Research indicates the corticosteroid drugs Prednesone or Dexamethasone quickly shut down the adrenal glands and cause a muscle wasting condition called Cushings. Did your MD warn you about the serious side effects of catabolic steroids?
So hurt and disappointed
I was in the hospital for 12days after high dose chemo and a stem cell transplant. My brother and sister did not even visit me. I thought they cared about me. I visited each of them when they had much shorter hospital stays for much more benign conditions. It just made me realize how unimportant I am to them.... I just…
Experience with & side effects of Revlimid?
Can anyone share with me their personal experience using Revlimid for Follicular Non Hodgkin Lymphoma. I’m especially interested in the side effects. This is my third relapse in six years and my doctor says to only expect a 30-40% success rate and the side effects as he describes them are nasty. Going back to chemo and…
Cemo does not work!!!!!
My Husband has Muliple Myeloma, he got it from Agent Orange in Viet Nam. I joined the dicusstion group for one reason and that reason is to tell Cemo and Radiation do not work. There have been cures for Cancer since the 1920s. My husband was on that posison for 4 years did he get any better NO. This last year his cancer…
Dendritic cell vaccination
Have just watched most of Ty Bollinger's 'The Truth About Cancer' and learned about dendritic cell therapy. Has anyone done this? How are you now? I don't know if this is good for MM or not. Your own cells are used to make a vaccine that wakes up the T-cells to destroy the cancer cells or other abnormal cells. Normal cells…
Planned Outage on 10/9
There will be a planned CSN outage on 10/9/15 from 5am-8am EST while the site undergoes some maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience. Rowan CSN Support Team
Friend recently diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma - advice welcome
I have a friend who was diagnosed in June 2014 with Multiple Myeloma. He is working on getting treatment. So far, he has been taking chemo pills (revlamide). Now he is going to Little Rock for further treatment, recommended by the PCP in Fort Smith. In Little Rock he was told about stem cell treatment. Has anyone here…
Is anyone dealing with diverticulitis with your Myeloma chemo?
I am concerned how/ whether to go forward with SCT and get the high dose Melphalan or cytoxin because of the effect it will have on my intestines. With a history of severe diverticulosis and the constipation/ diarrhea battle already going on with my VRD meds I can see there will be even further bowel irritation and even…
Happy Mothers Day Quotes
Happy Mothers Day Quotes http://www.mothersdayquotesz.com/
Private Message Spam
Hello everyone, Thank you to those who've alerted us to the spamming from earlier today, and we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. While we have security measures in place, we can't prevent all spam. We are currently working on measures to try and block this. If you received a message, please do not respond or…
New Recommendations For Use Of MRI In Diagnosing Myeloma
Recommendations for the use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in multiple myeloma are presented in a consensus statement published online Jan. 20, 2015 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. Meletios A. Dimopoulos, MD, from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens School of Medicine in Greece, and colleagues used…
Precision Medicine in Multiple Myeloma
The American Society of Hematology published a statement this week on the White House’s proposed 2016 budget for a new Precision Medicine Initiative. The White House is asking Congress to approve $31.3 billion in NIH funding for a new Precision Medicine Initiative to identify genetic drivers of disease to provide more…
Discussion Board and Chat Spam
Hello everyone, Thank you to those who've alerted us to the spamming from earlier today and we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. While we have security measures in place, we can't prevent all spam. We are currently working on measures to try and block this kind of discussion board and chat spamming. If you…
Private Message Spam
Hello everyone, Thank you to those who've alerted us to the PM spamming from earlier today. While we have security measures in place, we can't prevent all spam. We are currently working on measures to try and block this kind of private message spamming. If you received a message from rita44556 prompting you for money,…
I don't know how to deal with this one!
