Has anyone ever tried this chemo before? My doctors are giving me this and then stem cells transplan.
Update from paella
Hello all – Sorry to be so silent…been super busy with Mac’s caregiving. No complaints, mind you, but it is, indeed, overwhelming. I think a lot about you all and just wanted to say hi. I’m doing fine and am 16 months in remission now from the return of my Folicular NHL and an autologous SCT. Mac's pancan (Acinar Cell)…
Treatment rash
Did anybody experence a mild skin rash during chemo? and did it stay a little bit after chemo?
Biopsy Reaults!!!!
My results are back my doctor said that it’s the same exact Hodgkin’s lymphoma I was first diagnosed with , it didn’t spread and is in two lymph nodes they biopsies. i might need ice chemo? Or something that starts with a B a out patient chemo and then stem cells in Februar. I’m so scared lost and worried. Does anyone have…
To Port, or Not to Port?
Starting a new thread since this is more of a specific question...My wife just started ABVD. My cousin, a RN who worked an oncology/treatment floor for a year plus, had asked if my wife would get a PICC or a Port...she explained what was meant by using a central line versus standard IV and also the pros and cons of the…
Im scheudled this Friday for a bronchoscopy biopsy! Anyone have this Done before? I was told it’s not invasive or anything bu wondering about the recovery of it ? I heard your throat and mouth are numb which is a little scary to me I feel like I’m gonna wake up and not be able to talk? Any info will be appreciated.
Eyebrows,head hair, etc
Hi everyone, I just finished 6 rounds of ABVD chemo and am currently waiting to take my final pets scan. i didnt compley lose my hair but jt thinned quite a bit but i lost my eyebrows, eye lashes, arm pit hair, pubic hair and leg hair. i am a male if that matters. I was jsut curios how long after treatmenr it normally…
Hey guys, i just finisged 6 rounds of abvd chemo and i had a pet scan after 2 rounds and they said eveything looked great, i finished my last abvd chemo 2 weeks ago and i have a pet scan in 2 more weeks. The doctor is talking like everything is going to be fine and really there is no sighns it shouldnt be, basically im…
T-Cell Lymphoma patient education forum, Honolulu, Hawaii September 2nd, 2017
The T-Cell Leukemia Lymphoma Foundation is conducting a patient education forum in Honolulu, Hawaii on Saturday, September 2nd, 2017. It will be presented at the Waikiki Beach Marriott from 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM. As always, registration (required, but free) is easily done online. A continental breakfast and lunch are…
Nasua, vomiting
Hey, i am actually finished with my 6 rounds of avbd chemo, but before i was diagnosed with hodkins i was vomiting and nasua after almost every meal. The reason i am saying this is because I did not really find that as one of the symptoms for hodkins but once i strted te chemo it went away. I was considered stage 2…
So I keep reading about how ABC (activated b cell) has a worse prognosis than GCB (Germinal center b cell). Can anyone elaborate?
MRI shows normal brain but...
My oncologist had me do an MRI of my brain. My brain came back normal but it also said there was an isolated defect about 4mm and my oncologist said your good there is no cancer there. I also had a pet scan from my head to mid thighs which showed no activity in my brain. My oncologist told me that for my cancer which is…
Mantle Cell Lymphoma Diagnosis
Hello All, My 59 year old husband was recently diagnosed with Mantle Cell Lymphoma. Small lump on the right side of his neck started the whole process. We live on the outskirts of Houston and have been blessed to arrange an appointment with Dr. Hun Lee at MD Anderson in the Lymphoma and Myloma Clinic on October 31. He will…
Pet scan results!!!! Even more scared!!!!
Has anyone had a pet scan done show low activity and still be relapse??? My pet scan show border line activity and now I need a biopsy again!! This time they are gonna do a biopsy in my chest ! Does anyone know if his is painful??? The acticity shows like a level 5 which my doctor said it’s borderline and that’s why she…
Has anyone ever had a lymph node chest biopsy??
So I just found out after finishing 12 rounds of abvd for classic Hodgkin’s lymphoma, I need a biopsy on one of my lymph nodes in my chest since it like up on a pet scan. Has anyone went for this biopsy before??? Was it always cancer back? I have no idea what to think I was told this is the most curable cancer and now I…
Has anyone ever had a lymph node chest biopsy??
