Sezary Syndrome and Mantle Cell Lymphoma (in 1 person)
My beloved sister in law is currently fighting 2 lymphoma’s; Sezary Syndrome and Mantle Cell Lymphoma. we live in the Netherlands and here she is the only person diagnosed with these 2 cancers. She feels very alone, because she is probably the only person diagnosed with this combination. My mission is to find another…
Indolent Mantle Cell Lymphoma
Hi everyone, I was a healthy 57 year old before my diagnosis other than having Rheumatoid Arthritis. I was diagnosed with stage lV Indolent Mantle Cell Lymphoma in September 2017. It was quite a shock as i thought my swollen thyroid might be due to Graves disease, thats what Dr. Google was telling me anyway. I started…
Quick question about a fever
first off I am not neutropeniic. I developed a mild cough this morning and now have a temp of 100.5. My husband has been sick so I’m sure that I got it from him. Should I just wait until morning and call my Oncologist?
Becky, Bill and my MCL
Everyone, please note I have posted this twice. OOPs! Becky, Bill and MCL New Well, it is CT time for me which sends me back to MCL board-land. (FYI original dx, 1/5/2012- R-hyper-cvad a and b x 4, BEAM, auto SCT (6/19/12) , 5 years Rituxan Manitenance. Just stopped Rituxan. When Dr asked... why stop Rituxan, he said,…
Flu Shot ?
Hi ya all, received CT results today all good (PET denied again) Labs good. I'm going on vacation next month yippee.... Dr suggested possibly getting flu shot since I'll be in airports, planes etc. Have any of you had problems with the flu shot while being in Rituxan treatment. I have never had the flu shot ( almost 63 yr…
Post treatment depression
Hello, I'm here because I was diagnosed with stage IV Hodgkin's at the end of June. I was recommended 6 cycles of ABVD, with an 85% cure chance. I had been sick for a long time, about 2 years. Everything hurt, I was tired all the time, I had low grade sweats. I lost weight, so much so that I managed to gain around 15 lbs…
Can you receive Rituxan under sedation?
I'm in Stage 4 Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia and this week completed my 6 months of Bendamustine and that wonderful shot of Nulexa. I'm a severe IBS-D patient along with Chronic Migraines. Needless to say, I am having a blast so far. (We all know it could be a lot worse, so I smile). I have tried on 3 occasions to get the…
BENDA-R starting Monday
My mom (76) will be starting treatment this Monday after 2 years watch and wait with Mantle cell... Scared and anxious. Scott
Hey everyone, I am currently about a month into remission and I've been having a lot of hot flashes which I know can occur with menopause and I'm only 24 so I'm hoping that things will come back to normal in a few months. However the hot flashes have been less frequent one only every couple hours instead of every thirty…
Follicular lymphoma
Hello, I am new to the forum. I was diagnosed in Sep 2015 with Follicular lymphoma and have a Power Port implanted in my left upper chest. In the last year I have had chronic pain and numbness in my left arm, shoulder and upper back. It seems to be my main side effect other than tiredness. Has anyone else experienced this?…
Simple Things
After I replied to a new member, yesterday, who was inquiring about alternative cancer treatments (a very popular question), I attended a support group I regularly attend. The group members are blood cancer survivors--leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma. Our meeting yesterday was on the subject on nutrition,…
5th round of RCHOP and fatigue!
I just completed my 5th of 6 cycles of RCHOP last Monday. I know I'm supposed to experience fatigue but this is way more than normal tiredness. We live in a 2 story house and I can't make it up to the top floor without assistance on my bad days. My legs feel like lead. My Onc thinks it's fatigue, lungs are fine. Echo is…
Port removal
Has anybody had their port removed in the surgeons office same day/time as your pre op visit? The reason I'm asking is because when I was contacted by the surgeons office to schedule to have my port removed, the receptionist stated that he needs to see me prior to surgery (seems reasonable) or he might just do it right…
How to push for excisional biopsy?
Hi all- I'm not sure if it's ok for me to be posting here, as I know a number of boards insist on diagnosis to join etc. My husband is 40 years old and has had a mostly painless lump in his groin for just over 2 weeks now. No other symptoms, although he did have a cold (no fever) for over a week that started before he…
How long should this take?
