Recently diagnosed
I am a 47 year old male. I was diagnosed with Stage I a few weeks back and have started treatment with Rev/Dex 25mg/40mg. My numbers were about as close to normal as possible accept for the M-spike and the lesion on a fractured rib which seems to have trigerred the treatment. I fractured the rib in dec 07 but it appeared…
psychological treatment/hope of the future
Dear friends, I was diagnosed Jan 2002 with multiple myeloma, CD20+ and am being treated here in Las Vegas with a connection to a "guru" of multiple myeloma at Cedars-Sinai in CA, Dr. James Berenson. Have had treatment of Rituxan, Decadron and now on Prednisone as a maintainance drug. Plasma originally 70% now 7% and…
thank you thalidomide
Mylenoma on calf
In May 2008, my dermatologist took a biopsy of a suspicious mole that had practically "disappeared" from the back of my right calf. Test results showed that I had a stage 4 melanomia. My rating was actually "4.73" and I opted for surgery. My doctor removed a 4x2-inch section from my calf. It has taken an incredibly LONG…
Weight loss
I was diagnosed with MM last October 2008. I'm 57 years old, and just finishing my third course of Revlimid. My appetite is good, but I've lost a total of 14 lbs since my diagnosis. I don't understand how the calories are being burned so quickly with a normal to larger caloric diet. I am working out using the cross trainer…
MM & Old Age
My father 74, was diagnosed with MM last Spring of '03. The Oncologist were hopeful that they can put my dads cancer in remission. Extensive high dose of cancer treatment, then bone marrow transplant to put his cancer in remission. He was on strong full dose of chemo, plus Decadron. Last July, he suffered a seizure,…
My dad has a rare blood cancer called waldenstromsmacroglublinemia and was wandering if any one has experience with this disease?
after valcade??
hello,i'm sigal.my 76 years old father has finished 6 cycles of valcade,dexa'.all this time he is taking thalidimide 200 mg a day. the doctor says theré's remission says to stop taking all of this.i asked about doing some kind of maintenance with the valcade-he says there isnt any resource about it, but the dicision is…
Hey everyone, my name is Paul Hogan and I am currently a psychology student at the California State University in Fresno. I am currently conducting research on the life outlooks of cancer survivors. If you could spare 10 minutes of your time to take a survey, I would greatly appreciate it. I myself am a past cancer…
Relapse MM - treated with velcade again?
My Dad was diagnosed with myeloma two days after his 60th birthday in August 2005.The diagnoses absolutely devastated the whole family although we all stayed strong for each other.It amazing the strength you get when something like this happens.Dad was subsequently treated with radiation as he had a compressed spinal cord…
Anyone else on Revamid?
Just wanted to hear from others on Revamid. Thanks. DrSteve
I am 43 year male active duty Air Force member. On 2/5/07 I had a tumor removed from my C1 vertebra and was told I have Plasmacytoma. I am looking for anyone who has had a plasmacytoma, has dealt with being in the military and having cancer (my enlistment ends 10/07) looking for the best treatments or type of treatments…
disability ins
Should I ask the insurance company this question?.......If my myeloma cancer becomes stable will I lose my disbility payments?..... Has anyones cancer become stable will collecting disability ins? I'm also collecting SSD. I lose my job in July. I'm nervous I will lose my ins and have no job. I cannt work because of bone…
Hi, I am new to the post and looking for any answers. My Dad is 66 and was just diagnosed with MM. 3 months ago we were mountain biking, swimming in big waves, and were a very active family and he seemed to be very healthy. In the last 4 weeks he started to get severe back pain which started the tests that led to being…
Can Stem Cell replacement cure a stage-1 MM patient?
