Stop eating
my dad have multiple Myeloma the last stage , my dad is strong he is fighting to live. I believe he’s tired ,he stop eating and now don’t want any more Meds. My Mom also a strong Woman she is his caretaker and doing all she can to make him as comfortable as possible. my da become mean sometimes and then real nice .He get…
A story of hope & IMETELSTAT - Treatment for MDS & MF
Hello Patients, Survivors, Caregivers, Family Members and Medical Professionals of cancer. I am here to tell the story of my best friend who passed away several years ago from various forms of sarcoma. By the time it was over probably too many to even keep track of. This is not only a story of sorrow but most importantly…
Story of Survival
Okay, so for those waiting on bated breath to hear the story I’ve been yapping about, surrounding my own brush with “cancer”, such as it is . . . insignificant, I admit, when compared to everyone else’s challenges on this site . . . . here it is. In the midst of the story I shared on the “About Me” tab of mine . . . I went…
My husband refuses help
Hi, I'm new to this forum, and I'm so glad I found it. My husband was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma 8 years ago! He has not taken any meds or had any proceedures done in all these years. He is very stiff and tired and has lost a lot of weight. He is down to 121 now from 142. He is basically skin and bones. He is refusing…
Marijuana use during chemo?
Hello everyone. This is my first time posting on here. I have been trying to find information on whether or not marijuana is ok to use while in chemo. Over my life I have seen several people use it during different types of chemo to help with nausea and to stimulate their appetite. I was diagnosed with MM about 4 months…
I'm burnt out
I can't take it anymore. I just wish one of us would die at this point.
CAR-T Cancer Approach Has Surprising Success in Multiple Myeloma
Doctors are reporting unprecedented success from a new cell and gene therapy for multiple myeloma, a blood cancer that's on the rise. Although it's early and the study is small -- 35 people -- every patient responded and all but two were in some level of remission within two months. In a second study of nearly two dozen…
New Diagnosis - Feeling Helpless
I'm new here. I know I'm going to ramble. I guess letting it out is good. My dad (68 years old) was just recently diagnosed with Multiple Melanoma Stage 3. His primary care dr dropped the ball. He's had symptoms for over a year. It wasn't until he went to the emergency in excruciating pain and the inability to walk did…
Support for Multiple Myeloma
Hello, anyone out there with this disease? I recently have started the journey with this disease. Diagnosed with MM in July due to abnormal protein in blood IGA. Compression fracture on spine found on bone scan and few spots elsewhere were noted in July 03. Hospitalized in August03 with severe back pain, two days later…
How soon after SCT can one get a tattoo? Is the risk too high due to bone weakness?
Researchers Uncover New Way To Enhance Function Of Immune Cells To Combat Multiple Myeloma
Researchers have uncovered a new way to enhance the function of a specific type of immune cell that destroys tumors in multiple myeloma, a form of bone marrow cancer considered incurable. In their study, the scientists blocked a hormone-related mechanism that suppresses these immune cells, restoring their ability to battle…
Gives up before necessary
My husband was diagnosed two years ago with multiple myeloma after his right hip and pelvis collapsed. He was in severe pain and underwent radiation for about three months. During that time I did everything for him. When the radiation was done and his tumor gone and he was no longer in pain or on pain meds he was left with…
Gone from a being a bride to a caregiver in 2 weeks
My husband and I got together July 2013. We had a loving, passionate relationship. And still do...most of the time. We are both in our mid 40's. We planned to marry down the road but then he started having health issues. He needed insurnace so we married sooner than later so I could add him to my insurance. 2 weeks after…
New Findings ? Need Help! Please !
Good morning everyone I am unsure if the catagory is on this discussion board. I am 34 years old, full time job and full time wife & mommy to my 2 wonderful children and school part time. In February i was sent to Hemo/Onc due to DVT, bone pain, night sweats, headaches, dizziness, fatigue and can't no longer go up a flight…
What immunotherapy means for multiple myeloma
Although multiple myeloma is still widely considered incurable for most patients, as immunotherapy research matures, that might well change. (source mmdevelopments.org)
Found out sons father has stage 3 what do I do?!?
