ice during Doxil
Hi Ladies, I am in a panic about my upcoming carbo-doxil combo. I was told that I did not need ice packs, yet I see many patients do use them. Any info.? I also saw that Doxil may give you incorrect high CA125 numbers? GREAT! I also read the side effects are worse when they add another chemo. GREAT, again! I'm sure looking…
I'm ready to make a donation to....
24 hour monitoring of CSN. 'Seems they are gone for the week-end. How can all these posts continue to remain? I am SO angry. Some of the ones she pulled are some who are no longer with us. It pulls at my heartstrings to see their names.... Are we going to have to see this until Monday??? CSN, get it together! Thanks, Froggy
I see Doris has been doing her dirty work again overnight.I hope they remove this nasty piece of work quickly.
Just sayin', Doris....
I would pay 100 times the going rate for drugs before I would buy them from someone who solicits on a Cancer network site. I'm guessing most of the people on CSN feel the same, so I doubt you will be getting much business from anyone here. I only hope you get to read your PMs before the admins kill your CSN account. You…
Numbers are up............. a lot
Hello my fellow tealers I have just recieved my results from my CT scan and my CA 125. Good news first, my CT scan shows that "the generalised peritoneal disease are essentially stable" All major organs are unremarkable, no bone lesion and no ascites or plueral fluid. Bad news, my CA 125 has risen from 71 to 1,280? I don't…
Second Class Cancer
I went to the Drs. My counts were good but had a problem with my medical card. Here in the state of Kansas, I am on a program called Medically Needy. I am on it for 3 years from the date of disabiliy before I get Medicare. I worked so I do get Social Security. I have a high spendown (about 30% of my check a month) plus a…
I am feeling much better today
First of all I just want to say a very BIG thank-you to all of my "teal ladies" (that's what I call you when I tell my friends at home about the marvelous support I get from these boards) You don't know how your responses has helped me these last few days. You are all such kind and caring people and I so wish I lived in…
CA125 rising slowly....
Well, I guess I knew it. I always try to be positive but....that little bit of fear comes sneaking in. Had my doctor office visit today and the CA125 was up a little more. Now it is out of the normal range. Last month it had risen 4 points.. now it has risen 3 more points. I am at 37.4. I have been on the Metformin for a…
Recruiting for CSN
I have invited a young woman who recently posted a message on my local support site. Her mom has OC, late stage. I know there are other daughters here who can help Ashlee help her mom. This is what she wrote: I need some help or support or both! My mom was diagnosed last Feb w/ stage iv ovarian cancer. She has had great…
On the mend
Seeing the general surgeon on Wed. He will check the site where my old port was, take out the stitches, and then we will talk about putting in a new one. Hopefully he can do it next week. The hand is better. Very small incision and only 5 stitches to close it. It is bliss to be free of most of the pain. Dental appointment…
hospital federal funding
I just spoke with a friend who was telling me if a hospital is federally funded that will influence their diagnosis and treatments. She bashed the hospital I am being treated at. She says she knows people who went there and were told they were terminal only to go for a second opinion and told they were not. She said in one…
Worth a second opinion?
I am a cervical cancer survivor (26 months post treatment for IVA) and am wondering...is it time for a 2nd opinion? I recently had a pelvic MRI due to new abd. developments, which I had to request a transcript as my docs never contact me with results. The report reads..."there appears to be a fibroid in the posterior body…
Very Large Endometrioma
Had a very large 7" diamater ovarian endometrioma removed Oct 5. My oncologist surgeon said it had 2 cancerous 1: growths inside so she biopsied my abdomen which came back negative. She wants me to do 6 rounds of chemo even though the cancer was contained in the cyst endometrioma and has not spread to my abdomen lymph…
Germ Cell Yolk Sak Tumour
Hi there, I just wanted to offer some suport and advice to anyone going through chemo for the above. I've been through it all before and have been clear now for over five years. It was an aggressive stage 3 cancer at the time. I wrote a website about it www.linkinachain.bravehost.com. So I'm just offering myself to talk…
Just feeling scared at the moment
Just remembered that this is a good place to come to for a rant or a moan. I'm not sure what I feel but I am very low at the moment. I am WAITING to go see my oncologist on Monday for my latest CT results and blood work. The numbers had risen last time so I am somewhat anxious. I went to my Primary care doctor (we call…
It's always something....
