Laundry Queen - response to anxiety from AntCat
Hi, it's so funny that you should have mentioned Ashwaganda. My sister just saw that on Dr. Oz last week and told me about it. I always get so afraid to take anything herbal while on chemotherapy, as I read the drug interactions and it says to be careful with herbs. I've asked my previous oncologist about taking herbs and…
Hi again, anyone had either of these with any success, or know of anyone that had success? I am torn between the two. My US doc is saying topo (although he says irinocan is very much the same thing) and my Japanese doc is saying irinocan, but if I want topo then that is basically the same thing. I think, translated they…
Bevacizumab (AVASTIN) Doubles Risk of GI Adverse Events in Key Ovarian Cancer Trial
I LOVE how I feel on this Avastin/Cytoxin chemo I'm on, so I'm not going to let this stop me from taking this combo. But I wanted to post this recent article anyway for those of you who have had bowel issues or bowel resectioning: Bevacizumab Doubles Risk of GI Adverse Events in Key Ovarian Cancer Trial Elsevier Global…
I live in a cancer cluster area
I have been reaing that where i live is a cluster where there is a lot of people with cancer and it is carcinogens in our water. this is pretty scarey I live in western ny and way back in the 70's Niagara falls had love canal where homes were built ona landful of chemicals from a nearby plant All those poor people and…
beauty tip for eye brows
hello, About a moth ago i have lost my hair and one of the ladies on this board gave me tip to use BROW EX-PRESS by ANASTASIA. I have purchased on ebay, but you can also buy it on amazon or sephora. great product! brows looking very real and easy to do it. set includes 2 powders, one highlight, one wax to keep it in place…
Sad retrospective study: Recommended Treatment Eludes 39% of Medicare Patients With Advanced Ovarian
This is a retrospective study, 1995 to9 2005, and I sure hope this is no longer true. Recommended Tx Eludes 39% of Medicare Patients With Advanced Ovarian Cancer Elsevier Global Medical News. 2011 Mar 7, D McNamara ORLANDO (EGMN) - Only a minority of women in the Medicare population with advanced epithelial ovarian cancer…
help with neuropathy
hello i am a week after my second treatment of carbo/taxol and neuropathy is horrible, it is annoying and nothing i can do about it please tell me if you have any advise i have tried hot bath - hepled for little bit, pain medication helping but not much i have read that eating ginger helps... any other suggestions? Victoria
Feeling Very Lucky Today :)
I just got home after my 6 month check-up. Everything seems fine, and my CA-125 is 12.5, no change! I had to call for the result because it wasn't ready before I left the office. My doctor is such a gem! I had my list of questions, and after the first one, he just kind of segued on to the next, so I really only asked 2 as…
Results of my CT Scan today (Letter too)
Hello, I saw the GYN/ONC today and he gave me the results of my CT scan. Not the best news I could have gotten like remission, but close to it. My CA 125 is now 22.7, physical exam was clear, some small tumors in the abdomen. He said that if it were him, he would give my body a rest from the chemo (I had six rounds…
compassionate use
Hi everyone, just checking in to ask if anyone has applied for compassionate use for avastin. If so, I would love to check in with you offline, if possible.I know that Bonnie was on top of that game and received it several times for different chemos. I wish I could check in with her for advice. Thanks, Kathleen
CT Scan contrast
Scheduled for my first post chemo CT scan tomorrow. I am told I will be getting IV contrast plus I have to drink some. Previously I only had IV contrast. Can anyone tell me what to expect with the drinking contrast? Is it difficult to get down and/or nauseating? Thanks, Susan
(May have seen this posted earlier?): Ovarian Cancer—New Thinking on Old Regimens
Ovarian Cancer—New Thinking on Old Regimens 2011 Feb 23, Nelson Teng Nelson Teng, MD, PhD, is Director of Gynecologic Oncology and Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Stanford University School of Medicine. Dr. Teng is also Program Director for the Stanford/UCSF Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship Program in…
Red Meat
Do you all know of any reasons to avoid beef other than that it's from animals treated with hormones? Someone kindly gave me lots of beef from a locally raised, grass fed cow. No hormones were given. Shouldn't that be OK?
Stool Softener. Warning TMI!!!
Hello. This is embarrassing for me but I don't have an answer so I am just going to ask. I am still constipated. Been like this since my surgery. I take the stool softeners like I am supposed to but it is not working. I took miralax so that I can actually "go". It did work but caused more pain to my abdomen. The thing is…
I don't want to read it!
