my friend
My friends grandmother and I both have lung cancer. we both had the same surgery. We both do chemo together. Her pet scan showed her cancer spread to her bones. Last night show made her trip to heavan. My prayers and thoughts go out to her and her family. I hate this disease. It has brought me and so many others misary. I…
anyone been told "nothing we can do" IF the cancer comes back
I am just wondering how many other drs. are out there telling patients that if your cancer comes back there is nothing we can do before it even happens. I must be crazy but I would think there is always something you can do unless its spread to so many parts and so advanced that they can't reach all the places.I have been…
Remission, that golden word
Well, this was the word my oncologist used today, and I cried with happiness. But I read Rosi's thread (http://csn.cancer.org/node/182069) when I got home, and now I'm afraid to be too happy about it in case that golden word gets yanked away...
small lung cancer
my mother was just told she had small cell lung cancer and only has a few months to live. she has it in her lung sternum bones spine breast possibly her brain. she can not have chemo beacuse she is a dialysis patient,diabetic with heart diease. she is doing radiation for the pain. is there hope
when is it o k for someone to tell you ,you have nothing between your ears?
When its your doctor giving you the results of your brain scan. Thats what I heard today. Hip Hip Hooray!!! My pet scan results weren't as good but I was more afraid of the brain results. I have developed spots on my liver, glands, chest, and neck. In store for more chemo, but I can deal with it. This will be round two for…
Having a hard time breathing.
Iwas diagnosed with stage 2 lung cancer in May, since then I have had a third of my lung removed and gone through 4 months of chemo. My last scan showed no new growth so the took me off chemo and I have to have a scan in 3 months to see if any grows back, my problem is I still have a hard time breathing, sometimes just…
Questions about Tarceva "stayingclam please answer"
Started Tarceva 150 mg on Christmas Day as of today its been 7 days. How long until you started the face rash? Also did it eventually get better? My doctor wants me to get the rash, he believes its a good sign the drug is working? I have gotten every other side effect, except the rash, how long did it take for you to get…
saw a new onco
I am happy to say I saw the new onco today and I like her very much. My last onco told me that if my cancer came back there was nothing he could do. Well the new Dr. has other ideas she has let me know that there is always something we can do and will do what it takes. Finally I feel like there is hope again. It's hard to…
sclc coming back?
In January I was diagnosed with extensive sclc in my right lung. The tumor had attached to my heart and drained fluid into my heart sac. I had that drained, then had radiation and chemo.My last chemo was in early august. My next scan was mid Sept. and I was told that I was in remission. I have recently had some pain in my…
immediate effects of chemo
Dad starts chemo tomorrow for his stage IV adenocarcinoma. Doc says he will first be getting an anti-nausea medication, (kytril?) then he will be getting Carboplatin & Alimta. Are these two drugs administered simultaneously or consecutively? How immediate or long does it take for him to feel the effects of the drugs? By…
i just had surgery for stage 1A adenocarcinoma lung - still crying daily 8 weeks post-op and cannot convince myself that I will survive this - anyone out there who is a long term survivor to show me that indeed it is possible - and please do not tell me how lucky I am to be 1A - nothing about this feels lucky
how long does it take
how does it go I am to start chemo on the 4th of feb and scared to death. I have had counostrophy then lymph nodes removed luckliy both came back negative. I then had upper lobe of left lung removed along with 3 ribs and the tumer of 8 centemeters was removed 26 days ago. Still in alot of pain from surgery. I am worried…
Anyone on Nexavar
I"ve been on Nexavar for almost 3mos. and I would like to hear from anybody who is also on this treatment. How are you doing on it? My 1st CT scan showed no new growth and no change in size of tumors. I have nodules in both lungs and are not very big.(largest is 1cm). Side effects are mostly thinning of hair, some stomach…
borderline for surgery
My lung function test was horrible. I can't get much air out. Two doctors told me I can't have surgery for my lung tumor because of it. Another very promminent doctor said he would operate even though it would be iffy, he thought he could pull me through it and it would be for a cure. I don't know what to do.
