mets to the brain
I was dx 1 yr ago with lung cancer I had chemo radiation and surgery and no lymph node activitie now mets to the brain. I am scared any one give me hope
Since starting chemo I have experienced 3 incidences of cellulitis. The first was 2 weeks after the second round of chemo, the second 2 weeks after round 3 and this current one (which landed me in the hospital on IV antibiotics) exactly 2 weeks after the fourth and final round. Has anyone else had a similar experience??? I…
Has anybody participated in a Relay for Life??. I was reading the web site but I'm confused. To participate you need to creat a team? I would like to get an advise of what I need to take or to do. The next event in my community is in one week. Thank you!!
My husband had radiation on 2007 to prevent mets in his brain. last year he had a seizure, went to ER, did a CT Scan, found like 6 mets in the brain. Because he already had radiation they refer us to Gamma knife treatment. This year my husband had another seizure, same history, went to ER, DID CT SCAN 4 METS. They did more…
Cancer Free and Still Scared
How and when did you learn about your cancer? I was diagnosed with NSCLC in Jan 2009, after being told for 3 yrs that it was scar tissue on my left lung. The CT Scan showed a change, followed by a PET scan that confirmed cancer. What types of treatment(s) have occurred? I had an upper lobectomy on my left lung in January…
New Treatment See Article
The following web site has an article from WCVB Boston about a new lung cancer treatment http://www.thebostonchannel.com/health/22918256/detail.html. This sounds very promising. A DNA test is needed to analyze patient tumors. Someone else posted this on another site but I thought I would post it here for anyone who might…
Need help on dry cough and pulmonary test
I need to take a pulmonary test but I have a dry cough that wont go away. How can I pass a pulmonary test when I take a deep breath I cough and when I try to blow out I start coughing a dry cough. Has anyone else had this happen. I am trying to build up my lung function by taking deep breaths when sitting around and also…
Incredible news - They lost it - LOL
Hi everyone, I just wanted to post the incredible news I received yesterday. I think I'm still in a bit of a daze so please forgive me if I ramble. Saw my rad. doc yesterday for the results of my latest scan. He told me they couldn't find the tumor in my lung anymore. He said I have some scar tissue from the rads and if…
Does my mom really have cancer?
My mom had a stroke and then about a week later she had a heart attack. The doctors were saying she might have lupus. Then they said antiphospholipid syndrome. My mom was sent for a second opinion and the doctors took a needle biopsy from one of her lymphnodes in her neck. The results came back as squamous cell carcinoma -…
Is this part of chemo?
My father-in-law started spitting up blood Friday and the cancer center told me as long as it was not a cup full it was okay! I asked why he is doing this and where is this blood coming from they said the chemo,so I was wondering if anyone else has spit up bright red blood because of chemo! It has got me worried so much I…
surgery after radiation anybody else?
My dad has been diagnosed with NSCLC with Node involvement and has been through 7 weeks of radiation and chemo once a week. Then two rounds of taxol and carbo. Node has calcified and tumor has shrunk from 6cc. to 1.6 and now they are considering surgery. I thought that after you had radiation that they didn't like to do…
Fifth Anniversary
I'm now just 6 months shy of my fifth anniversary from my initial diagnosis - 1B NSC lung that, after lobectomy surgery revealed spread to distant lymph nodes, turned overnight into 3B NSC lung. Radiation for 8 weeks and chemo for 4 months and good as gold by April, 2006. But with every anniversary there's so much…
Hi Everyone! I've made it to another birthday! 53! Yikes! Medi ;)
Radiation and Chemo at the same time
I would like to hear from someone doing rads and chemo at the same time. I am doing both and am very tired and nauseus. I have a hard time eating as food tastes pretty awful and i seem to get more nauseus. Also I have a hard time drinking so much water. Is there other drinks that can take the place of all the water you…
What to expect when starting chemo?
Hello, I am new here. My mother (77 years old) has been diagnosed with lung cancer and will be starting chemo next week. She lives alone but my sister and I are both close by and will be doing the majority of the care. I want to stock up her house with food she may want to eat. I know she will most likely not have much of…
my uncle
My name is abby and my very close uncle has lung cancer.i found this out on friday right after school. my sister and i just right then broke down crying. last time i saw him was last summer when he taught** me how to give him a real hug because i am shy around family and so he hugged me to the point of squishing haha. and…
My husband who is 53 was dx w/CA Jan 10, he complained to his dr @ muscle spasmn in hip that got worse & they prescribed a muscle relaxer then pain rx -after him using back patches and tubes of bengay his dr finally ordered mri's then bone scan and they found bone CA but that was not where it came from 1 mo ltr a bone…
Can anyone recoment personal experience w/surgeon in NYC?