On Wednesday I found out my ten year old sons father has Stage 3 multiple myeloma. I am really lost here and don't even know what to write right now. We don't even have any answers really. where can I go for correct information or just a place to ask questions?
Stem Cell transplant or Chemo forever
My mother is 69, just diagnosed with MM 8\2016. Its been rough on her. After her 2nd treatment she ended up in the hospital. Her Marrow was 90% cancer protein. They had to do 2 rounds of plasma Pheresis. When she was released she could no longer walk without assistance…. After 2 months of pain they finally ran tests and…
Using A Rabbit Virus To Treat Multiple Myeloma
Treating multiple myeloma (MM) with myxoma virus (MYXV) eliminated a majority of malignant cells in preclinical studies, report investigators. Furthermore, introduction of MYXV had no impact on the bone marrow compartment and elicited a strong immune response that eradicated disease in some animals. (source…
New Treatments To Extend Life For Multiple Myeloma Patients
Multiple myeloma patients are now living more than three times as long thanks to new, more effective treatments, and some of the most exciting things are the development of new drugs. (source, details - mmdevelopments.org)
90 years old w/ Multi Myeloma
My mom found out she has Multi Myeloma at 90..in Feb 2016.. She has opted out of treatment.. She is very tired.. No other symptoms As of now...Blood work first taken was 3.5.. Two weeks later 3.8... She is under Hospice now.. Doctor gave her up to two months to live..She was very sick with bladder infection now that that…
Private Message Spam
Hello everyone, Thank you to all of you who have alerted us to the PM spamming from earlier today. I apologize for the inconvenience. While we do have securities in place, we are not always able to catch all spam, and we are trying to figure out how this one got around our system. If you received a message from jegac1…
Selinexor for Relapsed/Refractory Multiple Myeloma
recent news item - Patients with relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma (RRMM) for whom prior treatment with lenalidomide, pomalidomide, bortezomib, and carfilzomib fail have few treatment options. Selinexor (KPT-330) is a selective inhibitor of nuclear export (SINE) under development for the treatment of RRMM and other…
Has anyone tried the drug Zelboraf
Just wondering if anyone has used or on the Chemo Zelboraf?
I posted a question early in October and have been disappointed to not receive any responses. I am a breast cancer survivor and I got so much support from this website when I was going through treatment in 2010. I returned when my brother was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma and had a stem cell transplant to get some advice…
Struggling --- would appreciate your help
Hi there - I am new to this discussion board but not new to the site. I was previously on here in support of my mom who was diagnosed with colon cancer over 5 years ago. She is now in remission thank GOD; however, my father was diagnosed last month with stage 2 multiple myeloma. He has the Bence Jones Protein kind ... I am…
multiple myeloma diagnosis
Hello. I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma in February, 2012, after experiencing excruciating back pain for 1 month. Two plasmacytomas had destroyed almost all of my T-4 vertebrae, and my spine was surgically stabiliazed with rods/screws. I underwent 12 sessions of radiation and am now doing chemotherapy as there are two…
Free Educational Conference in Phila, PA 11/18/2016
I wanted to share the following information with all who may be in the Philadelphia, PA area and interested in attending in person (or via livestream for those not in the area or not able to attend in person): OPEN TO THE PUBLIC: FREE Educational Conference - Focus on Leukemia, Lymphoma, Myeloma, and Bone Marrow/Stem Cell…
Revlimid, Dexamethasone, confusion
Hello, I am a new member here. My mother has had multiple myeloma for 24 years. She has a plasmacytoma in her spine since 2009 that has reoccured twice. She was on Velcade up until now, and she has just completed her first cycle (21 days) of Revlimid. Over the last few days I have sensed she is not quite herself, and she…
girlfriend after bone marrow transplant
About 7 months ago, my girlfriend became part of the 1% of her age (30) and gender to get diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma. She's been through a lot.. the chemo, bone marrow transplant and to top it off.. a hip replacement next month. She's been the light of my life- and everyone elses lives for years because of her…