anyone from victorvill ca. on this site
there is no support group for the High Desert I was wondering if there are more people up here that could start one
I am lost..PLEASE HELP..my mom is running out of treatment options
My mom has diagnosied with stage 4 lung cancer in Dec 2008. She is 55 year old. She recently completed 6 chemo sessions with ALIMTA as third line of chemo. Now she is very week and may not be able to take it anymore. My mom can walk and takecare of her day to day actiities. But she is in extereme fatigue. Today she got PET…
Alternative treatments - DCA - dichloroacetate
I have been researching treatments for my mother 72 yr F, lung cancer mets to liver and bone. Just diagnosed a week ago. Radiation not helping her. She will soon start Alimta/Carboplatin/Neupeg. I seem to be finding DCA to be worth looking into. But very little solid information is available. Does anyone have any…
Calling all Stage IV Survivors
Hello my good friends. Well, the day before Thanksgiving I was so, so happy in remission and hoping again for surgery to cure this awful disease. Then I started having lots of pain in my hips -- thought it was from bending over so much cooking turkeys - LOL. A PET showed abnormality and an MRI confirmed metastatic disease.…
Notification of CSN members
I'm wondering what kind of provisions members have made to let others know in the event that one of us dies. It seems to me that CSN ought to have a central registry of some kind, where a family member or friend could leave an announcement, instead of in the forums where such announcements can get lost. I'm not exactly…
Name for a lung cancer walk?
After losing my mother to lung cancer last year, I decided that this April I would like to organize and dedicate a walk in her honor to collect proceeds for lung cancer research. Since all of you are so creative, I was curious if you could help me on a slightly original name for it? I know things like "Walk for Life" and…
NSCLC Stage III-b Neuroendocrine / Mediastium
Husband scheduled to have his left lung REMOVED on Mon. Feb. 8th. ( Already had 7 chemo & 26 rad )...the cancer is close to his heart & aorta in chest and lung !!! Does anyone have any experience with this HIGH RISK CANCER / SURGERY ????
Amazing things just keep happening
Allright, so Here I am with my lovely, on my first anniversary after diagnosis of lung cancer waiting on my sisters. We are going to see the oncologist to find out the treatment plan for round two of chemo. I am actually excited to get it started. I am feeling a little something extra for some reason though. It's not just…
Breast Cancer-now spread to both of my lungs and my bones. I'm changing Hospital from Kaiser to ? S
Hi My name is Mafini and I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer at Kaiser. Last Year--04/21/09 I need to go to a different hospital. 8 years ago I had a lump on my breast and was told to go home 4 times because the Dr. said it was just a Ductal. When I finally insisted on checking it they said I was to young for a mammogram.…
has anyone ever heard of getting too much rad for surgury? I went to the recomended surgon and she said she would have to take it to the board of surgoens as i should of had 45 for surgery and that they gave me 67 and she feels that I would not heal after surgery with that much radiation
Help - just diagnosed, considering chemo and integrated treatments
My close fishing buddy from Kansas City was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer 2 weeks ago. I'm helping him check a wide range of options. He, his wife, his family and I are all confused and somewhat overwhelmed. He is considering the range of treatment options from standard care in a Missouri or Kansas cancer treatment…
Dad diagnosed stageIV lung cancer won't start chemo for 2 weeks?
My dad was diagnosed with stage IV nsc lung cancer last week w/ mets to the other lung & adrenal gland. He has constant pain in his side & stabbing pain in his chest. Dr. gave him percocet, ambien & folic acid. Gave him a prescription to get a brain mri, just in case & an appt to start chemo in 2 weeks. We live in upstate…
What chemo drugs
Hello all, A friend has just been dx'd with lung cancer and will be meeting with her onc about radiation and chemo this week. I completed chemo for colon cancer mid August and understand each disease has different types of chemo. What are the most common chemo drugs used alongside rads for lung cancer? I'd like to be able…
28/F with Stage IIIB adenocarcinoma NSCLC - gene mutation???
Hello everyone. I was diagnosed on Nov. 5th with stage 3B lung cancer. Needless to say I am emotionally a wreck right now. I am only 28 years old and I have a 15 month old daughter and a 5 year old son. I have a very small tumor, in my opinion, 1.2 cm in my right upper lobe. I also have 4 lymph nodes in my mediastinum,…
Loss my sister
just lost my sister saturday at 5:40 pm this cancer crap is tough
permanent disability
Can you go on permanent disability after being diagnosed with stage 3B lung cancer?