My husband was just diagnosed. Pulmonologist is sure cancer diag from cat scan. Pet scan done, no spreading, bronchoscy done yesterday, bioposy results to follow. Will have all #'s back soon. Dr. says definately will operate. Lower right lung 2.5cm lower lobe. Told Dr. Bain at Sloan is best in city, then Dr. Crawford @…
My 2nd scan and I'm more nervous than with my 1st...
Hi everyone, I go for my second scan this afternoon and I think I'm more nervous than I was when I had my first scan done. The doctors said I was in remission after the first scan and I'm praying that the tumors have continued to shrink or at least they have not grown or spread. At least this time I will get the results…
emphesema w/lung cancrer
Question: If u have mild emphysema and u get diag w/lung cancer, 2.5 cm in lower lobe, not staged, etc, yet. Doctor says will remove 1/3 of 1 lung. Will my husband be able to breathe well, or will he immediately go on oxygen therapy??? He's terrified that life will be over for him after surgery, he's only 63. Anyone w/…
Lung Melanoma
A family member has just been diagnosed with lung melanoma. Has anyone here experienced this? We have been told that the treatment is chemo, but do not yet know what kind and the duration. Would like to hear from others who have gone through this diagnosis and treatment. Thanks.
I have recently done a Cancer donation mail out. I had several people ask me about left over supplies left from their deceased famly members. They have also donated money which I have forwarded to the Cancer Society. Is there some place these supplies can be donated?
Mom has Fever - Could it be Related to Cancer/Radiation
Hi everyone, I realize that I am reaching here as my question could have many answers, but I'm hoping someone might be able to offer an opinion. Mom's brief history is the following: NSC 3A tumor, lower left lung with a few lymph nodes. Surgery to remover lower left lobe 9/14/10 4 Chemo sessions over 12 weeks (IV - no…
location of tumor into the chest wall R upper lobe
Hi everybody,My wife is going through another round of chemo and radiation,as we said in a earlier post her surgery was unsuccessful because of the location of the tumor.The surgeon said the tumor was to close to a major blood vessel(Superior Vena Cava )to be removed.We are really just wondering if anyone else has had a…
Diagnosis from X-ray only??
Grandmother had chest x-ray and regular doctor found is shadow in one part of it. Because of her age he sid they wont do anything. I understand that, but is it accurate to diagnoisis based on a x-ray only? She has no risk factors for lung cancer except her husband was a mild smoker, but he died in 1970. Does a spot on the…
Jo Gilley Also known as Jagged
I received some sad news today and wanted to share a greatful experience I encountered in the Cancer Survivors Website. I have read the wisdom and thoughts of many on here, but connected with one. I am not sure which specific cancer discussion board this should be posted on as she had multiple cancers. Unfortunately, I…
Lung Cancer has returned.
My father aged 60 now had his left lung removed back in January 2008. All has been good since then. Obviously the lead up to the operation was not very pleasant. Initially we were told that no operation would be offered as it had spread to his lymph glands but miracles did happen for us and after just 4 chemo sessions the…
Fine tremors related to chemo?
I am one week past round 3 of carboplatin and etoposide for SCLC stage1. I am currently on 2 different antibiotics for a recurrent cellulitis and phlebitis. This is day 3 of the antibiotics and I have now suddenly developed a fine tremor of my whole body. Has anyone else experienced such a reaction to Chemo?
gene mutations (and rad w/chemo)
After 3rd chemo treatment, PET showed spread in the paraspinal area & as well as other masses increasing in size/uptake. Onc decided to send dad to Rad. Onc. & he had his 2nd of 10 radiation treatments this morning. Dad is also seeing Onc tomorrow & he thinks that she will be changing his chemo & start it tomorrow. He was…
how do you find the mets.dr. says wait for symptoms
what kind of after care are people getting to find the mets? my dr. is only do chest xrays, what symptons do I watch for, since he told to wait for symptons.