My chemo held hostage update

Mwee Member Posts: 1,338
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Finally... my insurance company has released the funds that they owed to my Oncologist and after a very long and even more stressful 5 weeks for me, I return to chemo today. I'm terrified to find out if my counts have risen. I'm trying to think good thoughts.
(((HUGS))) Maria


  • newhopechurchli
    newhopechurchli Member Posts: 126
    What a relief....
    The same thing happened to me.... my old insurance company dropped me and until I had my new companies insurance cards - they would not let me come for my scheduled chemo treatment. I couldn't believe it!!! I was really surprised that the doctors office had the nerve to start telling me how much each bag of chemo cost and how much they had to pay for insurance, etc.... It delayed my treatment around 4 weeks. 5 weeks must have been very scary for you while waiting for the outcome. I'm so glad it worked out for you and you can continue your treatment :)
  • Hissy_Fitz
    Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834

    What a relief....
    The same thing happened to me.... my old insurance company dropped me and until I had my new companies insurance cards - they would not let me come for my scheduled chemo treatment. I couldn't believe it!!! I was really surprised that the doctors office had the nerve to start telling me how much each bag of chemo cost and how much they had to pay for insurance, etc.... It delayed my treatment around 4 weeks. 5 weeks must have been very scary for you while waiting for the outcome. I'm so glad it worked out for you and you can continue your treatment :)

    This absolutely makes me
    This absolutely makes me stark, raving CRAZY! We are the richest nation in the entire world. We have rebuilt, supported, and continue to support other countries around the globe. We have poured trillions of dollars into (sometimes misguided, IMHO) interventions to improve the lives of others, protect and preserve democracy, and generally make the world a better place for children and other living things. NO ONE IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA SHOULD BE DENIED ESSENTIAL TREATMENT FOR A LIFE-THREATENING DISEASE.

    I apologize in advance, if I have offended anyone's political sensitivities.
  • Mwee
    Mwee Member Posts: 1,338

    This absolutely makes me
    This absolutely makes me stark, raving CRAZY! We are the richest nation in the entire world. We have rebuilt, supported, and continue to support other countries around the globe. We have poured trillions of dollars into (sometimes misguided, IMHO) interventions to improve the lives of others, protect and preserve democracy, and generally make the world a better place for children and other living things. NO ONE IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA SHOULD BE DENIED ESSENTIAL TREATMENT FOR A LIFE-THREATENING DISEASE.

    I apologize in advance, if I have offended anyone's political sensitivities.

    Dear Carlene
    The worst part of this was that I AM fully insured and that the insurance co. and my GYN ONC are fighting over their contract... how much the insurance co. will pay and how much the Dr would accept. I was the pawn. You are so very right that no one should be denied.
    ((((HUGS)))) Maria
  • kayandok
    kayandok Member Posts: 1,202 Member
    Isn't there any way
    that the doctor could ok the chemo, so you could get it on schedule, and they could work out the payment details later. Even Sears, Penny's and car dealers do this (or at least they USED to!) for you. I think I would seek some kind of legal help or advocate. This doesn't make sense to me. So glad you are back getting your treatment, now, Maria.
    You are one trooper,
  • Mwee
    Mwee Member Posts: 1,338
    kayandok said:

    Isn't there any way
    that the doctor could ok the chemo, so you could get it on schedule, and they could work out the payment details later. Even Sears, Penny's and car dealers do this (or at least they USED to!) for you. I think I would seek some kind of legal help or advocate. This doesn't make sense to me. So glad you are back getting your treatment, now, Maria.
    You are one trooper,

    I could of..
    had my infusions in the hospital where the insurance co. would had covered them and BTW paid out much more. The insur. co. "lost" my continuation of treatment form/ doc's office had proof it was sent in on time/ I called EVERYDAY begging the insur. co. to release the funds that they owed/ even got my husband's HR dept. involved, but still the insur. co. wouldn't rush the payment. Thanks so much for thinking I'm a trooper... I felt like an out of control nutcase.
    (((HUGS))) Maria
  • vj1
    vj1 Member Posts: 150

    This absolutely makes me
    This absolutely makes me stark, raving CRAZY! We are the richest nation in the entire world. We have rebuilt, supported, and continue to support other countries around the globe. We have poured trillions of dollars into (sometimes misguided, IMHO) interventions to improve the lives of others, protect and preserve democracy, and generally make the world a better place for children and other living things. NO ONE IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA SHOULD BE DENIED ESSENTIAL TREATMENT FOR A LIFE-THREATENING DISEASE.