My port has managed to work its way thru the skin,like a little purple alien, and has to be removed. I had today's chemo via a vein in my arm and go Oct 12th to talk to the surgeon about port options, and while I am there we will discuss my hernia. My Gyn/Onc gave me several choices today. I could have gone home and…
Chemo is work☙♪☙♬❧♩❧
I went in today for my infusion and got reults from last week. CA125 dropped down 50%. The blood draw last week was taken after I had been receiving carbo/taxol (dense dose) for one month (3 infusions). It has not been this low since June of 09. I am counting my blessings♬ hugs, kathleen❤ dx ovaca 3C 6-07 now receiving 4th…
lost a friend today
Today a friend of mine died of cancer after a short 18 month battle. She is the married mother of 3 young girls 2, 4 and 6. She was 37yrs old. She did not have ovarian cancer. She had cancer of 'unknown origin' and was treated aggressively at MD Anderson. Although we never met in person we chatted online and via telephone.…
Please pray for Angela
Angela is having a very hard time with her chemo. She missed her follow up chem for her second chemo and if her white blood count is not up high enough, she will miss her third round of chemo. She will found out about ther blood work either today or tommorrow. She is suppose to have her third chemo Oct. 6th. Please pray…
After 80 days in the hospital----Mom goes home on Tuesday!
Apparently, after not even two full weeks of acute rehab, they think my mom is ready to go home. I am driving up on Monday and planning to stay for about 10 days. Her psychosis is completely resolved and I think she may be ready! She is walking 150 feet unaided for the most part, is eating, and even made herself a grilled…
Latest news on Jayne
For those of you who follow Jayne Armstrong's amazing story....this is her latest FB post. "We made the difficult decision to go onto Hospice Care later on this week..I'm still going to fight to live!" She sent me a private message earlier that she and Jimmy had managed to negotiate a "deal" with Hospice that will allow…
The Soapbox... step up to Rant a bit and Feel Better!
My rant: Here's an addendum to my "Look Good feel Better" story from last spring. (It was like being in high school, only instead of the wrong clothes, I had the wrong cancer. The women had introduced themselves by cancer, and everyone but me had breast cancer) When I spoke with someone at the hospital,to let them know how…
new research: Bevacizumab (AVASTIN) Confirmed Beneficial For First-Line Ovarian Cancer Treatment
Bevacizumab Confirmed Beneficial For First-Line Ovarian Cancer Treatment Elsevier Global Medical News. 2010 Oct 12, S Freeman MILAN (EGMN) - Early findings from the phase III ICON-7 study have shown that bevacizumab added to standard, first-line chemotherapy for advanced epithelial ovarian cancer improves progression-free…
Eye-opening facts about the "I love boobies" campaign
This link will take you to a broadcast of an investigation into the group that sells the "I love boobies" bracelets, rubber bracelets promoting breast cancer awareness that have almost become a fashion statement. The bottom line is pretty shocking.…
Been gone too long on here... :-( Not so great news...
Mom has to have her spleen out, a hysterectomy and possibly a colostomy.. PLEASE PRAY FOR HER. Her name is Beverly.. surgery is in November. She has a great Dr but I believe in the power of prayer...too.. even more. Thank you- Michele
I was bad yesterday
SO, I was in a department store buying make-up and after I purchased it, the lady TOLD me to take a pink ribbon from the big basket of them and wear it and take a brochure to be informed about breast cancer. I guess I was having a bad day. (My CA125 is up and I am awaiting my doc appointment.) Plus , since they are on…
Chemo Brain
I'm Ashley I was 18, now 22, when diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer. Had full hysterectomy and 9 months of intense chemo. But anyway umm does anyone else forget what they were doing during the day, or have been diagnosed with chemo brain? I need answers i'm scared i will forget what im doing while driving sometimes....
My mother is being an absolute B........ Is this normal and how should I react?
Hello All, I am not sure what's happening, but.....my mother is just basically in a crabby (that is putting it lightly) mood lately. Yesterday, I had just about had it on the phone with her. She was almost irrational and truly mean......Now, I'm a little irritated with her.....There is no point in bringing it up because…
My alien is dead....
Saw the nice young surgeon this PM and he insisted on taking my port out, then and there, in his "clinic". I got injections of local anesthetic (OUCH!) and the incision, when he made it, did not hurt, but those shots....holy Mother of God. They hurt like hell. I go back in a couple of weeks to let him look at the wound and…
Just Imagine..................
Of all the cancers, we know breast cancer is the largest and most organized entity raising the most money with thousands in walks aross the country and the most publicity, all deservingly so. We also know that many with other types of cancers would benefit greatly if they could have the same clout, money, organization,…