Best PET/CT Scanner in SF Bay Area
Hi, my mother just diagnosed with nonsmall cell, proabably stage 2-3. I understand taht some hospitals have better, new equipment for the scan and this can make a difference in diagnosis. Does anyone happen to know where most modern scanner is in the Bay Area. Thank you very much.
hi everybody here is my story in 2010 I was diagnosed with uterine cancer had hysterectomy and rad treatments this may while going to work the car I was in got into accident i was taken to the hospital had head and neck CT scans the doctor in the ER called me aside and told me that they had found a module on the apex of my…
Upper Left Lobectomy
I actually had two surgeries, the first on April 7th which was supposed to just a wedge section from my left lung. Unfortunately because the tumor was so small 1.3 cm the surgeon missed the tumor. They tried a biopsy but couldn't get enough tissue to really determine the type of cancer. On April 15th I had my second…
Lung Damage from Asbestos Exposure
Have had bad cough since 4/10. Two strong antibiotics, pathetic doctors and still coughing. Has CT Lang Scan with following results. Diffuse emphysematous changes most severe in he upper lobes ( should have never smokes). No pulmonary nodules or masses. No endobronchial lesions. Nonspecific prevascular lymphadenopath. At…
Cancer and tumeric
Background: Stage 3A NSCLC. 11 of 13 lymph nodes malignant. LLL performed February 2016. I'm a 59 yr old male. All procedures from diagnosis, to surgery and follow ups have been done by the Veterans Administration. Surgery in Richmond, Va at Hunter. Follow up with the Oncologist at the Beckley, WV Veterans Administration.…
Praying for my Dad....Stage 4 Lung Cancer
Hello Everyone, This is the first time i have ever joined a Cancer forum before, so needless to say i am very emotional and praying for a good outcome for my Dad . My Dad is 77 years old, and was diagonsed with Stage 4 Lung Cancer about 6 months ago, which is now in his adrenal glands and nodules. His tumor is about 2.5…
Fighting Anxiety. My brother was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer with 15 lesions on the brain
Hello Everyone, I am so grateful for this site. I have been reading through the threads and I am very encouraged. My brother had a severe bout with pneumonia where they discovered that he had cancer in both of his lungs and pneumonia. He has been healthy all of his life, but when he was in the Navy he smoked cigarettes and…
Immunotherapy for early stage cancer
I had surgery 6 weeks ago - stage 2a adenocarcinoma. The lower lobe of my right lung was removed. I have yet to see an oncologist for followup (their fault- not mine) - hopefully next week. Standard treatment at this point would be adjuvant chemotherapy. My question is, does anyone know of any immunotherapy drugs that are…
dreaming of my dad who passed away from cancer
I keep having dreams about my dad who died from cancer 4 years ago, also in my dreams it's always in a house where he lived years ago and don't know why but my old bedroom keeps coming into the dream but it's full of spirits, may sound far fetched but has anyone had any dreams like this?
Understanding CT terminology
Hi I recently had a CT of my chest due to chest pain. The CT findings were as follows Soft tissue settings showed: An inhomogeneous thyroid gland with areas of calcification identified. No significant axillary lymphadenopathy. Multiple small mediastinal lymph nodes identified. CT Impression 12/28/16 Scattered areas of…
Please help advise, very scared
Prayingin17 Posts: 1 Joined: Mar 2017 Mar 15, 2017 - 10:19 pm I'm hoping to find help bc I'm not sure the outcome will be good. I had a Ct done via ER bc my d-diner was high in Decembe.No clots but nodules were found (6,5,4 mm respectivel). So I went to see pulmonologist and he didn't think much of it and said he could…
Stage IV Small Cell Lung Cancer Treatment Botched
On Mar 25 chest and abdomen CTs, checking something else, found a lesion in the left lung, in the mediastinal lymph node, and numerous small ones in the liver and some bones. The Dr was all, don't get stressed, it could be just a virus, and I told him nope, looks like stage IV lung cancer to me, and given that I had a…
Chemo help, Stage 4 Lung Cancer
Please help! is it the chemo spreading the cancer and killing my mother ? My mom was diagosed with Stage 2 adenocarcinoma in September 2016 and has progressed to stage 4 in only 6 months. she put off her surgery till Dec 2, 2016 of a 3.5 cm left lung mass that was found in September, they stopped the surgery since it had…
Las Vegas
Does anyone have any suggestions for oncologis in Las Vegas? My dad is currently getting treatment in Duarte, CA for stage IV lung cancer at City of HoPE. He needs a Dr. for when he is home.
