Ongoing Treatment for NSCLC Stg 4
I'm a caregiver for my 58 year old Mother who was diagnosed with Stage 4 NSCLC (in September 07)that gone to her brain. They did immediate full brain radation on the brain tumors since they we causing swelling and she was passing out. This is actually how we discovered she had cancer. After the radation was completed they…
Hair Loss
Lost some big chunks of hair last night for the first time. Knew this was coming, but it doesn't make it any easier as many of you will know. Boyfriend washed my hair for me as I still can't get chemo port wet. Woke up couple hours ago and found clumps on my pillow. I ordered a wig that I get to try tomorrow, I just didn't…
remission of one cancer to start of another here i go again
from cervical 2-10 remission to lung 3-10 god can i go through this again. im trying to stay positive. the worst, how will my kids cope? top it off my husband is in iraq for this one too.i feel like my body is going the oposite way of my mind.
it's all so new
Hello. I am very new to this whole thing. I was diagnosed with stage 3a cancer on my right lung and lymph nodes only yesterday. The doctor told me I have had it for years, with absolutely no signs. Almost 4 years ago I quit smoking, changed my diet and exercise regularly. Coming down with pneumonia is the how they found…
MaMa1958 - Are you okay?
Haven't heard from you for a while, I know you were going to go for a second opinion, did everything go allright? Just let me know how you are doing, know you were having problems with your breathing too, Just wondering and worrying about you.
I was diagnoised with lung cancer. I dont know what kind as I have to see the Dr monday, I only know it is in one lung with 4 spots. The Dr told my husband it is inoperable, but they will start me on chemo but no radiation. I had a ct scan but i wasent told i had it elsewhere, except that it was in my lymph nodes. I am…
My mother was recently diagnosed with adenocarcinoma lung cancer stage IV with mets to liver, adrenal glands and bone. She just began chemo 2 days ago and has been sick ever since. I am still in a fog from all of this and feel like I am in a dream, I have so many questions but do not know where to start. Is there anyone…
Has anyone experienced this?
My father was diagnosed with NSCLC lung cancer with mets to the brain in December. My mother had initially brought him to the ER thinking he was suffering a stroke because he was confused and exhibiting weird behavior. He was put on steroids, underwent radiation for the brain tumors and chemo for the lung cancer. He was…
Severe Throat pain as Radiation side effect
My mom was diagnosed with Stage 4 NSCL in Dec 2008. SO far she had 3 diffeent chemos.She is becoming week and stopped chemo recently. She had 10 sessions of radiation and stopped yesterday. She is having hard time in swallowing and her troat is aching badly. She is trying to have liquid diet. Can any one please tell me how…
The correct way to take pain meds??
My dad was diagnosed in November'09 w/stage IV nsclc. He has been doing chemo every three weeks w/blood work in the off weeks. He gets carboplatin & alimta. He is doing fairly well after 2 rounds. He has just had a little queasiness three days after each trtmt. He is always in pain. The doctor said it is referred pain &…
any one have pain in ribs 9 months after surgery
I had my bottom left lobe removed in may of 09 it is still painful when I cough is this normal should I be concerned? I think I have become a hypochondriac since my surgery lol. any answers would help
I'm caring for my mother in law with terminal IV lung cancer.
Last week the decision was made to not do Chemotherapy. My MIL has IV NSCLC that has spread to her lymph nodes, her brain and now her spine. This was all found a month ago when the tumor in her brain was found. She had brain surgery to remove it and the biopsy said it started in her lungs. She did not have any tumor on her…
Searching for help
Hello all, I am searching for help, 7 weeks ago my sister had a lot of pain in her hip and called 911, the local hospital put her in an helicopter and flew her to San Antonio, TX, were she was diagnosed with stage IV cancer, colon/bone/long and a brain tumor. They gave her 18 rounds of radiation. Last week she had 2…
My husband is experiencing pain in the arm? Could be the tumor in his lung that is pressing nerves that run all way to the shoulder and the arm?
