Stage IV lung cancer
My husband was diagnosed in August 2009 with lung cancer. He had biopsy, and they determined that the mass was 10cmx8cmx5cm,and that it had spread to the surrounding lymph nodes, in other words, inoperable. He has had 26 radiation treatments, and 3 (6-hour) chemo sessions. He was to have 3 more chemo sessions, but his…
Returning to work with chemotherapy?
After 2 years. My husband returned to work because cancer was under control. He worked for 2 month only. Suddenly a terrible pain started and we had to go to Emergency romm. My husband started chemotherapy again last week . Dr. recommended to stop working and focused on chemotherapy at least for the first 3 months, but now…
Visalia, Ca
I met your daughter today at the airport, she's a lovely young lady, and very worried about you. Hope you both are on this site and reading this post. You can personal message me by going to the home page! Hang in there, get more answers and hope you get to an ONC soon. My ONC is Dr Haseeb at the Cancer Center in Fresno. I…
Lungs cancer Stage IV - Please give me some hope
Hi, My dad is affected by lungs cancer which in metastasis now. Now he is under chemotherapy treatment with gemcitabine. Also he is taking geftinib tablet daily. He is well tolerating the treatment. He has cancer in both of his lungs approx. 7cm. and its spreaded in liver also. He has muscular pain in his hip and this week…
I have just read your profile. wonderful you should be a writer, I couldn't stop reading, it was like a good book, I kept thinking I should go do something, but couldn't put it down I hope you have printed all of this and keep it, thank you for sharing your story, pat
Has anyone had a mediastinoscopy done for lung biopsy? If so, how long before your voice returns to normal. I can only speak in a whisper. It has been two days. Also my neck, shoulders and rib cage hurt when coughing and trying to get up while laying down. How long does that last? I get the results back Monday.
Nausea, etc
My mom has Stage III/IV Lung Cancer, she is 77. She started with a milder chemo and is now on Gemzar Platinum. She was diagnosed in June and has been on this stronger form of chemo since October. The tumor shrunk over 50 percent the first scan and now is in the 70 plus percent range. These are the postives. The negatives…
Stage 3-A nsclc 6 weeks Chemo&Radiation (Another PET CT?)
Hi everybody my wife was diagnosed in Oct with 3-A NSC in her right lung.She finished the six weeks of chemo & Radiation.We just got the results from the CT scan the Tumor in her right lung has shrunk 50% (YEAH!)Surgery is a Go.Our question is should she get a PET CT Scan before they do the surgery.Thanks for all your…
Hello everyone. I have been reading this forum for a month now but this is my first post. My mom, age 62, non-smoker, has recently been diagnosed with stage IV NSCLC. It has been difficult because I live far away so I'm not able to attend her appointments so I get all my information second or third hand. Today she had her…
Conflicting Treatment recommendation
My Mother was recently diagnosed with Type I Adenocarcinoma of the right lung. It is 2 CM in size. She has severe COPD, on oxygen full-time and has dibetes due to the meds she is on. She visited with the Oncologist and he suggested "trilogoy" radiation treatment because he did not think she could survive surgery. She then…
Hiding Cancer
My mother was diagnosed in April of 2009 with lung cancer. She had been monitoring what the doctors thought was an infection in her lungs for about a year beforehand, until one day it appeared in her scans as having spread throughout her lungs. They biopsied 3 tumors on her left lung and could not touch the tumor in her…
My grandma's cancer is gone which is great. I hope someone can help me with this. Her doctor just called and she has eaither pneumonia or radiation pneumonia. Can someone tell me the difference? He also said the way to treat it is to be admitted to the hospital for antibotics or have and IV put in and do the antibotics at…
fertility after chemo
How long my husband and I need to wait to see if his sperm was damage with the chemotherapy? Reading the information about the chemo we should not try to have a baby while he is in chemotherapy, but my question is: When he is in break we can try??? Thank you for any comment. Nubis
Cisplatin and Gemzar
I was diagnosed with Stage IIA lung cancer. Had the top left lobe of lung amd cancerous lymph nodes VATS removed. Now I have just begun chemo. I receive Cisplatin along with Gemzar for the first session and the next week, just Gemzar. Have experienced nausea, constipation and general weakness. Has anyone had this combo? I…
radiation rx stage IV lung cancer with bone mets
My dad was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer with mets to bone right before Thanksgiving. Bone scan shows involvement at T 11. Thankfully that was the only place spotted so far. He has done radiation to his back for pain. Finished about 10 days ago. He still has pain- sometimes even "flare up" pain as he calls it where…