Hi all- I have recently ben diagnosed with Mantle Cell Lymphoma. I first visited my primary care the 1st of November due to swollen nodes. Got a Cat Scan, blood tests and X-ray right away and then things really slowed down. My first visit to Moffitt in FL to see a hmatologist as 11/20. Since then had lots of blood tests,…
Primary CNS Lymphoma
Hi, New here. My Dad has just been diagnosed with Primary CNS Lymphoma. His tumor was taken out last month May it was just about the size of a golf ball (at base of brain attatched to spinal cord). Anyway he is out of rehab today and has to have another MRI asap according to Doc. This is scary stuff and Mom and Dad were…
For Woman-Menstrual Cycle Irregularity (?)
I was told that chemo ABVD, can throw off a womans cycle. Does this happen to every woman and does anyone know how likely it is? Thanks for reading.
Picking myself back up
Hey guys, my name is Becca, I'm 24 and I'm recently in remission for type 2 NHL. Underwent 6 sessions of R-EPOCH in 4 months and got the all clear beginning of Jan. I'm having a really hard time trying to pick myself up and get back to my life. I had to quit my job since it was physically demanding and I didn't have enough…
Supplements During Treatment
I don't know about you but I have been having a lot of non cancer folks telling me I need to take supplements during my treatment.I spent some time researching last night and found this awesome, informational site where a specialist in our field has written great blogs with an amazing amount of information on all kinds of…
Am I wrong for suspecting Lymphoma?
Hello, writing this out of exhaustion and frustration so bear with me. I've been catching every illness that has come my way Nov 2016 to present. Found a large, painless lump under right side of collarbone 6 months ago, while experiencing hot flashes during the day, sweating even when cold. Waking up too hot/sweating in…
How long for a diagnosis?
Hi, I've been a member of this group for a few months since i started my evaulation process for a swollen neck lymph node (submandibular) on the left side. I've had blood work, so much blood work, every time its perfect. The only real symptom I have are night sweats. I've had a bone marrow biopsy, nothing in the bone…
side effects with methotrexate
Hello everyone, I am new to this board. I am diag. with DLBCL with involvement in the testes. I had my first treatment with R- chop and received methotrexate (intrathecal . I have been having pain and tightness in the head and back of the neck. It was so bad one day I was injected with voltaren and dexamethasone. The pain…
DLBCL with liver cirrhosis
1. I am not a cancer patient but a son of one looking for support and to hear stories from other patients. My mom(65 years old) was diagnosed with diffused large B cell lymphoma(DLBCL, left upper arm) a month ago. DLBCL was discovered during liver transplantation preparation due to liver cirrhosis. So, liver…
Dad Age 80 Path Report 1st Visit to Onc Tomorrow
We are going to see the oncologist at our local cancer center tomorrow. My Dad age 80 has a mass enircling his messenteric artery. He has lost 30 pounds and had a heart bypass about 6 years ago. Was in good health untl one month ago when pain started. He is fatigued but getting around a bit. Biopsy was done and path…
Lymphocytes in the bone marrow starting cytoxan and rituxin
i was wondering if anyone out here he’s had just cytoxan and rituxin...with 1000 mg of prednisone (the steroids are only for 5 days) it looks like I will have to do this for 5 times...with 3 weeks in between.... Any feedback will be appreciated !!! They said I have enormous amounts of lymphocytes in bonemarrow and it’s not…
Cancer is never your friend
Having a diagnosis of cancer can be frightening. A person can be confused or misguided by the plethora of opinions, information and outright lies out there. My opinion is that cancer is an enemy to be defeated. Its that simple. Cancer is never your friend and wants to kill you. Never forget that. Never give cancer an even…
Is Memory Loss a symptom of R-EPOCH?
My fiancée was diagnosed with stage 3 Diffused Large B Cell Lymphoma. He just completed round 2 of R-EPOCH. I'm concerned that he's is experiencing memory loss and could get hurt. At times he completely forgets where he is at or he losses his train of thought in mid sentence. He's very fatigued and is almost always curled…
Another person diagnosed with NLPHL
Hello everyone, Former lurker here. It seems like only a small number people on this forum have had NLPHL, but it looks like you can add me to the list. I am a 32 year old male, went to urgent care with a cold 5 months ago and they did a chest X-Ray and found something that looks like scarring in my lung. That then lead to…
Good morning everyone! I hope you all had a good Christmas. I am posting to hopefully get some feedback from people who have had methotrexate infusions. Mom is about to complete her final round of chemo, which will be followed by methotrexate. Doctor says they will give it to her through her port not spine, which makes me…
R-CHOP chemo and the after effects
Hello all and I am new here!! I was diagnosed summer 2015 with Diffuse Large B- Cell Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. Bone-based. I had 6 rounds of R-CHOP chemo and finished my last session in December 2015. I feel I sailed through the chemo and was cleared in January 2016, and April 2016. And still in clinical remission. I am…