Small cell lung cancer = Roadrunner cartoon
And I feel like we're Wylie Coyote who keeps getting outsmarted at every turn. My mom (age 76) was diagnosed last spring (April 1, 2009) with SMLC. She was scheduled for 3 rounds of Cisplatin & Etoposide but was hypersensitive and ended up in the hospital with an infection and low blood count (she had no white blood…
Treatment Option
Does anyone know anything about the Cancer Treatment Centers of America?
Touchy subject
Was wondering if anyone out there has run into this, or if it is, as many things are these days, all in my head. It just feel like a person here, a person there, people I have known forever, are stepping way back. As if the "c" word means, don't go there; as in anywhere near me. I realize a person doesn't know what to say…
joe where are you ?
Am I just missing something or has Joe not posted lately? Are you OK just checking. hope all is well
stage 3b lung cancer
**** UPDATE**** My mother in law is back for a biopsy today and results are wed. They told her that there is new cancer now in the chest wall. do we need to be more concerened than we have been? she is spitting up stuff, very tired and short of breath. its been since 05 or 04 that we discovered this cancer. I need to hear…
I have 1b nsclc ca of lung size 1.8cm i am scared. had ull removed 12/11/2009 no chemo needed
I have 1b nsclc ca of lung size 1.8cm i am scared. had ull removed 12/11/2009
my lymph nodes are clear, pet scan all ok, no chemo neededIt is andecarcinoma (spelling)
how long does it take to go from stage 1 to stage 2 nscl
I was just wondering how long it takes for tumors to grow when mine was found dr. said I had it a long time what is considered a long time in cancer growth?
need advice
Have an appt for consultation monday with oncologist after having an abnormal PET scan. Not sure what to ask, what to expect. PET scan showed "a hypermetabolic 14 mm spiculatedd density in right lung apex that is conistant with malignancy. There are numerous additional small mildly hypermetabolic spiculated appearing…
stage4 non small cell lung cancer
my x husband has been diagnoised with stage 4 lung cancer. he has a 2cm tumor in right lung that was biopsed and told it was cancer. left lung has suspicious leasions but cant biopsy. he is a smoker but he has no symptoms. he actualy had a mild heart attack and while in hospital for that they did chest xray which lead to…
non small cell lung cancer
I am wondering if anyone else has had a problem with Liquid build up around the Heart and the Lungs. A window was put in the Heart sack to help drain it, and was done again 6 months later, which was last Oct. The Left lung was also drained in Oct., then again in Jan. and then again a week ago. It has become a faster…
Pleural Effusion ?
Has anyone had a Liquid build up problem around the Heart and Lungs?? My Lung Cancer is in remission, but Liquid building up in sacks around Heart and Lungs is a big problem, and no one can find the source of the Liquid. I would like to know if others experience this and if they had the source found?? Thanks Ron
Pleural Effusion ?
Has anyone had a Liquid build up problem around the Heart and Lungs?? My Lung Cancer is in remission, but Liquid building up in sacks around Heart and Lungs is a big problem, and no one can find the sourse of the Liquid. I would like to know if others experience this and if they had the sourse found?? Thanks Ron
being around smokers after your in remission
Did I mess up really bad, I went to a casino today and it's a smoking establishment,my sister died 20 yrs ago from LC so I quit smoking I got the cancer anyway, and luckily have been NED for the past 8 months. Do you think by going to the casino I risked keeping my cancer away?
Dry cough nothing helps
I have a continual dry cough for over a week now . Sometimes I can control it for short periods, and other times I have to cough but nothing comes up. Does anyone know if this caused from the radiation to the lungs. Makes it difficult to breathe trying not to cough. Dr. said use vaporizer or cough syrup but that dont seem…
clubbing of fingers
since this was my only symptom why aren't more people made aware of this, I very seldom see this listed as one of the top symptoms for lung cancer?