Hello all, I have applied for disability retirement from the California Teachers Retirement System. Today I got a phone call from the caseworker assigned to me at CalSTRS. She said that due to the severity of my condition (Stage IV OVCA) she would not be requiring medical records, but rather a letter from my doctor stating…
Shopping Karma
I read her blog the other day and can't stop thinking of what she went through and her pictures shows she was a brave soul, and so beautful. I loved the way she lived her life to the fullest and had the love of her life take such wonderful care of her. She lived life her way and said don't worry about recurences. Live…
Do I Need a Medical Oncologist in Addition to My Gyn/Onc?
I really hadn't even thought about this, until I saw references in various posts about medical oncologists. The only doctor I've seen about my cancer is my gyn/onc at NYU Cancer Center. Do I also need a medical oncologist? What differences could I expect from a med/onc?
Has anyone ever needed to take an anxiety pill
I was wondering if anyone has ever needed to take something for the anxiety from cancer. I am presently taking BuSpar to help with my anxiety and with my trouble sleeping. If anyone has ever taken something like this, could you please let me know if it helped. Thanks.
I was trying to organize some older videos. I came across this short clip with me and one of my sons. This was taken after my 'big sugery' but before I started chemo in 2008. You can notice the puffiness of my ostomy bag so the one side of my leg looks a bit distorted. I think the video clip is totally adorable and I hope…
Heading back to NYC tomorrow
I will be getting my 4th round of the clinical trial drug (ovarian cancer vaccine) on Wednesday. When I go back in April and May it will be just for labs and exam. My last injection will be in June. Carlene
In the grand scheme of things this is not important
but I was wondering if anyone lost their eyelashes a second time after chemo was done. I had my last chemo on 9/16/2010 and my eyelashes grew in soon after. I don't wear makeup that often since I retired and stay home a lot but the other day I started to put mascara on and noticed on my right eye that there were three long…
Advice Needed about visiting.
My 17 year old daughter has been dealing with clinical depression since she was nearly 14. She has been seeing a psychologist for and on since then. Her depression comes in waves, she can be good for 6 months and then depressed for 6 months. When she is depressed it is really bad, self injury, not eating etc. This cycle…
Where's my hair?
Yesterday was chemo #6 of 6. I woke up this morning still bald, not even a fuzz starting. I thought my hair would grow back after chemo? (OK I'm just kidding) It was an emotional day at the end with my son there as they pulled the plug. March was always a special month as he will be 20 the last day of this month and now it…
A Trick To Help With Fear
My mother died of breast cancer when I was 4, and her 3 sisters also died of cancer fairly early, so I grew up in fear that it would be my fate also. One day I realized that I might live to 90, and would have spent all that time in fear. That day I chose to fight the fear and it gradually stopped being a factor in my life.…
Does any one know anything about MOAb-003 clinical trials? My wife has had a significant growth and several new lesions some of which are on her liver. She was in another clinical trail and it just didn't work. I think we are going to sign up for this new one but I just wondered if there was any data of results out there.…
Not the news I wanted to hear: platinum resistant/more surgery needed
I was diagnosed with recurrent ovarian cancer back in November 2010, started 6 rounds of carbo/taxol (which put me in almost 1 year remission back in 2009). Along with the chemo I was on a research trial for morab. Found out last week that the numerous tumors in my abdomen are not shrinking (initially scans showed some…
CT Scan Some good news and not so good news.....
I had my CT scan done on Tuesday and got a call from the chemo doctor yesterday. We were on the road about a 1 1/2 hours out taking a trip from San Diego to Arizona. He said that the CT scan was "better" but the radiologist found a blood clot in my right upper leg. We returned to the hospital and I was taught how to give…
Kate (DisneyNutt) response from AntCat
Hi Kate, thanks for your answer. It is very true about anxiety and when people tell you not to worry, I think it's only natural to worry, especially since the cancer never seems to want to leave some people. I get very tired of trying chemo after chemo and nothing works. Since last February, I've taken Gemzar, Carboplatin…
pray for angela
Angelas pet scan shows cancer after just 8 weeks after chemo and a clear ct scan. Surgery and chemo again for Angela. Please pray for Angela and her family.
Kayandok/Kathleen ??? How Are You?? / #3 cycle for me
Hi - Just wondering how you and your family and friends all are. Knowing you may be without electricity for a while, but hope to hear from you. Prayers going on strong for Japan and all that have been affected by this castastophe. I had my #3 of second round of Carbo-Taxol yesterday so feeling the steroid punch today and a…