressed with our doctors who have not made much of it yet? Anyone have any perspective or experience with this?
Need some opinions
Hello Ladies !!! Recently I had a ct scan done and the results were a mixed bag. While the lungs showed a decrease in nodule and lymphnode size, the pelvis/abd showed something else. It stated that I had a accumulation of fluid in this area, more than what was seen in Feb.07, when they started me on Gemzar. The radiologist…
My Mom's update
Dr. saw my Mom last Monday, her 10th and final chemo for 1st recurrence was October 6th (a month ago)so she has felt very good with vitality and energy, good moode, very good appetite and the other day she said she would like to have a beer with her meal!! That was a big WOW for me considering she never drinks and is 76…
To "port" or not?
Hello everyone. Hope this finds all doing well today!!! I would love to get 'input' from all of you about ports. I know that Bonnie has one, and loves it. I've always worried about them and possible problems. My nurses are starting to complain about my veins.....I'm doing very well so far, and am thinking and praying about…
Ovarian Cancer Board
I am not sure if you can block this user but someone in the ovarian cancer boards is trying to sell supplements. Looking at their website it looks like it may be a scam. Thanks Jamilou
My moms battle with Ovarian Cancer...
Hello we just found out during an annual pap smear that my mother has ovarian cancer...This is such a big shocl to us all and i just dont know what to do...i just take it day by day...They drained 6 liters of fluid from her belly... 3c = There are tumor growths larger than 2cm on the lining of the abdomen; the lymph nodes…
No sense of relief
Hi everyone, I've been following this board (but seldom post) since I first found it soon after my diagnosis in April of this year. Since then I've gone through debulking/hystorectomy, 6 rounds of chemo, and a second look surgery just last week. Throughout the ups and downs of these past 6 months I've been scared at times,…
CT Report
I have finally had the report from the conference between all my doctors and they have concurred that the CT was in error and that I am tumor free as far as they can see now. I am going back on Taxol, lower dose every 4 weeks, dropping the carboplatin. We'll save the doxil for later, if needed. This has been a roller…
Linda's quiet progress
We're done with cycle two of Round Two on Cisplatin and Gemzar. Side effects: Some mild hair thinning. Nausea is manageable. Appetite comes and goes. But we struggled mightily two weeks ago with anxiety and depression. Pulled her through that with help of psychologist and psychiatrist. I had no idea what could happen.…
Depression Medication w/IP Chemo
I was diagnosed in July 07 with Stage IIC ovarian cancer. Am currently undergoing IV/IP Chemo and have been experiencing severe depression from the diagnosis along with it. Have been prescribed Lexapro, Zoloft, Paxil and the latest Wellbutrin, but they all seem to make me nauseated even when I'm not nauseated from the…
Hospice and CA-125?
My mom has been fighting stage 4 ovca for last 1.5 yrs. Just stopped a 4th chemo agent after her oncologist figured it wasn't working based on no drop in CA-125 levels (currently in 200s). Her only manifestation at the moment is pleural effusion, for which she is getting a pleurodesis to stop the fluid from reaccumulating.…
Lymphedema and CA125
Hi all. Here's a wierd question for you. Has anyone experienced lymphedema and if so, did it affect your CA125? I have lymphedema in my right leg due to removal of lymph nodes in the groin area. I've been having carboplatin and doing fine, CA125 dropping after each of four treatments so far, then I started getting physical…
PET scan report
Just got the preliminary report of my pet scan from my oncologist. No significant growth from the previous pet scan of oct 2006. Nothing shrunk either which is discouraging. I have a < 1/4th inch tumor on my liver and two in my chest wall and some infected small lymph nodes. I just finished 9 rounds of topopecan/carplatin.…
CT Report
I have finally had the report from the conference between all my doctors and they have concurred that the CT was in error and that I am tumor free as far as they can see now. I am going back on Taxol, lower dose every 4 weeks, dropping the carboplatin. We'll save the doxil for later, if needed. This has been a roller…
I got doxil today with no effects during the IV and none by tonight. So far, so good.
Can't stop thinking about it!
Hi.. I'm Susan, and I'm 49. I was diagnosed w/Ovarian Cancer in May 2006, at age 48. Stage IIIC. I don't know what the "C" means; I don't know if I want to know. I went through a major surgery, and 6 rounds of Taxo. My hair has just grown in, and now my CA has shot up to 40.6 I also found a lump in/on my abdomen. Has…