So I just found out after finishing 12 rounds of abvd for classic Hodgkin’s lymphoma, I need a biopsy on one of my lymph nodes in my chest since it like up on a pet scan. Has anyone went for this biopsy before??? Was it always cancer back? I have no idea what to think I was told this is the most curable cancer and now I…
Very Afraid with Symptoms PLEASE HELP ME
Here is some background and a timeline: Last year after a bout of the flu I was diagnosed with an Autoimmune disorder named Parsonage Turner Syndrome, which left me paralyzed for a few months. Since then I have recovered my muscle strength. Timeline: 1.5 months ago- Following a spider bite I got a mild 99 degree fever for…
Lymphoma aggravating during Chemotherapy - 2 Cycles done
Hi all, my father being diagnosed of DLBCL - with mediastinal mass - covering lymph nodes above and below diaghpram , has received 2 rounds of R-CHOP - Since his symptoms are continously getting worse - his medical team at a general hospital suggested to change the oncologist - we changed the oncologist and newer one…
Very weak after 2nd chemo treatment-need some support
I have been diagnosed with large b cell lymphoma and just finished my second round of 5 day chemo treatment 2 days ago. I have been prescribed the R-EPOCH treatment. This 2nd time I am so much weaker and my stomach is quite sick in spite of taking the meds. I am also having to fight the insurance company to cover the…
DLBCL - pet scan post treatment showing activity
Hi there, I have never posted on here until now. My fiancé finished 6 rounds of dose adjusted repoch in early April. He had a Pet scan done 6 weeks after his last treatment that showed a 6cm mass with an active spot. We have a biopsy on Monday. has anyone had an experience like this where it was a fluke and not cancer that…
Mantle cell lymphoma stage 4
My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 MCL a month ago. Treatment is chemo plus Rituxan once a month for 6 months. Then bone marrow transplant if needed. Can chemo and Rituxan treat the bone marrow issue too or is it a given that he'll need the BM transplant? I am in shock over this whole diagnosis. He is in great shape. 56…
Still waiting
is it possible to relapse from classic Hodgkin’s lymphoma so quickly after chemo finished if I had such good scans within 2 cycles the cancer was gone. I’m so worried about my scans since a ct showed a slight increase of the lymph nod in my chest. Just wondering if anyone else relapse that quickly after chemo!!??
Finally diagnosis
My daughter had a pet scan and CT done on Tuesday. She had port put in on Wednesday and her 1st round of chemo(ABVD). Doctor called me yesterday and said she had classical Hodgins lymphoma, stage 3 with symptoms. She has a 9cm mass in chest. They going to send her to radiation for consultation after she's done with chemo.…
Wait & Watch continues:) NHL (follicular)
Hello all. Just returned from oncologist visit and results of my CT scan show the 2 nodes in groin and hotspot in pelvis same size since May. No symptoms, will continue "Wait and Watch" for another 3 months. Some of you know I live in No. California and just experienced the horrific fires. My heart goes out to all…
CAR-T Gene Therapy Approved this Week
Chest infection in third week - Second Cycle of R-Chop
Hi all, My father being diagnosed of advanced NHL - Dlbcl aged 55 has gone through 2 cycles of R-Chop so far. First two weeks after treatment are always good and can say quiet "Normal", but third week of his first cycle and now again in second cycle is very tough. He has caught diarrhea - doc has provided Flagyl and other…
Deauville Score 2
Well I posted inside a thread but thought I would post it in a new discussion because threads sometimes get old or jumbled. Finished RCHOP July 3 ,2017. PET scan in early September showed some activity and a Deauville Score of 4. My local Oncologist wanted me to go out to MD Anderson since my spleen was so enlarged and the…
Allogenic Stem Cell Transplant
I have friend who has a niece who will be getting an allogenic stem cell transplant.can anyone tell me what is the most critical time during this process. He is in another state and was wondering when he should be there for support. Sandy Ray
R-ICE and Autologous Stem Cell Transplant experiences?
Hi, my name is Kaitlyn, I just found out that my cancer has returned. My Oncologist is scheduling another biopsy to make sure of the type of cancer, which less than a year ago I was going through R-CHOP for stage 4b NLPHL. He has already told me what the treatment plan will be no matter what it comes back as. He wants to…
Rituxan maint done
Today was my last Rituxan maintenance treatment. All went well plus I met my new oncologist. (The Dr I had retired at the end of Aug.) She is very young and very enthusiastic. We went over my treatments and such. My prev Onc wanted to do a CT scan and bone biopsy before the end of the year. My new Onc told me that she…