Please give me something positive to look at
my dear mother has lung cancer that for the last two years seemed to be relatively contained but since her last radiotherapy treatment she now has growth in the primary tumour in her right lung, growth in the nodes of her left lung, they have now found spots in her liver, several across her lungs, its in the lymph nodes in…
systemic Chemo
anyone have any success on systemic chemo ??? or any opinions on it or opdivo immunotherapy ?
does anyone know how i can talk to a oncologist online
a few a few weeks ago i got some bad news my grandfather was diagnosed with lung Adenocarcinoma. the only treatment that was prescribed was radiation therapy. About two weeks ago i met his doctor and had a discussion with him about other treatments that my grandfather could take besides the radiation therapy and i wasn't…
Feeling alone
I had a low dose CT smoker exam as per my request to my GP on 2/15 that showed a 7.2 mm nodule (the local Miami Beach hospital gave a 8 mm round rounded up number that Mayo in Rochester said was 7.2mm). That was followed up with a PetCT on 2/28 that showed a mild max uptake of 1.5 of the nodule and a strong 4 uptake of the…
Diagnosed with nodule, someone shed some light?
I am A former smoker (quit 20 days ago) age 22 and diagnosed with an incidental 4mm lung nodule. i went in for a Ct scan because I had scar tissue around my rib that was affecting my spleen and had both IV and swollow contrast. they didn't give me much information as to what it looked like or anything. Just to follow up in…
VATS pls help! So scared !!!
Hi, Im new to this kind of thing ? But I need some real people who have gone threw this ! I need help !! ADVICE!!back in 2010 I started to have some breathing issues ! Long story short they found a 3 mm tumor in my lungs ! Everyone was scared I had lung cancer ! But I met with a pulanologyst and he said I had a Atypical…
My Dad has stage3B lung cancer on one side the right two spots in the lung. What treatments work the
My dad turned 65 in Jan and in Feb found out he has lung cancer a 3cm and 5cm in his right lower lung and in his lymph node in the chest. He's going Sloan kettering. They said would be statge 1 but is in lymph node so it's stage 3b big cell cancer now. The in two weeks they want start chemo once a week and radiation 5 days…
lung nodules
New at this. Had a CT in March and they found nodules in both of my lungs 3mm - 8mm. Follow up scan in June 72 days later the nodules had double in size with the 8mm staying the same. Family Dr wants to wait 6 months and see if the nodules grow anymore?????? I know they are small but they doubled in 72 days.
Cancer treatment with Hemlock (poisoning herb) - has anyone tried to share results, I need advice
Hi Everyone, I am new in this group, but I need really urgent advice to help to my monther. She has been diagnosed with lung cancer in late stage and now as she feels really weak, she has decided not to make all the chemo-procedures. Instead, she has decided to count on nature and alternative methods. We have read about…
Wife has Extensive Small Cell Lung Cancer
My wife was dx with SCLC on Aug 14th 2014 was started on her first round of chemo on Aug 15th given over 3 days to help with her breathing tumor was closing off her left lung it seemed to work 1 week later we found out she had mets to spine she is now in New Jersey visting her grandchildern due back to Texas on the 26th of…
39 year old female VATS! So scared
Hi , I'm 39 years old and have a 6mm tumor in my Left lower lung . The radiologist believes it's a carcinoid . I am having Wedge Vats surgery next Thur. Can anyone tell me how painful this surgery is ? How long you where in the opertating table and how long in the hospital ? They said they will do the wedge , send it to…
Understanding CT comments???
Hi, I had a CT scan back in December due to chest pain. The results were as follows: Soft tissue settings showed: An inhomogeneous thyroid gland with areas of calcification identified. No significant axillary lymphadenopathy. Multiple small mediastinal lymph nodes identified. Scattered areas of interstitial change and…
Trying not to have a meltdown! Nodules found
I'm hoping to find help bc I'm not sure the outcome will be good. I had a Ct done via ER bc my d-diner was high in Decembe.No clots but nodules were found (6,5,4 mm respectivel). So I went to see pulmonologist and he didn't think much of it and said he could tell me not to worry but he really didn't think it was anything…
Left upper lobectomy this coming Tuesday- Wednesday
Hello, I am 72 years old and have just completed the bronchcoscopy and mediastinoscopy and gotten clear results, no lymph node involvement! So I am tentatively scheduled for lobectomy next week. Right now I am waiting for the phone call with the day/date, check in time and pre-op instructions. My mediastinoscopy incision…
Supplies that help post surgery
I am a breast cancer survivor, but my friend's uncle was just diagnosed with lung cancer. What are some items that any of you found useful post surgery to help yourself? She would like to put some supplies together as gift and we would appreciate knowing what has been helpful to have on hand.
Lung cancer stage 1
I'm new here and non-smoker. On Dec 1 /2015 I had VATS lobectomy for what turn out to be T1b,N0,M0 adeno of the lung . My Doctor does not require any adjuvant chemoradiotherapy for me then I'll have follow up in 04/2016 but I'm worried a lot . Do I need second opinion ? Any one have lung cancer but no chemo or radiotherapy…