Biopsy pending
I am having my "quarter" sized life-interruptor biopsied (sp) tomorrow. But for the last 2-3 days, it seems my upper arms, neck, upper back ache. Anyone ever have this? Every itch, ache and hiccup I am blaming on this thing, but maybe it's just that I'm going through the day with a smile on and inside I'm so tense I could…
Mom diagnosed w/ Mesothelioma
I couldn't find a group w/ this topic, since she was first diagnosed w/ lung cancer thought I could post here. My mom has never been sick, never even complained about a headache in May she started w/ a cough but since my son had it also we thought it was allergies. In Oct we finally forced her to go to the dr and after…
Unreliable Chatroom
What's with the chatroom? The last 24 hrs it has been unavailable to me. There was another time this past week, or so, where it was unavailable for about 3 days. Is the problem my computer? WingnPrayer
Remission question Stage IV NSCLC
I have some questions about my mom. She is 56 yrs old and was dignosed June 2008 with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (in the left lung aprox. 7-9 cm). It at that point had spread to the brain and right above the kidney area with precancer in the right lung, broncular area and enspagus (spelt wrong Im sure). She had a port put…
severe unrelenting chest pain w/nsclc stage IV
Dad diagnosed w/stage IV NSCLC, 12/12/09, going for 2nd opinion at Sloane on 1/13. He has mets to other lung &adrenal gland.Waiting on results from brain MRI.He has pain under one armpit & severe-unrelenting pain in his chest. Although not a dr, it sounds to me like it is now in the lymph nodes and possibly in the chest…
CEA markers and lung cancer?
My dad was diagnosed about 3 wks. ago w/ stage IV nsclc (adenocarcinoma). My mom & I just met the ONC yesterday & she spoke about his CEA #. His was 229. She said that it is very high. He will be starting chemo treatment next week, a day after his 2nd opinion at Sloane-Kett. She said during treatmnet she will use this &…
Lines in xrays
Am having new cat scan made of my chest because there is hairlines seen in my left lung in recent xrays. Has anyone any information as to what these lines usually mean?
Hi, I really don't know a thing about cancer. My dad went to the ER Monday because he kept falling at home and they wanted him to get doctor's orders for rehab...while there, they discovered he had pneumonia & admitted him for a few days...but the wonderful, elderly, Christian doctor showed up at my mom's door and…
Coping with the loss of my father
On 12/23/2009 , I lost my father to squamous lung cancer. He was a brave man that never complained about the pain or sufferings he had to endure while this horrible disease consumed his frail body. The doctor that diagnosed him had horrible bedside manner , one of which I hope he never has to receive news that his parent…
New here, newly diagnosed NSCLG squamous, about to start chemo: advice?
Hello to all who read this. I spent the day on this site reading all the threads that matched my search words. So many of you are inspiring and many of you are real fonts of knowledge. Please let me tap into all of that. Here's my story. Please forgive me for blathering. I'm a 61 year old female, smoked since I was 14. In…
Who do we turn to from here? Is Mayo the best?
Hello All, We are on a roller coaster ride and I am hoping to figure out what to do next. My father in law is currently (just today) diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer though the diagnosis started at stage 3A four months ago, then went to stage 2. Bottom line is he is on a roller coaster ride and all I can do is wonder…
Happy New Year
May this be the first of many more to come. God Bless us all and also bless those that take care of us. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
Good news
I got some unexpected results today. I had a visit with my regular dr. I have Epilepsy and have had it since I was 16. He has to check my medication levels every three months. Through chit chatting with the nurse I found out that he could get the results of my bone scan from the hospital that did it. My bone scan was good,…
Tell me what the stages mean
I had excessive small cell in rt lung. Went thru radiation and chemo. Last treatment in Aug. Scan in Sept was clear. In mid Dec started getting pain in back of rt lung. Dr found fluid and drained it. sent it to lab and it had cancer cells in it. Although the lung has very little fluid, I still have pain in the back and am…
Looking for a recommended facility for Mediastinal surgery
Does anyone have a recommendation of a good hospital or cancer center that they used for a mediastinal surgery? Also, any recommendations on a thoracic surgeon as well? Thanks!