    I apologize in advance, if I have offended anyone's political sensitivities.

    You are

    You are positively correct and my feelings are as irate as yours. What grief is the "new and improved" health care going to cause? I see by todays news that McDonalds will be cutting benefits. We have always lobbied in our business and personally to put congress on the same health plan as the taxpayers--I believe Obama also made this statement. What happened? In the toilet again! Don't get me started!!!
  • Hissy_Fitz
    Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834
    vj1 said:

    You are

    You are positively correct and my feelings are as irate as yours. What grief is the "new and improved" health care going to cause? I see by todays news that McDonalds will be cutting benefits. We have always lobbied in our business and personally to put congress on the same health plan as the taxpayers--I believe Obama also made this statement. What happened? In the toilet again! Don't get me started!!!

    VJ....I am hoping that a
    VJ....I am hoping that a national health plan will make it possible for more women to be evaluated earlier and receive prompt treatment, once they are diagnosed.

    As for McDonald's, that was evidently a false report. I saw this on"Officials from McDonald's Corp. (NYSE:MCD) have denied a report stating that the fast-food chain may discontinue its employee health care coverage, The Associated Press reports Thursday." You can read the whole article here...

    The fact that insurance companies will no longer be able to drop people because of a Cancer (or other) diagnosis is huge, as is the part of the bill that will prohibit them from setting lifetime maximums. It's true that some of us who are fortunate enough to have great coverage - and I am one of those people - will lose some of our "goodies". I have supplemental coverage thru the company my husband retired from, but because it has a lifetime maximum benefit of 300K, it will be discontinued in 2014. My annual out-of-pocket will go up considerably, but I cannot begrudge nationalized medical coverage to all my "teal sisters" who have no insurance. Many people believe that doctors and/or hospitals cannot (or simply will not) refuse life-saving treatment to a patient who cannot pay for their services. As you have seen here, that is definitely not the case. They can and they will.

    And I agree completely....senators and congressmen should have the same options, and only those options, as the rest of us.
  • Angelasmom2
    Angelasmom2 Member Posts: 146
    Mwee said:

    I could of..
    had my infusions in the hospital where the insurance co. would had covered them and BTW paid out much more. The insur. co. "lost" my continuation of treatment form/ doc's office had proof it was sent in on time/ I called EVERYDAY begging the insur. co. to release the funds that they owed/ even got my husband's HR dept. involved, but still the insur. co. wouldn't rush the payment. Thanks so much for thinking I'm a trooper... I felt like an out of control nutcase.
    (((HUGS))) Maria

    so sad to hear about your insurance/Dr. problems. I will keep you in my prayers Maria.
  • kayandok
    kayandok Member Posts: 1,202 Member
    Mwee said:

    I could of..
    had my infusions in the hospital where the insurance co. would had covered them and BTW paid out much more. The insur. co. "lost" my continuation of treatment form/ doc's office had proof it was sent in on time/ I called EVERYDAY begging the insur. co. to release the funds that they owed/ even got my husband's HR dept. involved, but still the insur. co. wouldn't rush the payment. Thanks so much for thinking I'm a trooper... I felt like an out of control nutcase.
    (((HUGS))) Maria

    Maybe this is a silly question,
    and obvious to anyone who actually lives in the States, but why did you not choose to have your infusion in the hospital?
  • newhopechurchli
    newhopechurchli Member Posts: 126
    kayandok said:

    Maybe this is a silly question,
    and obvious to anyone who actually lives in the States, but why did you not choose to have your infusion in the hospital?

