I was dx 9 years ago with stage 1a adenocarcinoma lung cancer. LRL. They have been following me for all this time for a thing that has not changed in 9 years in URL. now they spotted 2 nodules right bye it 8mmand 7 mm. Doing proton therapy. But any thoughts on staging?
Hi. I was wondering if there was anyone familiar with Adenocarcinoma of the lung, which has spread to the kidney, hip and back? I was wanting to get some insight on this topic and what anyone else has experienced. My mother was recently diagnosed and we are trying to gain as much knowledge as possible in order to make some…
Alimta/Cisplatin Treatment
After 4 years of being in remission from stage 3b lung cancer, cancer had returned and now dealing with stage 4 cancer. They found a mass on my left adrenal gland, they moved the mass and adrenal gland back in July. I saw the radiaition doctor and he advised that if he did the radation treatments it could end up destorying…
Newly Found Lung Mass
I had told Kimberly (kfs52) and Griffithds that I would start a new forum topic. CSN member Loretta had suggested a separate forum, so that it would be easier to find responses. I learned just a few days ago that a CT scan showed a 3 cm mass on my lung and my doctor says is very unlikely that it is NOT cancer. I hope to…
3Hi everyone! My dad was initially diagnosed in 2011 with stage IB lung cancer, which was resected. Totally fine until April 2016, when he underwent CT scan for his heart and found to have 3 enlarged lymph nodes. Sure enough, stage IIIB adeno. Underwent chemoXRT (standard side effects), which worked great but was…
Sore throat from radiation
Hi all, my husband is getting a sore throat from radiation treatments and his doctor says if it gets to the point where he is having trouble eating they will need to stop the radiation for awhile. Just wondering if you all have found anything that helps with the sore throat so he can get the radiation as long as possible.…
Blood in Urine (Lung Adenocarcinoma & Anal Canal Cancer, 2+ years in remission)
Hello! First I would like to thank this board for a lot of information and encouragement. It has been extremely helpful. I would like to ask for an information about my mother. Short background: My mother was diagnosed with anal canal cancer (Stage II) in May 2015, during the preparation for the radio/chemo therapy she was…
What questions should I ask the Dr. about cyber knife?
Hello, my name is Becky and I have lung cancer with brain mets. A little about me, I'm 39 and I was diagnosed on July 1 2017. I've been through a round of radiation on my whole brain and then a round of SBRT on my lung. The encologist has me on Tarceva, this is my 2nd month taking it. Anyways, I have an appointment on…
What do I do when told to wait and see if it grows
I have been told that I have several spots in both lungs the largest is 10mm the smallest is 4.5mm but that there are several others mostly in the left lung . Have had PET and CT to confirm this and the Doctor said that he wanted to wait 6 months to see if there is growth . I already have COPD and breathing is difficult as…
lymph nodes
hello all. Hope you are all enjoying life. I had an open surgey partial nephrectomoy on my left kidney. The tumor was 12 cm and apparently that is pretty big. i am 22 and very healthy until this happened. anyway surgery went better than expected but im looking online at my health report and it says this: Lungs: No focal…
Has anyone else had stage 4 lung cancer with bone, pelvis and spine mets? Need advice
My mom was diagnosed 6 weeks ago with lung cancer with mets to pelvis and spine. No real lung symptoms but 1 smaller mass. A large mass in pelvis with multiple other lesions in spine. Main initial symptom was back pain that turned out to be a sacral mass. Had 12 bouts of radiation and then she fractured her pelvis (no…
Ladies, Do You Know about the "Look Good Feel Better" Program?
I went to the American Cancer Society's free "Look Good, Feel Better" makeup session for cancer patients yesterday, and I highly recommend it. You are given a good-sized cosmetic bag of full-size, high-end make up for free (valued at $150 at least). Plus a cosmetician teaches you how to apply it. She also talks about hair,…
Hemph Oil
Has anyone heard of any studies or research using hemph oil to cure lung cancer? I have found a few stories on the internet but cant find any medical studies.
