PPC, interested in IP chemotherapy, need some answers!
Hi everybody, I am new to all this, and I would like to thank Tina for sharing a link with me to this page. My mother has been diagnosed with PPC, we were first told that it was ovarian , she has had 3 lots of chemotherapy and has had surgery all good so far, surgeon said there was no visible trace of the beast left after…
My chemo held hostage update
Finally... my insurance company has released the funds that they owed to my Oncologist and after a very long and even more stressful 5 weeks for me, I return to chemo today. I'm terrified to find out if my counts have risen. I'm trying to think good thoughts. (((HUGS))) Maria
SANAM hows ur mum?
Hi Sanam, Has ur mum finshed chemo treatment and i have not heard anything from You. Please do ca125 test which will help for doctor treatment. Put her on vegee diet. Please keep us update ur mum ... U r in my prayers Thanks Kumar
Mom Update
First I would like to say thank you to everyone that replied to my post regarding my mom's surgery September 3rd. Mom went for a second opinon September 27th at Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto. The doctors there were not as pessimistic as Mom's oncologist. They said the chemo is working and there is still lots that…
Anyone experience burning in their throat
Has anyone experienced a burning in their throat or feeling of not being able to swallow food while on carbo/taxol? My mom is feeling like she can't swallow and this burning sensation in her throat and nothing seems to help it. She has is getting severe heartburn. She's tried Pepcid and similar drugs and they don't seem to…
our sweet BONNIE
Caringbridge jourbal post on Bonnie's blog today, not sure who posted it: "Biblestudy time look up Isaiah 43 1 3 one special verse that Bonnie has walked with 7.5 years and shared with many friends Bonnie did wake a couple times through the night from pain the nurses uped thr amount of pain meds and now she receives adivan…
"Break the Silence" tee shirts
For the benefit of those who asked me via Face Book and CSN e mail about purchasing the tee shirts we wore in the NOCC 5K last Saturday, they aren't technically for sale (ours being such an exclusive group and all...ha ha), but I think I can score a few shirts. I promised to be responsible for the postage and for mailing…
Confused and upset over doctor's visit
I just don't know what to think. I got my results from PETCT Scan today. Frist, my CA125 when up from 30 to 34. Then the last spot I had, which is in my liver, has not shrunk anymore. My doctor wanted me to do the two more infusions of doxil and thought it might kill it like it did the other spots I had. But it stayed the…
Libby's Update
Good Afternoon, Ladies!! I have had 3 infusions of Doxil (dose is 50 or 55 which is a higher dose because of being on PARP clinical trial). After first infusion I had heartburn like pain in esophagus, had 2 shots of Neupagen for white count (already). Second infusion I had constipation, mouth sores, some itching around…
Primary Peritoneal Cancer - new thread
Many thanks Tina for the valuable info you've posted. I checked and you're right, she is on carboplatin 550mg and taxol 330mg. Does this sound right? She's also been given sickness tablet, so that's better now. But she hasn't been eating, so she was admitted to hospital again to check her immune system, apparently chemo…
What are you reading for fun?
I thought I'd start this topic so we can share the great books we read for fun. While these can include cancer books, it's also a place to talk about books we read to "escape" for a while. Some of my favorites: The "fever" series by Karen Moning DarkFever, BloodFever, FaeFever and DreamFever. Fantasy series. Along the same…
Looking for NCEllen
I would like to get in touch with you Ellen. I believe I saw somewhere that you live in Matthews? Please write back.
Lynch Syndrome
Was wondering if anyone was familiar with Lynch Syndrome. Mom has to have a genitic test next month to see if she may have it. Her oncologist believes she may...due to her having colon cancer at such a young age then the reoccurance of the colon cancer then the ovarian cancer. He also stated if she had it then all of her…
My wandering mind and rambling fingers...