My mother-in-law was diagnosed of MM almost 8 months ago. This was stage-1 MM. She has been given 6 cycles of Chemotherapy (based on Thaldex regime). She had developed DVT due to chemo port being inserted and that caused her a lot of pain. Apart from this one incident; the cycles have been successful with the usual…
I was taking Thalomid, ultimately at 200 mg. I started experiencing neuropathy in my feet and hands and alerted my doctor. During my period of taking Thalomid and Dexamethasone, I achieved very good results. In fact, myeloma was diagnosed 6/06 and in March a bone marrow test showed normal results. I stopped the Thalomid 2…
I am currently a survivor of Stage 4 colon cancer with 8/20 lymphnodes positive since Aug. 2003. I have been ill since the surgery. I am 51 yrs old. Since the surgery I have had chemo, radiation to the pelvic area, I am on fragmin injections for blood clots and have developed a new disease called myloid dyplastic syndrome.…
what do I do now?
I had a plasmacytoma in my nasopharnyx region and wanted to know if anyone else had a similar situation. I get a sticky film in my mouth and am really embarrased by it. I guess it's dead cells that were damaged due to radiation?? Any recommendations on how to manage it better? I drink a lot of water and use Crest Pro…
stem cell transplant
I am going to have a 2nd stem cell transplant soon. these are my cells that were frozen 2003, after my 1st transplant. I would like to hear from someone that went through another transplant. also, I now have neurapthy in both leggs and feet. seems like I am walking on gravel and my balance is out of controol most of the…
Trouble Breathing
My father in-law was diagnosed in March after 6 months of back pain. He was originally on Thal/Dex which made him very sick and shut his kidneys down. He just completed his Velcade treatment with steller results, however they have just determined that he has nerve damage to his diaphgram from the Velcade causing him to…
Velcade and dexamethasone
Hi all, after both, a stem cell transplant failure and thalidomide treatment failure, my new oncologist have decided to start me on Velcade to see if that gets my MM in remission. IÃÂll be also getting a low dose of dexamethasone (He said about 4mg) but we didnÃÂt talk about the frequency of taking dexamethasone at the…
Caregiver to MM patient who chose not to treat
My mother was diagnosed with MM in April of 2004 and chose to have no treatments. She is beginning to have some significant pain and can barely walk. I am looking for anyone in a similiar situation for mutual support.
MM - where to begin?
My father passed away this January of kidney cancer. My mom was diagnosed with indolent MM in Jan. 2004, which was preceeded by a 17 year history of monoclonal gammopathy, a frequent pre-cursor to myeloma. I am an only child, and was in medical school up until last January when my dad passed away. I was supposed to go back…
I would like to hear from those on thalidomide. I am taking 200 mgm every day and Decadron 40 mgm 5 days a month. Would appreciate any feed back of those willing to share. Thanks.
anyone know anything about Zelcade?
Hello everyone, My father has pretty advanced plasmacytoma/multiple myeloma (I'm a little ignorant about the details) and he is curious about trying to get into zelcade clinical trials as a last resort- in the SF Bay Area preferably. I can't find anything via googling and would be very appreciative if any of you would have…
MM with fevers???
My dad has been living with MM for 4yrs. He had a stem cell transplant 3yrs ago which didnt take. He's been on thelidamid, steroids, chemo and other drugs. He is now in stage 4. Back in Nov his count was about 9000, now its 1700 and going up. My question is he has horrible shakes which make his teeth chatter (says the…
VALCADE needed
writing from Poland.Looking for help to get VALCADE to rescue 52 years old man.Couldnt get grants for valcade treatment.May be you know the hospital in Europe that could at least partially grant 24 ampoules of validomid??It is hard to collect the whole sum but want him to live.Valcade can hardly be bought in…
Protein Counts
My best friend's dad - he's 74, she's 29- was diagnosed with MM in June 05. He started treatment straight away with a view to having a bonemarrow transplant, however has had two heart attacks in the last three weeks. They have basically stopped all treatment. An angiogram today showed he has a 70% restriction in his…
myeloma and mds
Hi. My husband is a myeloma patient, diagnosed in July 2000. He had a year of heavy chemo (his doctor at the time thought he would not be eligible for a stem cell transplant because he had kidney failure due to the myeloma. However, he went to UAMS and they did a tandem transplant in 2003. After 14 months, he is now…
Allogenic Transplant
I would like to hear from people that have survived this transplant. Is it worth going through? Is it a tough road? I know without trying it is a certain death sentence.