Stage iv NSCLC - bone mets/? treatment options
Dear all, I hope all of you who are dealing with this condition or have loved ones with it , the best of luck and plenty of ease . My father was diagnosed with non small cell lung ca stage 4. the primary is in the R lung , with lymph node metastases and bone ( Both arms, thighs, ribs and spine) . no brain or liver mets.…
Stage IV Lung Cancer with 4 brain Mets
My Mother (age 47) was just Diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer that has spread to her Brain (4 mets total). She has undergone 2 days of radiation to treat the brain mets (cyberknife treatment). Her doc’s only did 2 days of radiation treatments (2-3 hrs per day). She will then undergo another MRI in two weeks to see how the…
Dental implants stage 4 nsclc
I have Stage 4 nscls. I am on keytruda. Just finished a second 12 day radiation because a golf ball lymph node was found after I initially had reductiond of 78% of mediastinal mass and 62% in the lymph nodes. I will be rechecked in 6 to 8 weeks. If there are more growths or no shrinkage, i will be put on chemo. 2 days ago…
Swelling and a couple other questions
Hi. I care for my father who is 84 and was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer about 8 months ago. He is under hospice care at home and I am his sole caregiver. He has an aspira drain on each side. The right side fluid stopped (that's where the cancer started) and I drain 1000 ml from the left every 3rd day. The fluid color…
Assistance on MD Anderson for NSCLC Lung Cancer
Dear all My mom was recently diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer (NSCLC). Our oncologist is prescribing chemo but has told us there is no cure. However I've come across MD Anderson online and have read a lot about them. The problem is we live so far away in Malaysia, which is over a full day flight and I can't subject her…
New Diagnosis
Hello, 58 Yr old Male here & was told this past Tuesday after CT Scan I had a 6cm Tumor in lower Right Lung and Doc new exactly what it was and need to determine what stage is in. MRI & PET Scans today, Broncoscopy next Wednesday. Cant tell you how mind & Emotions are racing. Heard that this time before actual Diagnosis is…
Diagnosis from Fracture
Has this happened to anyone? I am just off the phone within my mom and reeling. A week ago, my mom's friend's 70 pound dog Rammed into her. Because of continued pain she went to the er and has a fracture. While at the er they discovered a lesion ok her knee that warrants follow up. My mom (who also has degenerative disk…
What Should I Expect
Hi Everyone, I noticed your forum and wanted to reach out to you. I am 48 years old and was just diagnosed with Squamous Cell Carcinoma. I have a 3cm tumor in the empty space between my left lung and sternum; also, two lymphnodes showed metabolic activity near the tumor (near my sternum) Other than that, I for some reason,…
Questions for First Meeting with Oncologist
I have my first appointment with the Oncologist this morning. Here's the final list of questions I'm taking to appointment. I'm posting in case it's helpful to anyone else: * Treatments * Recommended treatments and why? What specific drugs? * How are treatments administered? * How many treatments? How long? * Goal of…
from johns hopkins about what feeds cancer cells what to avoid, a radiologist I work for gave this t
Not sure if this works but my mother is going to follow this while she is doing chemo. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Johns Hopkins Update- Good article Post by: Tammy on June 21, 2009, 08:18:20 PM…
Treatment Recommendations
Hello there, my name is Kassandra and this is only my second post on here, so far. My father is currently battling primary Head and Neck cancer on the base of his tongue, but he also has secondary cancer in both of his lungs. He has very little disease in his lungs, only one nodule in each lung, and it is currently slow…
1mm to 8mm Nodule Growth
I have to start by saying, In 2008, I found out I had a lung disease called Sarcoidosis. While having multiple CT Scan's, they found a 1mm nodule in my right lung. 2010, I was diagnosed with Stage 3 testicular cancer that spread into my lymph nodesin my stomach. Fast forward to 2017, after having a CT Scan, that 1mm nodule…
Conventional & CAM --- Question
Good evening, I have a question for those who might have an answer. I was diagnosed earlier this year with NSCLC, stage iv, with mets to the brain. It seems quite far advanced and the chemo offered was palliative, not curative. Right now I'm doing radiation for the brain lesions. Nothing conventional for the actual lung…
End of life behavior
How typical is it for a terminal lung cancer patient to suddenly appear bewildered after staff tries to move his position in bed, and then lash out angrily and pull the bed curtain in front of himself, refusing to communicate at all after that? He fell asleep after a while, letting the bed curtain drop slowly. He died the…
On Hospice what toe expect, how long
Hi, my 87 year old FIL WAS recently diagnosed with a Left Lung mass the size of a golf ball, with many positive Lymph nodes via CT. Treatment was not an option, as he was gravely ill in hospital with Aspiration Pneumonia, Severe Sepsis, Cardiomyopathy, and chronic lung disease. He also has Lymphoma, times 12 years, in the…
Is 8mm nodule a size to worry about
I'm not sure exactly at what size do they begin to worry? Anyone have an idea? I go to pulmonary doctor Feb 23 for his opinion but I have been worried sick over this
On Tuesday, Ausust 8, I am scheduled to have a needle biopsy to assess a nodule on my upper right lobe. A PET san showed that the area of the nodule lit up. Now the biopsy is to find out if the nodule is cancer. has anyone had this type of biopsy? Is it painful? Thank you for any comments.