Eyebrows,head hair, etc

Hi everyone, I just finished 6 rounds of ABVD chemo and am currently waiting to take my final pets scan. i didnt compley lose my hair but jt thinned quite a bit  but i lost my eyebrows, eye lashes, arm pit hair, pubic hair and leg hair. i am a male if that matters. I was jsut curios  how long after treatmenr it normally takes for that to grow back. Espieaclly the eyebrows(that is what i am most insecure about) ? Thank you


  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    edited November 2017 #2

    Welcome Cody.   I did long-term ABVD also in 2010.   I lost everything you mentioned, plus was totally bald.

    My facial  hair began returning first, maybe a month after the last infusion.  My hair returned more slowly, and came back thinner than before, and a different texture. It had been wiry and coarse before, but since chemo, it is fine, almost like baby hair.

    I also lost my eyebrows and eyelashes.  How long they took to return I do not recall, but they did.  I would guess that within a month you will see progress in all areas.


  • Codywillis21
    Codywillis21 Member Posts: 7
    edited November 2017 #3
    Max, did your hair on your

    Max, did your hair on your head eventually turn back to the way it use to be? or has it permanintly been different?

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member

    Max, did your hair on your

    Max, did your hair on your head eventually turn back to the way it use to be? or has it permanintly been different?


    Stayed fine (changed permanently)

  • Evarista
    Evarista Member Posts: 336 Member
    Hair came back

    Hi Cody, and welcome to the forum.  Female here, with somewhat different chemo: R-EPOCH (shares the "A" & "V" with AVBD).  Lost all my hair, everywhere.  Eyebrows were certainly the most disconcerting...Funny how people always talk about the baldness, but don't mention the eyebrows.  Good news is that they were the first to come back, ~4 weeks after last round of chemo.  Everything else followed, with head hair at about 7 weeks.  Now 5 months out, everything is back and pretty normal, although head hair is only about 1.5 inches long.  You may see skin changes on your face. I've heard it likened to a newborn's skin...Bumpy all over, with basically every follicle growing fine downy hair for a while. Head hair seems finer than before, but may to too soon to say for sure.  Good luck with the PET scans. 

  • Rocquie
    Rocquie Member Posts: 869 Member
    edited November 2017 #6

    Hair is my favorite chemo subject. I didn't lose eyelashes or eyebrows but they did thin. I just filled them in with a pencil. I didn't lose all the hair on my head, but it was very sparse. Once chemo was over, new little hair folicles pushed out my remaining hair so I became completely bald after chemo. It was about 3 months before I would go out without some type of head covering. When my hair was very short (and cute) I called it chemo chic. My hair is very different than it was before. Before, it was straight and about 80% gray. Now it darker, only about 20% gray and curly. My hairdresser said I would lose my "chemo curls" but 5 years later I still have curly hair. It is beautiful and I love it. 

    I couldn't care less about the hair on the rest of my body. I loved not thinking about shaving my legs.

    The whole hair/no hair process was fascinating to me. 




  • Rexmax
    Rexmax Member Posts: 55 Member
    No hair yet

    I'm 6 weeks post R-Chop and have no hair anywhere yet, however I'm hopeful it will return. One thing I have learned from this site is that everyone is different and not to worry about the small stuff. I don't think I would have made it this far without the wonderful encouraging information from everyone here. I really appreciate you all thanks.....

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    Rexmax said:

    No hair yet

    I'm 6 weeks post R-Chop and have no hair anywhere yet, however I'm hopeful it will return. One thing I have learned from this site is that everyone is different and not to worry about the small stuff. I don't think I would have made it this far without the wonderful encouraging information from everyone here. I really appreciate you all thanks.....


    You are so insightful, Rexmax:  No two are the same.  Virtually all patients regain most of their hair at some point, some sooner, some later.


  • Evarista
    Evarista Member Posts: 336 Member
    edited November 2017 #9
    Rexmax said:

    No hair yet

    I'm 6 weeks post R-Chop and have no hair anywhere yet, however I'm hopeful it will return. One thing I have learned from this site is that everyone is different and not to worry about the small stuff. I don't think I would have made it this far without the wonderful encouraging information from everyone here. I really appreciate you all thanks.....

    Hi Rex!

    Good to see you back and apparently doing pretty well.  Cody, if you missed Rex's earlier posts, she was in a pretty hard place a few months ago, but she's made it through. My attitude is "don't sweat the small stuff" and there is a lot of small stuff! And be prepared for a few surprises.  Some of my new hair clearly belongs to someone else... Cool

  • Rexmax
    Rexmax Member Posts: 55 Member
    Hi Evarista!

    Happy to hear your doing well.... starting to see fuzz on my shiney head lol....now if I can just get some good tastebuds, still having trouble with taste...hoping it's back for Turkey day I'm almost 8 weeks post chemo either way I will be trying everything have a great day!

  • lindary
    lindary Member Posts: 711 Member

    Lost all but my eyebrows. It started coming back March of last year. Mine came back fine and straight, just like it was before. Although I don't think there is as much as before and it is very thin right at front. I have to be careful how I part my head or it looks like a bald spot.