Elderly and Alimpta
Good afternoon: I am taking care of my 85 y/o mother who has adeno-ca of the lung; diagnosed very early, stage 1A 2 yrs. ago; undwent Radiation, did well but had microscopic substernal spread last yr; underwent 6 wks radiation, did great. Then 2 months ago had increasing shortness of breath, went in and CT showed multiple…
My daddy and small cell lung cancer
HI, this is Legina. I have put a message on here before and I didn't get any responses. Well, it has been 15 months since my daddy was diagnosed with small cell carcinoma. He is going through chemo for the second time now. He has already done chemo and radiation for 6 weeks. He had a ct scan Monday and they told him that…
The waiting game stinks:/
Hi, so I'm playing the waiting game again. This time to find out is it Cancer of the lung or Lymphoma? I had a follow-up CT Scan (after a 5mo waiting for that) for 5mm non classified Single lung nodule in my left lower lobe with many enlarged lymph nodes in chest and neck... New scan shows no changes to size of lymph nodes…
lung nodules hard to biopsy
Hello- I have posted before....long story but my mom has 5 lung noduesl the largest being 1.6 cm. We have done one CT guided biopsy which came back benign. They want to do another one. Apparently she is not a candidate for the biopsy you go down the throat due to the location of the nodules. She has been through so much…
Mom stage 4, now a high WBC
My mom was diagnosed 10 years ago with lung cancer. Lobectomy done in 2006, multiple times of chemo and radiaiton. Now she is at stage 4 and basically terminal and they are trying some chemo again after Opvideo did not help. After her first treatment with chemo (only doing a 1/2 dose as she is not strong enough for the…
oasis of hope tiajuana, mexico and laetrile
has anyone ever been here and or heard of success with laetrile?
Small cell lung Ca, nausea and vomiting
My husband was diagnosed with Small cell lung Ca.in Dec.2015. He finished chemo/radiation in early April. Here it is towards the end of May and he's still experiencing nausea and vomiting. Is this normal?
Small Cell Carcenoma info wanted
My 58 yr old uncle has just been dx on 5/21/03. He began Chemo on 5/28/03. He gets results from MRI/Bone Scan/ Cat Scan on 6/4/03. Is it "normal" for such fast action? My family is just starting to recover from the loss of my father who had pancreatic cancer for 3 years. What should I anticipate to happen? I will greatly…
Wheezing after lobectomy
Hi. I'm new to this site so if I'm not doing this right...my apologies. I have a question that none of my doctors will answer. Since my lobectomy last December I am wheezing especially first thing I the morning. I've never had asthma in my life. I also don't believe I have it now. But I am wheezing. When I first asked my…
We need a surgeon willing to do a lobectomy.
A recent CT scan found 35 ground glass opacity (GGO) nodules in all lobes of my wife’s lungs. Most of the nodules are tiny, around 3mm, but there was one in the right, lower lung that was 1.6 cm. They did a needle biopsy on that one and the result was: “Well differentiated adenocarcinoma, predominantly acinar and focally…
Appt. with doc but would like views from people who've been there
Hello, It's been a while since I have posted in the discussion boards. Hope everyone is doing well. I would like to provide some background information. I am almost 53 years old; and female. I have smoked since 15 years of age, with breaks quitting during my 3 pregnancies. I also quit for 10 years, then re-started smoking…
concerned daughter in law
my father in law is 64 and was diagnosed last May 2015 with stage 4 lung cancer. everything was going well up until Christmas time. he was responding to chemo but, then they found a couple of tumors in his Brain. they did immediate radiation and all looked good. fast forward to march 2016 and he had a body scan that…
My wife’s pathology report is confusing.
My wife had a needle biopsy done for a 1.6 cm nodle in her left, lower lung. The report says “Well differentiated adenocarcinoma, predominantly acinar and focally lepidic.” Does anyone know what this means?
Lung Nobule
I was given a high resolution CT chest scan and the finding was a lung Nobule greater than 8 mm. Is this something I should be worried about or just wait it out for a few month and retest ..?
i have stage 4 nsclc and have gone through four treatments of Opdivo. I know that it takes a bit to kick in, but I can feel my liver masses growing and I am concerned that I mat not have enough time for the drug to kick in. Has anyone been on this drug and i am curious about your experiences.
My grandmother was diagnosed with lung cancer. Please help me.