It's getting late and the house has been quite for about 3 hours now, everyone including the dog is asleep, except me as usual. The TV is turned on low, can't really concentrate on any one show, so it's just background noise. My mind keeps wandering and zeroing on this nasty entity that bedevils me!! I was first…
For Bonnie
A new thread. I find it so appropriate that Bonnies profile picture on FB is of a angel. My heart is heavy with this loss of a fellow warrior. Heartfelt sympathy to her family.
vaginal bleeding
I know this topic was addressed before but I cannot find much on it when I search. Has anyone experienced vaginal bleeding. I noticed a very small amount of bright red blood today. None on my underwear. A bit on the toilet paper. Sorry to report that it cannot be from rough sex..or any sex for that matter! Have other women…
Jayne is doing quite well, all things considered
She had surgery to replace the stent in her kidney, which went well, and today she posted this... Thanks to good old Yoga, walks with my cat and dog and sunshine; the pains in body are much better...glad we didn't go to ER! I'm so used to this waiting it out!)
Just go thte news----I am NED. Thankful and celebrating!!! Had to share. V
You Ladies
Are awesomesauce. That is all. Carry on.
My ca125 took another 10 point jump and is now at 43. PET/CT on 9/1/10 showed stability. A new treatment regimen is probably in my immediate future. If so, I will probably go with the clincial trial oral EMND-2076. I've been on chemo non stop since January. I am on my 2nd regimen. Thankfully the bowels are moving fine and…
Has anyone been perscribed opium for diarrhea ?
My daughter had her second chemo and has had severe diarrhea. Her white blood count was zero, even after having the shots to raise her white blood count. She still had one shot left and we are hoping that the shots have not kicked in yet. Has anyone been perscribed opium for diarrhea?
Haven't been on in awhile, but need some help
Hello Ladies~ To refresh, I was dx Stage 2 Ovarian Cancer in August of 2005 at the age of 34, just had my 5 yr. anniversary a little over a month ago. Underwent complete hysterectomy with removal of everything, including omentum, and 9 lymph nodes which were negative for cancer. My gyn onc was able to remove all of the…
Getting the word out...
Here's a link to a local TV news show, spotlighting our local NOCC chapter, and the mini-interview with our coordinator, Karen Zeitman. http://www.wfaa.com/news/health/Break-the-silence-on-ovarian-cancer-102670169.html I am participating in the 5K on September 25th. Carlene
Chemo Brain
Okay what is chemo brain? I went to breakfast yesterday and my daughter kept asking me if I felt alright. It wasn't till later in the day that I realized I was like kinda in a fog , is this chemo brain ? I can't recall the conversation and barely recall her boyfriend being there.
Tenth Annual NOCC 5K Break the Silence "Race"
It was a rainy morning in the Dallas/Ft Worth area, but the NOCC Walk to Break the Silence went off as scheduled. I walked, as did 7 other friends and family members. See the photos on Face Book (search Carlene Mullins if you aren't already on my Friends list). We had a balloon launch for all the women who lost their…
Someone please help me
I am barely able to sit at the keyboard because I am weak and lightheaded but I so need someone to help me feel I can get through this. I am sobbing and feel like everything is so futile. I will probably reread this at some point and wish I hadn't posted it but at this moment it is what I need to do. I am having such…
Need advice. :)
Hello!! I am new to this board. i am so glad some one told me about it. Finally have a place to talk to people who know what i'm going through!! :) I need some advise and info. I was diagnosed at stage 3C on Feb. 1st this year. i underwent a massive surgery including ovaries, appendix, omentum and 2 bowel resections. 5…
Update on my mom in ICU
Hi everyone. I wanted to give you all an update on my mom who has been in the ICU since her colostomy surgery on August 20th. She is trached and received her second weekly dose of Cisplatin on Tuesday. She has finally had a slow down in the chest tube drainage and they were able to do the pleurocedesis this week as well.…
Well isn't he an idiot?
So today I got home from school. And I have this project that nobody told me about until last minute (I was absent last tuesday) And they told me a few days ago. Now here I am with this stupid project I have to do. So today I'm almost done but i'm in a group with boys and they don't like to co-operate so i've been doing…
Hi Ladies, Anyone hear from Libby or her daughter...I know she's in same trial as my mother and I have PM'd her and her daughter but not heard back...am a little concerned...I know her 2nd CT was at same time as my Mother's (2 weeks ago)....Hope she's doing well...I know the doxil dosage in this trial is high....hope she's…