In December 2011, I received a phone from my husband and he informed me that he has myeloma or carcinoma or something like that. So, I got off phone and started to read a few things about it. Still not sure if that is what he really has. Then, I saw INCUREABLE and after his 5 heart attacks, diabetes and one of the toughest…
Private Message Spam
Hello everyone, Some of you know that we have had previous problems with a particularly tenacious scammer named sarah, and unfortunately she has struck again. While we have security measures in place, we can't prevent all spam. We are currently working on measures to try and block this kind of private message spamming. If…
Possibility MIL has MM WHat questions should we ask her doctors
Good afternoon all, We were recently told that my Mother In Law may have Myeloma. She had a fall that landed her on her Butt however it fractured her sternum so the doctor ran some blood tests which he said came back suspicious. He wants her to do a Bone marrow biopsy and he mentioned Myeloma to her. She will be 80 yrs old…
Head and neck cancer now multiple myeloma
My husband is being treated for Stage IV oropharyngeal cancer. On October 26th he became very ill and could not eat or drink anything. At first they thought he had a blockage in his intestines. It ended up being hypercalcemia. They told us at first it was from his head and neck cancer. After more blood work and a decline…
multiple myeloma relapsed - treat with Velcade need your advise
Hello My Mom is 73, diagnosed multiple myeloma in 2014. she was treated with: V.A.D + steroid + radiation spinal column )D2 after that she got Thalidomide + steroid for 5 years and aredia for 3 years. She suffers from neuropathy. Osteoporosis and Hypothyroidism. After that remission for 5 years last month they did blood…
All CSN members are invited!
It’s finally happening! We are happy to announce that as early as tonight, a new Chat application is being launched on CSN. It is NOT Java-based and it DOES support members using mobile devices. To access chat, you must be a CSN member and logged on. Once logged on, all you have to do is click chat in your left navigation…
Spam Emails
We have been made aware of another round of spam emails being sent to users. While we try to have security in place to handle such emails, we cannot always catch them all. If you have received an email asking for money, please do not respond to the email or the private email address that was given by the sender. Please…
CSN survey
Please excuse the long post. A number of members have posed questions on the discussion boards or emailed me for more information about the CSN study that has been underway since November 2013. I thought it might be helpful to post the most common questions and my answers. What is the CSN survey? What is its purpose? The…
Morning all I have learned 4 days ago that I have MM and I am scared out of my pants. The big "C" thats it I'm dead The next thing I did was get on the webb (blackberry) and search and that was even worse I wassn't even going to make it home from the doctors office! My mother and brother both died from lung cancer and they…
Please, any info would be helpful.
I discovered these forums when I was being treated for Stage 3C ovarian cancer two years ago. I was treated in America, as we were there on business, but we live in Scotland. The National Health Service (NHS) provides free medical care to everyone. Some of it is excellent, some not so. What I've consistently noticed is…
...that one day we will have a pink heart shape pill that cures all cancers and our biggest complaint will be that it comes only in 6 different flavors. Please, join me in this dream and until then god bless us with nothing but happy hopeful days. Laz
aftermath of pelvic radiation
I 2013-03-29 I have just been diagnosed wih breast cancer recurrence. Now it is in my bones. I have just completed another round of radiation. This time it was to the pelvic region. I now have some lower abdominal issues. I have a slight amount of mucus with each bowel movement and a drop or two of blood. I have rectal…
Guide please
Please guide -what does mean to low IgM, high IgA touching high range, High C4, High Hatpglobulin, Low Hemoglobin,Low RBC, Low Hametocrit. Tired,fatigued, TSH 0.03. ESR always high from 27 to 48 for three years, present ESR 33.
Multiple Myeloma complicated by amyloidosis and congestive heart failure
Is anyone familiar with MM complicated by amyloidosis and congestive heart failure? My husband has undergone a stem cell transplant and is doing great except for residual nausea. He can't seem to shake it. Does anyone know what might be causing the nausea and any ideas on how to alleviate this after affect? Thank you.
Need help forming letter to employer/insurance
My husband was diagnosed Oct'12 and has had 4 rounds of chemo so far. Our insurance(Cigna) only approves bone marrow transplant prodecure at Mayo clinic in Phoenix-we live in Tucson,AZ which is 3.5 hours away. Tucson has a great local cancer treatment center but not covered. Our doctor suggested writing an appeal to my…
Revlimid, is it maintenance the system for me?
This is a big question. In 2002 I had plasmacytoma on T-7 and T-8. After radiation of the cancer, I was in full remission. Had to have my back rebuild so in 2003 I had back surgery and it all was very successful. In 2009, I had re-occurring plasmacytoma in a different location, this time on my right hip. After radiation of…