Brain Radiation as a preventative measure
Hi, I was just told yesterday that I am in remission from my small cell lung cancer. My Doctor wants me to have 10 radiation treatments to my brain as a preventative measure and I was just wondering if anyone has had this, how their experience was, I'm kind of torn if I want to get it or not. Any feedback would be…
Symptoms and don't know what to do
Hi im a patient with the VA and a year ago I was seen for chest pain and an X-ray was done of my chest. The results were read by an outside radiologist and a spot was seen on my left lung. My Dr. didnt see this and I noticed the notes on my own 2 months later. I brought this to his attention and they rushed me in for a PET…
Mom diagnosed Stage 4 NSCLC with mets to brain, adrenal glands, liver and renal
My mom was diagnosed on May 4th with stage 4 non small cell lung cancer, poorly differentiated, adenocarcinoma. She has at least 15 mets in her brain in all the lobes, mets in her liver, adrenal glands and renal. The primary tumor in her lung is 9.6 cm at its largest and it is invading the chest wall. she also has a…
SBRT and IMRT Treatment Success
First a little short, concise background. I was first diagnosed with Adenocarcinoma Agent Orange(Viet Nam Service) related lung cancer in 2006. Had a lower lobectomy. Cancer came back in 2014 and I had had a second surgery - this time a wedge resection because the V.A. delayed my diagnosis and the cancer had time to spread…
Primary Head and Neck Cancer that has spread to the lungs
Hi there- my name is Kassandra and my father was diagnosed with stage four Head and Neck Cancer in May 2016. He underwent 42 radiation treatments while also having chemotherapy with Cisplatin. We were told in October 2016 that he was cancer free, but back in April of this year he started experiencing symptoms again and it…
Sarcomatoid carcinoma of lungs
Hello dear members, Mother-in-law was just diagnosed with sarcomatoid carcinoma of lungs. We are looking for a second opinion and treatment options from somebody who has experience with this condition. She is 67. Any resources and pointers are highly appreciated. Thank you so very much
2.5 to 2.9 cm adenocarcinoma right lower lobe single nodule
Hello everyone – I hate to join your group but darn looks like I am in. Need all your help and input if possible. 50 year old male, good health, life time smoker that just quit, thanks to cancer. My journey started with a sinus infection from hell lasted about six weeks moved down to my upper chest, ent doc said it was…
Stage IV adenocarcinoma lung cancer
My mom was recently diagnosed with stage 4 adenocarcinoma lung cancer. I brought her into the hospital last week because she had swelling in her face and shortness of breath. They found several masses in her right lung, one of which is causing svc syndrome. The mass is pushing on her superior vena cava causing the swelling…
When to involve hospice?
Hello to all, forgive me if this has been answered somewhere in the forum already. I just truly do not have the time to spend researching between work and caring for my grandfather. About two months ago he was diagnosed with Stage 4 adenocarcinoma and has a 12cm tumor on his mediastinum. He just received his 3rd chemo…
A doctor practising Chinese medicine in Davao City Philippines.
Hello I have just received the news that I have lung cancer. I refuse to have chemo or radiation so want to be treated naturally. i have been told and on research have found that with Chinese medicines I have the best chance of being cured. I need to find a practising Chinese doctor in Davao City does anybody know please?…
Stage IV Non Small Cell Lung Cancer: Iressa Gefitinib or Naturopathy
Hi there, hope you are all well and having positive spirit. I am from the Philippines, i am joining this forum to ask about your experiences and knowledge about the drug "Iressa / Gefinitib". My sister, 35 Yo, was diagnosed with Satge IV NSCLC a month ago. She's been tested postive for eGFR and was prescribed the drug…
Worse before it gets better? Stage IV lung cancer
Hi everyone, I am new to this site and wanted to get some insight or encouragement from people who know what I'm going through. I am 31 years old and joined this group because my Dad has cancer and I need some support from people who can understand and that can maybe even offer some advice or encouragement. My Dad was…
Not bouncing back after chemo
Hello, my mother in law has stage IV lung cancer that has metastasized to her brain, spine, and liver. She has had surgery to remove part of her lung and has completed one round (3 treatments) of chemo and also had a few radiation treatments on her brain and spine. Her last scans showed that the tumors were shrinking. She…
First stage, help
My father, 30+ years smoker, about 55 years old has stage 1 cancer - poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma. I am looking for direction on what to do next. Is it possible to cure it? What kind of procedures are suitable for him? How much can he survive?
