MRI shows normal brain but...

My oncologist had me do an MRI of my brain. My brain came back normal but it also said there was an isolated defect about 4mm and my oncologist said your good there is no cancer there. I also had a pet scan from my head to mid thighs which showed no activity in my brain. My oncologist told me that for my cancer which is Diffuse b cell lymphoma i needed r chop plus radiation treatment so I got a second opinion. This other oncologist stated I need r chop radiation plus methotrexate but because of defect in brain he ordered me to get another MRI done of the brain with a stronger magnet. If there is cancer there than that will determine if he needs to put in an ommaya port or if I can receive intrathecal methotrexate. I am now worried my lymphoma is in the brain even though my first doctor said my brain is negative for cancer. I'm 35 years old and have never had a MRI until recently. If it's not cancer what else can it be? Birth defect? Injury of some sort? Can you live with a defect like that all your life without it causing problems? 


  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member
    I'll answer here

    The fact that it is described as a defect rather than a mass or lesion is good news. You may very well have had this before birth! The problem with today's imaging is that it finds things that are not problems, but still show up. In truth, CNS Lymphoma is very rare, and nervous system involvement is normally cinfined to those whose tumors were close to the brain or spinal column. Even then, only a minority go on to develop CNS Lymphoma. Hypermetabolism cannot hide from the PET, so I would relax. It is something to be watched, I would think.

  • Justiny35
    Justiny35 Member Posts: 22
    po18guy said:

    I'll answer here

    The fact that it is described as a defect rather than a mass or lesion is good news. You may very well have had this before birth! The problem with today's imaging is that it finds things that are not problems, but still show up. In truth, CNS Lymphoma is very rare, and nervous system involvement is normally cinfined to those whose tumors were close to the brain or spinal column. Even then, only a minority go on to develop CNS Lymphoma. Hypermetabolism cannot hide from the PET, so I would relax. It is something to be watched, I would think.

    MRI came back normal. They still saw a 2mm something in my brain which they said it was vascular maybe something to do with the contrast. Not sure what that means but they said i have nothing to worry about in my brain. BTW, its been 3 days since my first treatment of rchop and my side affects thus far are minimal. I do have a sore throat, off and on headaches and weakness but its very manageable. Im not looking foward to the methotrexate. I guess lymphoma of the testis is classified as high risk for cns relapse so I need methotrexate as well as radiation to the testicle.