My grandmother was diagnosed with lung cancer. It came as a chock to everyone. She was only in her early 70’s when the verdict came. Can any of you that have or had lung cancer answer my questions, so that I can understand her situation better? * What symptoms did you have before you went to the hospital for the first…
Discouraged with residual chemo/radiation effects
After a very successful hip replacement last summer -- with a clean pre-op X-ray - I was ready to get back to riding my horses when I developed an annoying cough. After firing a few doctors a great nurse practitioner led me to my diagnosis of limited small cell lung cancer with a tumor wrapped around my right main stem…
Living with stage iv non-small cell lung cancer for 5 years
My dad was given 6 months to live when he was initially diagnosed with stage 4 non-small cell lung cancer. It has been 5 years now and he continues to fight the odds. He has been on Tarceva since his diagnosis, no chemo or radiation. He tested "wild type" for the egfr mutation. In addition to Tarceva, he does a lot of…
Lung biopsy
any advice on lung biopsy? My mom was told small chance she may get a collapsed lung. She is 70 never a smoker. Uterine cancer and found lung nodules on pre surgery ct scan. Hoping these are not mets. Thx in advancr.
Smoking after lobectomy!
I have noticed that I am out of breath to the point where breating is very heavy and I cough up tones of mucous and have a runy nose. I sleep way more tha usual and tire very easily. I may be forced to quit my job beacuse I get out of breath really fast!
What should we expect?
I wanted to search the archives for the answers I need, but I am so pressed for any time right now, I'm just going to ask for myself. Sorry. My father has stage 4 non-small cell lung cancer. It's a recent diagnosis. Figured out he had lung cancer, and before any treatment was started, figured out it has spread some to his…
Stage IV lung cancer - paraneoplastic limbic enciphilitis
My mum has been diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer which has spread to the brain resulting in paraneoplastic limbic enciphilitis. According to her oncologist, chemo is not an option for her and is suggesting Tarceva even before the result of EGFR mutation and PET Scan.... I'm waiting for full medical report to get 2/3/4…
Pain after a lobectomy
I had surgery on March 2nd 2016 I had my upper right lobe and lymph nodes removed. I had stage 1 Adocarcinoma my pulmonary specialist says it was most likely caused from the RA meds ( Biologics ) I have taken for years. I am very fortunate they were able to get it all and I won't need chemo or radiation. They went through…
Ct scan found 12mm noncalcified mass in left lower lobe non smoker. so alone
FINDINGS: Visualized lung bases: No acute infiltrates. 12 mm noncalcified nodule in the posterior basal segment left lower lobe indeterminate. Went in with gallbladder pain and came out with this and a spot on my kidny as well 1.6 cm hypodensity posterior cortex left kidney cannot be further characterized. My husband says…
Concerned Daughter
Good Morning All. Today my father is having an Ostreoscan. I had never heard of it until today, so I was researching and found this site. My father has survived lung cancer x2 and thyroid cancer. Recently he was diagnosed with a pancreas lesion, several liver lesions, and a new lesion on one of his lungs. It is my…
I think my mom has lung cancer
Still waiting on results, but I'm having a really hard time being positive. They found a 6cm mass in her lung. She is a smoker and cancer runs in the family. I go through waves of emotion feeling overwhelmingly sad as I think about what happened to my aunts/uncles due to this disease and my mom ending up that…
Overwhelmed: Lots of questions but I don't know where to go or what to ask.
Hi all, First, let me say thank you to everyone that has been participating on this board. I have found both comfort and security in a few different places. My mom, a young 69 year old, was just diagnosed having squamous cell stage 4 NSCL lung cancer on Friday; our world was rocked to say the least. We thought we took her…
3mm nodule grows to 5mm, six months after Stage 0 diagnosis
In September 2015 after monitoring a mass (it was discovered when she got a CT scan for a hip replacement surgery) on my 67 year old mom's lung every 6 months for 18 months, it 'changed' and was removed. To the doctor's surprise, it was cancerous but had not spread to any of the 21 lymphnodes the doctor took out so she did…
New here...father diagnosed with Stage 2 Mesothelioma and Stage 1 Lung Cancer
Hello, I am new to understanding cancer, the stages, and survival rates. My dad was diagnosed with Lung cancer and mesotheliona almost a year ago. He tells me that the stage 1 lung cancer was treated with the chemo and there are no traces of it so far with his follow up CT's. However, the mesothelioma is a different story.…
just diagnosed stage2b sqamous cell lung cancer 1 positive lymph, looking for survivors
husband ron has history of tonsilcancer in 2013, on anuual exam ct of neck they found lung cancer in right upper lobe. had lobectomy 10 days ago , have to decide if chemo weekly for 4 months or nothing. overwhelmed, need some survivor stories. thankyou,'janet