What am I looking at - your thoughts/opinions
Hi everyone, I'm asking for some opinions about Lung Cancer, although I'm a Stage IV Colon Cancer 5+ year survivor. I'm on maintenance chemo, for my colon cancer, and doing quite well, according to my oncologist. Last Thursday June 29 I had a follow up PET/CT, because I complained about chronic, diffuse pain, of a 1-2…
Total shock
I'm not even really sure why I'm here - but reading other stories is helping me and I hope to get some sort of hope out of this (whatever type is possible) My mom is 74 and has had numerous health issues over the years (Rhumatoid Arthritis and COPD being the main ones) She was also a smoker almost her whole life until a…
Waiting on followup and scared to death
0n 4/2/17 I was at the ER for a kidney infection and a chest xray was ordered. I have been a smoker on and off for 19 years always having a clean chest xrays. The ER Doctor told me the radiologist had seen what may be a blood vessell issue but sent me home with nodule paperwork. My family is prone to cysts , lesion and…
Lobectomy 6 wks ago. Along with pain..excessive appetite.
I had a upper left Lobectomy , may 5th 2017. I had stage 1 lung cancer but didnot need further treatment. I am a former smoker of 30+ years. I have gained almost 50 pounds since February when i quit smoking. My question is ..foes anyone else have a big appetite after a lobectomy ? Im not sure if im still having withdrawal…
Should I wait for treatment
Hello all, I was diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer last week. They found masses around my bronchial tubes and RLL. The pet scan showed that it had spread to my lymph nodes and my bones. My oncologist recommended that we start Chemo this Wednesday. I called MD Anderson Cancer hospital in Houston because I heard they were…
Spiculated Pulmonary Nodule
Good Morning! Yesterday my husband (56 years old and smoker) received results back from his CT exam. He had the CT Scan on Monday and we received a call Wednesday to come and talk to the DR and it was urgent. Obviously my head went in a very dark but I trying to remain positive. The findings states that in the left upper…
Non small cell lung cancer with brain lesions
Hello. I'm new here. painfulily reaching out for support. My mom was just diagnosed with non small cell lung cancer with brain lesions. She has had radiation and is currently receiving chemo. i read up on what she had and all the articles are very grim and give a poor outcome. Has anybody had this type of cancer? I am 6…
Nodule on lung
I went to the er Sunday for chest pains and they did a Ct scan to rule out pe's. They found a nodule on my lung and I asked for a pulmonary consult. Pulmonary came through and said to follow up with a Ct in one year. I'm not very comfortable with that. The medical device told me to have my pcp do a follow up in 7 months. I…
Lower Lobe Removal
In July, 2014 I had my lower left lobe removed when a suspicious spot, too small to biopsy, was removed and determined to be Stage 1A Cancer. Since that time, I find that I get out of breath much earlier than before and have attributed this to my decreased lung capacity. I have had all of my medical procedures and surgery…
Lobe left lung removed no chemo or radiation?
I have nsclc stage 1 and had surgery March 1. A lobectomy removed the lump and there was no lymph involvement or signs of cancer anywhere else. Since the surgery was successful, my doctor said I do not need chemo or radiation. After reading a lot of these postings, it sounds like alot of people had chemo before surgery or…
7MM nodule found. Need Advice
Hi, Last year I had a low dose CT lung cancer screening for preventative measures and all was ok. Now it has been one year and yesterday I was told that I have a 7mm nodule on my lower left lobe and was advised to have a re-check in six months. If it is growing this fast shouldn't something be done sooner? My mom passed…
Stage 1 lung adenocarcinoma
Hello! I am a Stage 2 Colon Cancer & Stage 3 Thyroid Cancer Survivor/Winner! My husband is also a Stage 1 Liver Cancer Winner. Thanks and praise the good Lord! My father has been recently diagnosed with Stage 1 lung adenocarcinoma. When I got diagnosed with my first cancer, I was very scared. But this is worse and i am…
Hospitalization after Chemo - Stage IV lung cancer with bone metastasis
I was wondering if anyone else has had the same experiences I am having with my father. 71 year old male, former smoker (for 50 years). Diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer with bone metastasis (hip) in January 2017. Started chemo in March with the typical chemo side effects, nausea, vomitting, diarrhea, no appetite,…
Carboplatin + Etoposide Hair Loss
Tumors were found, sort of by accident, on 03/25/17; left lung, mediastinal lymph npde, liver, spine, coccyx. For several reasons, including a clean chest CT scan about 5 months earlier, at that time I figured Small Cell Lung Cancer. A week later, more scans revealed tumors also in the ribs and brain. Then after an…
Nodule found...
Hello. My husband had a CT scan done yesterday. One of the results was a small 5.1mm nodule (left lower lobe pulmonary nodule measure 5.1mm. There is no free intraperitoneal air is what is listed on his discharge paper). They want us to wait six months to do another CT scan. I personally am thinking that we should test it…