    I didn't have mine at the hospital...
    I had all my chemo visits at a "Chemo Suite"..... fancy name huh :) It was a large room with about 15 reclining chairs, with tv screens all over... and the nurses would bring you home made quilts to cover you if you were cold... it was actually really nice and I suppose much more comfortable than a hospital...It's just the way it was set up through my doctors office -Of course I would have gone to the hospital if that was my doctors protocol.
  • Cafewoman53
    Cafewoman53 Member Posts: 735 Member

    I didn't have mine at the hospital...
    I had all my chemo visits at a "Chemo Suite"..... fancy name huh :) It was a large room with about 15 reclining chairs, with tv screens all over... and the nurses would bring you home made quilts to cover you if you were cold... it was actually really nice and I suppose much more comfortable than a hospital...It's just the way it was set up through my doctors office -Of course I would have gone to the hospital if that was my doctors protocol.

    Sorry you had to go through that
    What a terrible stress to have on top of dealing with cancer. I know I couldn't have handled that, you are very stong. I worry now that my dr is not being reimbursed enough from Medicare and some accountant will decide that they can no longer treat me. My dr is great and I don't think it would happen but it is in the back of my mind
    I hope the rest of your treatments go smoothly for you !

  • Mwee
    Mwee Member Posts: 1,338
    kayandok said:

    Maybe this is a silly question,
    and obvious to anyone who actually lives in the States, but why did you not choose to have your infusion in the hospital?

    hospital infusion
    In order to have my infusion done in the hospital, my Dr only had to set it up for me. I would have had it on the moon in order to keep to my schedule. My Dr still only wanted to discuss the insur. co. when I was finally "allowed" back to his office on Monday. It's not a pleasant situation to be in. In 4 1/2 years of being a patient of his, he only had called me once.... then all of a sudden he's on the phone with me constantly only discussing my insurance co and how he doesn't trust them to pay! Never once in a month did he mention how the delay could affect my disease process. He's obsessed with being right and all I want is to be treated. If anyone else is having any problems like this, I would be so glad to help you. I made getting the insur. co. to release the funds my full time job!
    (((HUGS))) Maria
  • clamryn
    clamryn Member Posts: 508
    Mwee said:

    hospital infusion
    In order to have my infusion done in the hospital, my Dr only had to set it up for me. I would have had it on the moon in order to keep to my schedule. My Dr still only wanted to discuss the insur. co. when I was finally "allowed" back to his office on Monday. It's not a pleasant situation to be in. In 4 1/2 years of being a patient of his, he only had called me once.... then all of a sudden he's on the phone with me constantly only discussing my insurance co and how he doesn't trust them to pay! Never once in a month did he mention how the delay could affect my disease process. He's obsessed with being right and all I want is to be treated. If anyone else is having any problems like this, I would be so glad to help you. I made getting the insur. co. to release the funds my full time job!
    (((HUGS))) Maria

    Maria, I am so sorry that you had to be put through all of that. I use to work for a TPA (Third Party administrator). They process claims. I always felt so sorry for the patient having to deal with such stupid ideas and rules that the insurance carrier believes is "Medically necessary". Let one of their loved ones get sick and see how they feel about it. Everytime I get a bill from the hospital, I go through it thoroughly. They pad those things so much i.e., pills they said I took. Which I didn't. And the doctors are always charging too much so they can get their money from medicare. Thankfully, I have a wonderful doctor. He was telling me that several of his friends (doctors) are going to quit accepting Medicare patients. He told them, "Well, you know. Maybe it is time to give back." I was worried that when I do go on Medicare, will he still treat me. Now I know... He will.

    Keep on fighting the system.

  • queenieb52
    queenieb52 Member Posts: 48 Member
    Have been there too...
    I am glad the insurance got straightened out for you! I know how you feel, as the same has happened to me. Actually, right now I am waiting for my Drs office to call, as when I went for my CBC last Thurs. my platelets were @ 29, but they couldn't give me the Neumaga shot- pending the ins. approval. Here it is Monday & no call yet... so glad everyone is concerned. As time goes by I am increasingly becoming discouraged at the actual lack of caring we as cancer patients have to confront. Maybe thats harsh- but thats how it feels. Whether we get the treatments we need always being held hostage buy insurance companys & the Drs not willing to take a step up. Don't know about all this! But I AM glad that you are back on track...GL to you! Beth